Blood flowed, his arm slipped, and the God of Calamity Emperor made a miserable cry again.

On the opposite side, a sword slashed the arm of the God of Calamity, and the ruthless man's face was frosty, and then he slowly raised the Shuiyun Emperor Sword in his hand again.

Without any fancy supernatural powers, nor any sloppy waters, the ruthless man lifted the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, his teeth moved lightly, and only said one word.


The emperor sword slashed down, and the sword glow swept across.

At this moment, Jianmang seemed to penetrate time and space, traveled through heaven and earth, came from the void, and went to nothingness.

Moment is also youthful, eternal and eternal.

It is the instant eternal sword!

There was no pain, no feeling, the god of calamity only felt a coldness in his body, and that kind of coldness gave people a very comfortable feeling, and it was cold through his heart.

Even because of this feeling, the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a smile.

Suddenly, the heart-piercing pain came, and he could even feel the blood in his body splattering quickly to the outside. Only then did the god of calamity know that he was hit by the sword just now.

"Bastard..." Gritting his teeth, the god of calamity was about to raise his arm again to teach the bastard of this great holy realm a good lesson, but before his arm was raised, he was unable to lower it.

The vitality in the body began to dissipate rapidly.

Until his death, the god of calamity didn't know why he was hit by that sword, and why he fell, fell on the Kunlun Ruins, fell on this unsuspenseful battlefield.

On this side, when Zi Yan and Ruthen suddenly attacked and killed a God of Disaster Emperor, on the other side, the high priest also brought many powerhouses of the Three Gods Sect and the God of Disaster forces who came to hunt down the elite disciples of the Butian Sect. The strong fight together.

Apart from the emperor-level powerhouses, the strength of the two sides in this battlefield is still stronger than that of the Three Gods Sect. After all, the four emperors and powerhouses are more than enough to chase and kill the disciples of the Butian Sect.

Two of the remaining three great emperors fought directly with Zi Yan and Ruthless Man, and the other swept towards the high priest.

Everyone understands the principle of capturing the thief first and capturing the king.

Since it was led by the high priest, then he was killed. I have to say that the decision of this powerful god of calamity was correct.

Of course, the Three Gods Religion is not a vegetarian. Even if a strong emperor comes in, relying on the many strong people of the Three Gods Religion, he will still entangle the emperor.Baidu Novels

As long as other people kill the powerful god of calamity, then the last remaining three great emperors and powerhouses can still be killed with the strength of the Three Gods Religion.

By that time, even if he didn't kill him, it would be enough to knock back the three great emperors.

Fighting with Zi Yan is a god of calamity who has just stepped into the realm of the emperor. Facing this god of calamity who has just stepped into the realm of the emperor, Zi Yan, who has transformed into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, is completely unafraid and constantly spews the fire of dragon flames. At the same time, there are still golden claws constantly tearing the void.

This made the god of calamity very uncomfortable, because the physical strength of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor was too powerful.

Even in order to hit the Taixu ancient dragon emperor with a punch, the god of calamity still resisted the Taixu ancient dragon emperor's claw.

This grab directly shredded the clothes of the God of Calamity, and it was clearly visible that there were five bloody wounds on the naked upper body.

Even because the wound was too big and too deep, the meat inside was turned out.

That feeling is really painful.

"Dare to hurt me! Later, I will rip off your dragon's skin, slap your dragon's tendons, and drink your dragon's blood!" The God of Misfortune threatened with gritted teeth.

It's just that before the words are finished, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor strikes again with a dragon claw.


The Great God of Misfortune, the strong man, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor slammed together fiercely. The God of Misfortune Emperor was directly knocked back several hundred meters, while the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor only shivered slightly.

Compete with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, even if you are a strong emperor, you are still far behind!

Here, Zi Yan has the body of Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and suppressed the god of calamity who had just stepped into the emperor level.

On the other side, in a battlefield with a more terrifying atmosphere, the ruthless man is holding the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, slashing down countless sword qi.And every sword qi is a terrifying force that is enough to easily kill the powerful people in the Great Holy Land.

"You bastards! Who are you! Dare to harm me, the god of misfortune!" The emperor of the god of misfortune waved his arms to blast away the countless sword qi from the ruthless man, and cursed angrily.

It's a pity that the ruthless man did not give any response.

With a cold face, the Shuiyun Emperor Sword continued to slash.

Further down, the noise of the fighting was the loudest. It was the battlefield led by the high priest. Because the last one was entangled by the high priest, the few gods of calamity who came to pursue them began to become more and more passive.

This lifted the spirits of the elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect who fled here, and hope rekindled in each and every one of their eyes.

"Let's go too!" I don't know which disciple suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone followed suit. As long as the disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect still had fighting power, they all picked up their weapons and rushed over.

The strength of these disciples may not be very strong, but they can't stand the crowd.

"Kill! Kill them and avenge their dead companions!"

"Kill! Kill!"

Blood stained the Kunlun Ruins, and this time, it was finally the turn of the elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect to express their anger.

Chapter 959 Against the enemy real fairy, the future is unknown

The elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect, who had finally made a bloody path, rushed out in a swarm, directly killing the forces of the God of Calamity here by surprise.

Soon, in addition to the great emperor and the strong, the people who came to chase from the god of calamity were all killed by the Three Gods Sect and the Heaven-Mending Sect.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" The high priest was still fighting with the high priest and others, and he let out a roar, his breath rose sharply, and when he raised his hand, several magical powers were fired.

This really made the high priest a little overwhelmed, but the problem was not big, and they finally joined forces to continue to successfully entangle the great emperor.

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