"Big sister!" Zi Yan's eyes widened, and she was about to cry.

Seeing that the ruthless man ignored him, and instead told the high priest to take him away with an order, Zi Yan directly burst out with all her breath.

"Bastard, you dare to insult my big sister, I will fight with you!"

The huge body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor appeared again. This time, the breath was even more terrifying than before, and it was even more violent, like the furious Dragon Emperor from the Taikoo Void.

The huge golden wings whistled and flapped, and even rolled up the thunderous fire, and the golden four claws were already drawn into the air.


The dragon's roar with a stubborn tone in anger, a fire soared into the sky, and in the fire, the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor exuded bursts of terrifying ancient breath.



Just after that fire rose into the sky, several fire pillars suddenly sprang out from the fire in the sky.

These pillars of fire are connected to the heaven and the earth, burning the whole heaven and earth into a fiery red, reflecting a sea of ​​fire.

Everyone was shocked, even the great emperors of all religions thought it was incredible, this is the gap in innate physique, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, that is a peerless race that dazzled the universe in ancient times!


Even so, even Zi Yan, who turned into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, showed an absolutely terrifying aura.

All of this still seemed insignificant in the eyes of the evil man.

The powerhouse of the Great Emperor may still be afraid, but as one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, from the faraway Ziwei star field, the evil man has the strength of a true immortal, how can he be deterred by the mere sea of ​​​​fire.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, fire dragons continued to spew out, and the sea of ​​​​fire poured into the sky for nine days. The evil man was soon shrouded in this sea of ​​fire.

Let these whistling fire dragons continue to bombard the evil man, and there is always a contemptuous smile on the man's face.

"If this is your strength, then you..." In the end, the evil man seemed to have lost his interest in play, smiled coldly, and slashed at the figure in the sea of ​​​​fire.

A red light slashed, penetrated the sea of ​​​​fire, and slammed into the huge figure in the sea of ​​​​fire. It was Zi Yan who turned into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Stab it!

The red glow swept across the sky, and the sea of ​​fire gradually dissipated.

The originally red sky gradually returned to its previous azure blue color. There, the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor has disappeared, and there is only a petite girl in the form of a loli. The girl has a ponytail and is very cute at first glance.

But now everyone can't care to appreciate the cuteness of the girl, because at this time the girl's original lovely clothes have long been torn, and drops of blood continue to drip from the girl's body and from the sky.

Blood dripped from the sky, and then the petite figure fell straight like a kite with a broken string.

"Star God Envoy!" The high priest shouted in grief, and quickly swept into the air to catch Zi Yan.

It is a serious injury, and there is no life worry. The high priest finally feels better. This is thanks to Zi Yan's body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor. If Zi Yan did not turn into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor just now, I am afraid that under that blow , Zi Yan was killed directly.

"Have you thought about it, woman?" Xiaoxiao showed his skills, and the evil man knew that the relationship between Ruthless and Zi Yan was not normal, and continued to threaten with a smile.


Emperor Shuiyun's sword Hanmang came out of its sheath and pointed at the evil man. The ruthless man did not speak from the beginning to the end, with anger in his eyes, and more of a firmness.

"If that's the case, then you all die here today." As the ruthless man drew his sword to show his attitude, the evil man finally lost his patience and said coldly.

The blood-colored sickle was slowly raised, and the peerless aura belonging to the real immortal realm gradually showed.

Everyone believed that as the sickle fell, this place was destined to be a hell of nine secluded places.

However, at this moment, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded nine days away.

The thunder sounded out of thin air, as if it penetrated the void and came across time and space, accompanied by an extremely angry voice.

"What a big breath! This deity just took a nap, whether it's a cat or a dog, dare to insult my church and hurt my daughter!"

Chapter 962 Kunlun Ruins, Zhang Tian finally shot


The already dilapidated Kunlun Ruins, the ground covered in blood, reflected the heavens, and the voice of this angry man crashed down from the heavens.

This attracted everyone's attention, whether it was the Mending Heaven Sect, who was still struggling, or the many powerhouses who were watching from the Middle Ages, or the god of calamity forces from the Ziwei Star Region.

Although this angry voice can't represent anything, but it can transmit divine consciousness to Kunlun Ruins from far away, this person is naturally not an ordinary person.

It is the man in golden armor who has always looked calm, and there is a dignified look in his eyes.

"Jie Jie, it seems to be a ruthless character." Instead, a playful laughter came from the mysterious black mist beside the golden-armored man.


Looking up, I saw that the originally calm sky was suddenly torn apart by a gap.

The void was torn apart, and a huge palm slammed it down.

This palm is very white, just like the pure white and flawless jade, crystal clear without a trace of impurities, but no one dares to underestimate the terrifying power contained in this white hand.

It is the golden armored man who seems to be the most powerful among the nine gods of calamity, and the solemnity in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

"Something!" At this time, with the slamming of the white palm, in the mysterious black mist beside the golden-armored man, the voice was no longer playful and playful, and it was obviously dignified.

Looking at the white palm again, it came out from the void. It seemed to be photographed slowly, but it actually contained the power of the law of heaven and earth. Even when the palm was slowly slammed down, the whole world of Kunlun Ruins became extremely depressed.

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