As for Yuxin, after experiencing the super war between the Hua Clan and the Ferris Clan on the other side, although she was not seriously injured, she also needed to make some adjustments. As for continuing to join the Hundred Clan War, in Zhang Tian's opinion, it was no longer necessary.

The necessary experience has already been obtained, and now it is up to Yuxin's fortune to see whether Yuxin can use this personal experience to comprehend the mystery of this battlefield in the immemorial super battlefield re-opened by this day.

In the other side of the flower clan, the old woman was sitting on a bamboo bed. The old woman's face was a little bad, and there was even a faint spill of blood on the broken arm, but this could not hide the old woman's own terrifying aura.

The old woman is none other than the ancestor of the flower clan on the other side.

In this room, there are no other people from the other side of the flower clan, only Yuxin alone.

The ancestors of the other side of the flower clan do not know why there is a six-color other side flower in Yuxin's body, of course, the old woman will not bother, because of the existence of the buried emperor, what reasonable explanation is needed for all this?

Thinking of the horror of the Buried Emperor, as the ancestor of the flower clan on the other side, he didn't even dare to recall the seemingly casual but actually warning finger that the Buried Emperor had blasted at him before.

"Yuxin, our other side of the flower family has no strength to fight anymore, you should go back to that person." The old woman called Yuxin to the room and said with a kind smile.

In the heart of the old woman, she has already regarded Yuxin as her own clan, not because of anything else, but because of the six-color other side flower in Yuxin's body.

Moreover, Yuxin's talent is so high, and she is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, which makes the ancestors of the other side of the flower more optimistic about Yuxin's future.

With six colors of the other side flowers in the body, the higher Yuxin's future achievements, for the ancestors of the other side flowers, the faces of the other side flowers are also bright.

"Yeah." Yu Xin replied softly to the old woman's suggestion.

Because after the other side of the flower clan destroyed the Motian clan, the other side of the flower family has decided to avoid the world in this ancient battlefield and keep a low profile.

And Yuxin followed Zhang Tian's wishes and came to the Taikoo Super Battlefield to experience.

"This is an exquisite jade pendant. Although it is not a very good treasure, it can also nourish people's spirits." Taking out a jade pendant with a faint green glow, the old woman handed it to Yu Xin with a warm smile.

"Thank you old man."

"Let's go, child, it is the honor of our clan to have a clan like you in the other side of the flower clan." Finally, the old woman smiled and waved her hand, then closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Withered old face, satisfied smile, tears fell, because the ancestor of the other side of the flower family knew that this time Yu Xin's departure, I am afraid he will never come back.

As the daughter of Emperor Burial, this Taikoo Super Battlefield is obviously not the end of Yu Xin's cultivation path.

After leaving the other side of the flower clan, Yuxin directly found Zhang Tian's breath and returned to Zhang Tian's side.

Zhang Tian didn't open his mouth or looked at Yu Xin, he still closed his eyes and rested, and Yu Xin, when she returned to the void above this ancient super, looked back again and saw that it was still there. Continuing the melee of the ancient hundred tribes, suddenly Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Immediately closed his eyes.

Chapter 965 The war is endless, so is life

After Yu Xin closed her eyes, she raised her head slightly.

The breeze blew slowly, blowing Yuxin's purple clothes slightly, her cheeks fluttered with blue silk, and her delicate face was not stained with a trace of dust.

At this time, Zhang Tian with his eyes closed finally raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, because Zhang Tian knew that Yu Xin had an epiphany.


It's simple to say, but it's actually a million times more difficult than breaking through the realm.

It can be said that any epiphany, whether it is an epiphany of artistic conception, an epiphany of a practice method, or any other epiphany, is something that every cultivator can encounter but cannot seek.

Looking at Yu Xin again, she slowly entered the state of epiphany with Yu Xin.

The void seemed to stand still, as did the slowly blowing breeze.

And in this piece of heaven and earth, that is the place where Zhang Tian reversed the time and space, and re-opened the ancient super battlefield, the melee of the hundreds of clans continued.

All this was collected by Yu Xin who closed her eyes.

After passing through the void and stopping time, in Yuxin's consciousness, the melee of the hundreds of clans continued, but a still picture was displayed in front of him.

Yes, it was the still picture that produced the epiphany at that moment, all pictures!

In the Primordial Super Battlefield, Yuxin saw a great emperor of the Stone Clan holding up a huge stone pillar. The stone beads were wrapped in circles of iron chains. The iron chains were rusted and stained with countless blood.

In front of this stone powerhouse, dozens of silhouettes appeared to be blasted out, and they were still in the air.

In another battlefield, a Spirit Race powerhouse was raising his head and roaring, his aura had just risen to a few points, and there were two very clear tears on his raised face.

At his feet was a woman from the Spiritual Race.

The woman had beautiful long blue hair, and she fell on the side at the feet of the Spirit Race powerhouse. There was a pool of blood under her body. It could be seen that the half of her cheek, which was covered by the hair, was a delicate and beautiful face. .

On the opposite side, there are three other strong men with the same terrifying strength. All three of them put their hands in front of them with sarcastic smiles on their faces.

Averting his eyes, he continued to look along the screen.

As long as Yuxin is willing, she can see everything in this ancient super battlefield!

In the end, Yu Xin turned her eyes to the battlefield that she was familiar with, where was the previous battle of genocide between the Hua Clan and the Motian Clan!

It's just that at this moment, there is no one there, and there are only bloodstains that have long dried up, which seems to confirm that there has been an earth-shattering genocide war here.

Looking back, finally, Yuxin saw a side corner.

This is the resting place of the flower clan on the other side.

There is no battle, no fighting, but the faces of all the other's flowers are extremely heavy, because they know that the battle of the hundred tribes has just begun, waiting for them, waiting for the entire other's flower, will be more severe battles, more ruthless. fight.

Looking inside, this is a temporary bamboo house.

The old woman has sat up straight at the moment, her one-armed hand is holding a portrait, there are no tears of Yuxin's departure in her eyes, but only a smile of expectation from the heart.

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