Of course, in the hearts of the powerhouses of the ancient religions, as long as the Three Gods have that adult, it is not impossible even if they are enemies of the Nine Great Gods of Disasters.

After all, that adult's strength is terrifying!

Speaking of the Three Gods, the evil man kicked the high priest of the Three Gods away with one kick.

Walking slowly and peacefully, he slowly walked towards the ruthless man.

The ruthless man's face is frosty, his blue silk reaches his waist, and the Shuiyun Emperor sword in his hand is faintly cold.

From the evil man, the ruthless man felt an extremely terrifying aura, and this aura was extremely strange.

This man is very strong, maybe he can't even last a round, this is the real thought in the heart of the ruthless man.

In fact, it is not surprising that the ruthless thought so, after all, the gap between the two is really too big now.

"Not bad, not bad." The evil man walked in front of the ruthless man. To everyone's surprise, he did not shoot, but said to himself with a smile on his face.

There was a strange arc on the corner of his mouth, and an extremely evil smile, one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, just stared at the beauty in front of him with unbridled eyes.

This made the ruthless person feel very uncomfortable, but it was not easy to attack.

The current situation is very delicate, because of the gap in absolute strength, the ruthless man will not make blind decisions, especially taking the initiative to fight the evil man in front of him.

Zi Yan didn't speak again at this time, but stayed beside the high priest.

After the high priest was kicked away by the evil man before, there was a great emperor powerhouse of the god of calamity who wanted to take the opportunity to kill the high priest, because the great emperor powerhouse was quite embarrassed by the high priest and a few people before.

"Go and help the Sun God Envoy." The high priest had already stood up and adjusted the aura that had just been stirred up by the blast in the body. He didn't even bother to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said to Zi Yan.Nine Cakes Chinese www.9bzw.com

"Star God Envoy, the High Priest is here with us, go and help the Sun God Envoy." The powerhouses of the Three Gods have already gathered, and some of them have gathered behind the Ruthless Man. A powerhouse from the Great Holy Realm and Zi Yan said.

Zi Yan nodded and hurriedly swept around the ruthless man.

"Big sister." Zi Yan said softly.

The ruthless man nodded slightly.

At this time, the evil man spoke up.

"Be my Taoist companion, I can save your three gods from dying today." The evil man said with a calm smile, and the depths of his demonic eyes were full of lewdness.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell silent!

Although the powerhouses of the ancient religions are surprised, they are not too outrageous. It is not surprising that the Taoist companions are in this world where strength is respected. Of course, there are two lovers in this, and there are also blatant threats like evil men. .

As the leader of one of the nine gods of calamity, the evil man is not only powerful, but also terrifying in his status. Everyone knows why he looks at the female cultivator of Shengyuan Continent.

That is, the star god envoy of the Three Gods is really too beautiful, and not only has the exquisite appearance of the country, but also has an excellent cultivation talent.

The three gods, the gods of the sun, and the great emperor of the ruthless are not low on the Shengyuan continent.

"I don't know how a ruthless person would make such a choice. Jie Jie." A strong emperor of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect smiled slyly.

"It's hard to choose, one is your own chastity, and the other is the lives of many powerful people of the Three Gods Religion." A powerhouse of the Juling Religion shook his head, somewhat helpless for the ruthless.

"That lord hasn't appeared yet, I'm afraid he won't appear." A strong man of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect said immediately.

At this time, the powerhouses of the ancient religions seemed to be sure that Zhang Tian would not appear, otherwise he would have appeared long ago, and now all the pressure is being resisted by the ruthless people.

Of course, all of this is actually nothing in the eyes of the many strong men of the various religions in the Middle Ages. After all, it is none of their business, and the lantern is hanging high. In this Saint Yuan Continent, no matter the individual or the force, it is only one's own.

As the saying goes...there are no permanent allies and no permanent enemies.

Different from the powerhouses of the medieval religions, the powerhouses of the Three Gods religion all showed angry eyes, and even after the evil man said this sentence, a strong man from the Three Gods religion rushed out of the Great Holy Realm, Directly blast out supernatural powers on evil men.


In the face of absolute strength, all anger is in vain.

The evil man just snorted coldly, and with a wave of his arm, the blood-colored sickle slashed through the air, and the Great Sacred Realm powerhouse rushed out of the Three Gods Sect was directly cut off by the waist.

Corpses on the spot!

Chapter 961 Zi Yan's blood stained Kunlun Ruins, Zhang Tian angered and thundered

On the ground are two separate corpses.

The viscous bright red blood gathered into a pool of blood and slowly spread out, like a blood-colored rose that withered in bloom.

The scene fell into silence again, and what could be felt was the anger of the countless powerhouses of the Three Gods Sect.

I believe that as long as the ruthless man speaks a word, everyone from the Three Gods Sect here will rush out without hesitation and fight to the death with the forces of the God of Calamity!

It was the expression of extreme anger, and it was the determination to die.

It's just that the ruthless people will not let the Three Gods Sect suffer such a huge loss. This is Zhang Tian's Three Gods Sect, his own Three Gods Sect, and the Three Gods Sect of the second sister Yuxin, the third sister Zi Yan, and everyone else. of Tritheism.

"High Priest." The ruthless man's tone seemed extremely calm.

"Envoy of the Sun God, please speak." The high priest and everyone had already come to Ruthen's side.

"You take everyone to evacuate the Kunlun Ruins." Ruthless said directly.

"Sun God Envoy!"

"Sun God Envoy!!"

Not only the high priest, but all the powerhouses of the three gods all have doubts on their faces. They don't know what the words of the ruthless mean. willing to believe.

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