It was the coercion of absolute power, and it made everyone feel stuffy in their chests.

The true immortal level was fine, but as the huge white palm got closer and closer to the ground, the powerhouse of the emperor began to feel the horror of the air pressure.

"It's that person!"

"It's the one from the Three Gods Religion!"

Among the ancient religions, there was a strong man who blurted out, his eyes were full of disbelief. I didn't expect that in the battle of Kunlun Ruins today, that person still shot.

However, it is also true that the Japanese envoy led the powerhouses of the Three Gods to come here, how could that person not know.

And now that the Star God Envoy was severely injured by the leader of the God of Disaster, and the Sun God Envoy was in danger again, how could that man not take action.


At one point, the powerhouses of the various religions in the Middle Ages were wondering, when did the relationship between the Three Gods Religion and the Heaven-Mending Religion become so good?

Before, Liu Shen did not hesitate to use the last source of power to demonstrate the Great Way to the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion.

Now the Sun God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect, the Star God Envoy led the crowd, and even disregarded their own safety to rescue a group of disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and now, even that person has taken action!

Could it be that if the sky does not die, make up for the sky?

It's just that everyone couldn't help but wonder, that's why Zhang Tian delayed his actions until this time, knowing that the Star God Envoy was about to fall under the bloody sickle of the evil man.

In fact, it wasn't. At that time, Zhang Tian's entire attention was on the ancient battlefield. At that time, Yu Xin also encountered a big problem.

At this time, Zhang Tian was extremely angry, and the mere forces of the god of calamity dared to attack the Three Gods Religion.

If he doesn't make a move, he will kill Zhang Tian as soon as he makes a move.

The white palms that contained terrifying power were still blasting down, and everyone was fortunate that the terrifying palms were not indiscriminately blasting at everyone, but at the battlefield of the Three Gods Religion.

That is, the two leaders of the God of Disaster forces who came to chase and kill there are other God of Disaster powerhouses.



The Baizhang monster let out a high-pitched roar and greeted the huge palm that slammed down from the sky.

The arm containing enormous strength blasted out directly, accompanied by a monster-like roar, and the fist clenched by the hideous arm of the hundred-zhang monster finally slammed into the white palm.


The terrifying impact of the force made the world tremble.


The Baizhang monster let out a ferocious roar again, and punched again against the white palm.


This seemingly powerful punch slammed into the white palm again, and it didn't seem to have any practical effect other than the trembling of the world.

It was even clearly visible to the naked eye, and even if the hundred-zhang monster roared and bombarded the white palm, it did not stop the slow blow of the original palm in the slightest.


The speed of the white palm is neither fast nor slow, still maintaining the original speed and slamming down.

At this time, all the leaders of the gods of calamity showed shocking expressions, because this unhurried and unhurried white palm has been slowly bombarding the body of the Baizhang monster under the constant roaring and bombardment of the Baizhang monster.

Like an insurmountable mountain, the white palm first smashed the huge fist raised by the hundred-zhang monster, then the arm, and then the head and the body.

At last.

It directly smashed the Baizhang monster, that is, the true immortal powerhouse, one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, into smashes!

Even the body has become smashed, how can the Baizhang monster survive again.

Everyone knows the terrifying strength of the master of this fair-skinned palm, but no one thought that this fair-skinned palm could easily kill a real fairy-level calamity leader!

How terrifying it is to kill the true immortals with one palm!

Moreover, you must know that this is still the palm of the tearing void. If the deity descends, how terrifying and incomparable it will be!

Chapter 963 The Void Destroys the True Immortal!

Originally, everyone thought that after killing a leader of the god of calamity with this palm, they would not be punished again, but soon everyone found out that this was not the case.


The sound of rolling thunder was still trembling in the void, and after the white palm smashed the Baizhang monster who was one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, it slammed down again.

This time, the target is very clear, it is an evil man!

Feeling the incomparably terrifying aura of coercion above his head, the evil man's face no longer had the pride and arrogance he had before.

At this moment, the evil man's eyes were full of fear.

Because judging from the terrifying power displayed by this white palm before, the evil man knows that he is by no means the enemy of this palm.

The palm of the void alone has such power, and the horror of this white palm can be clearly felt from the tragic end of the Baizhang monster.

Without any ink marks, just as the white palms continued to blast at him, the evil man was already planning to escape.

One slap smashed the leader of the God of Disaster, and the Kunlun Ruins were shaken, and another leader of the God of Disaster with terrifying strength escaped directly. In the eyes of many powerhouses in the ancient religions, Zhang Tian's horror no longer needs to be described in words.

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