On the way back, another wave of people ran out. They were elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect.

When these elite disciples saw the fighting here, they didn't quite understand what was going on at first. As the previous elite disciples came to the truth, and everyone with the power of the first battle, joined the battlefield directly.

This makes it even more difficult for the forces that are gradually failing.

"It seems that some small fish and shrimp have escaped outside." Kunlun Ruins, over the largest battlefield of the Heaven Mending Sect, a gloomy laughter came from the mysterious black mist beside the man in golden armor.

The golden-armored man did not speak, but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Having penetrated the obstacles and penetrated the void, the golden armored man could clearly see the Sun God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect holding the Shuiyun Emperor Sword.

Below, the high priest of the Trinity Sect led the crowd to besiege the last remaining emperor.

There are also many people who are besieging and killing the pursuers of their own evil forces.

"Barbarian, follow me." The golden armored man and the mysterious black fog did not shoot, but the evil man who used the secret method to increase his strength shouted to the Baizhang body, holding the blood-colored sickle, he turned into a black awn , swept out directly.


The monster with a body of [-] feet roared and followed with big strides.

The direction they were going was another battlefield where the elite disciples of the Three Gods sect joined forces with the Gods outside the Heaven-Mending Sect.

This scene was seen by everyone. In fact, when Zi Yan and Ruthless Man took action, everyone in the Middle Ages actually saw it.

This surprised all the powerhouses. After all, the one from the Three Gods Sect didn't come. It was only the Sun God Envoy and the Star God Envoy that dared to fight against the forces of the God of Calamity. He really had the courage.

Now, watching the two true immortal-level powerhouses swept away, I think that even the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor and Ruthless Man would not be able to resist their blow.

You must know that even the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect who burned the source was eliminated by a knife in front of the evil man!

Although the Three Gods Religion is strong, the Sun God Envoy and the Star God Envoy have different talents, but they are definitely not able to compete with the powerhouses of the true immortal level!

"Kill! Kill these calamity forces, avenge our dead companions, and avenge the elders!"

"Kill!" 7 Asks Novel www.7wxs.com


There have been two waves of elites who escaped from the Heaven-Mending Sect in a short period of time. This is not a small number, and as these people all join the battle, the calamity forces in this battlefield will be very uncomfortable.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying aura in the distance, mixed with a gloomy smile, and everyone's face changed.

"Jie Jie, stinky fish and stinky shrimp, dare to stop my good deeds!" The evil man swept over, raised his hand and slashed down with a bloody sickle.

The dark red sword light swept across, setting off a patch of blood. It was the elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect who were still shouting to kill.

Killing dozens of Heaven Mending Sect disciples with one knife, the evil man has already swept in front of the Dao High Priest.

"Just ants, get out!" At the same time as the words fell, the evil man kicked the high priest's chest.

This kick seems to be a light kick, but it actually contains terrifying power. The high priest was kicked by the evil man, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood. After being kicked, it swayed like a leaf.

"Immortal Ancient Dragon Emperor! I think it's a heavy one." With a kick of the high priest, the figure of the evil man flashed, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Zi Yan.

The blood-colored sickle crossed, and the huge body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor was directly cut out.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor hurriedly retreated, but he was still seriously injured.

Zi Yan is strong, but in the face of a true immortal-level powerhouse, even if Zi Yan uses the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, she is still unable to become an enemy. This is the gap in her own strength, and it is also an insurmountable gap for Zi Yan at this moment.

"Hmph, the little life is still full." The sword did not end the life of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and the evil man was not in a hurry, and turned to look at the ruthless man who had stopped fighting and swept to Zi Yan not far away.

"Are you alright?" At this time, Zi Yan had changed back to her Lolita form, surrounded by ruthless people, and asked with a concerned expression.

"It's okay." The arm is a long blood-red mouth, Zi Yan has stopped the blood and endured the pain.


"Roar~ Roar~" With a low roar, along with the rumbling figure, a huge figure ran towards this side, a monster with a body of a hundred feet.

With every step it took, the whole earth seemed to tremble.

The ruthless Liu Mei frowned, his eyes full of solemnity.

Beside him, the high priest has brought the three gods to gather around Ruren and Zi Yan.

"Let's go first, let's stand here first." The high priest looked at the two leaders of the gods of calamity, with a firm tone.

"Maybe none of us will be able to leave." With a frosty face, the ruthless man looked rather solemn.

Chapter 960 The danger of the three gods, the ruthless are forced to be Taoist companions

The Kunlun Ruins scrambled everywhere, and the battlefield was messy, and now, with the leaders of the two gods of calamity, they swept to the new battlefield outside the battlefield, that is, the newly added battlefield of the Three Gods Religion.

The powerhouses of the various religions in the Middle Ages began to shift and focus their attention.

As for the battle between the remaining three elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect and the leader of the God of Disaster, there is no suspense in the end.

"Why did the Three Gods Religion get involved? With the Sun God Envoy and the Star God Envoy, they are not opponents of the God of Disaster forces!" A goddess emperor of the Huanyin Cult was puzzled and asked the Huanyin Cult beside him. The strong man muttered.

"I don't know, maybe it's what the adult meant."

Not only the Huanyin Sect, but also the powerhouses of the other sects are also puzzled, because once the Three Gods Sect takes action, it means that it is going to be the enemy of the nine gods of calamity.

You must know that this is not a simple strength, it is an absolute strength from the nine Great Thousand Worlds of the Ziwei Star Region!

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