In the picture scroll, it is a beautiful woman wearing purple clothes and possessing a peerless face. The woman is bright and moving, with beautiful eyes like the moon.

Beside Zhang Tian, ​​Yu Xin couldn't help trembling violently, because Yu Xin knew that the woman in the picture was none other than herself!

With her closed eyes, two lines of clear tears fell inexplicably, Yu Xin no longer looked at it, but reminisced in her mind whether it was long or short, and the days of living and fighting together with the other side of the flower family.

Time seems to forbid the void, let the tears fall, Yuxin just does it and immerses herself in her memories...

Finally, just when Yu Xin opened her eyes, her delicate face revealed a relieved smile.

Because in the end, Yuxin could see that in the other side of the flower clan, everyone was shrouded in the haze of the Bai clan war, but those children were still laughing and playing happily.

Not only the other side of the flower clan, but also the children of other clans...

At this time, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhang Tian's mouth again. It seemed that Yu Xin had truly understood the true meaning of this ancient melee.

There is no end to war and no end to life!

Without wiping the tears on her face, Yu Xin has closed her eyes again.

At this moment, the breeze continued to blow, time and space continued to flow, and the ancient super battlefield below, accompanied by the blasting of various magical powers, shouted and killed, and the fighting continued.

And these have nothing to do with Yu Xin.

Feeling everything here, Yuxin can even face her own heart, and finally Yuxin sinks into it completely.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye it was already night.

There is an unwritten rule in the battle of the ancient hundred clans, that is, when night falls, no more wars between the various clans are allowed. This is to give peace to the countless souls who died in the battle.

The Taikoo Super Battlefield shrouded in darkness, with occasional lights flickering, was still completely silent.

In the ruins of Fang Fang's war, countless corpses were piled up here, perhaps because they were unwilling to die like this, or because there were still residual obsessions, and souls began to climb out of the piled corpses.

They let out a shrill scream, and they wandered aimlessly, as if looking for something.

Chapter 966 Zhang Tian protects the law, scattered souls in one sleeve

In the Primordial Super Battlefield under the darkness of night, the souls of hundreds of clans wandered aimlessly and murmured.

In the void above, Yu Xin has completely entered a state of epiphany.

Now Yuxin has completely realized the realm of heaven on this battlefield, and has integrated her entire body and mind into this world and her perception.

Breath, because this unexpected insight, gradually began to slowly climb.

The majesty was still blowing, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding world gradually poured in. In the end, the spiritual energy gathered more and more, and even gathered into a spiritual vortex under Yuxin's feet.

This is formed by the gathering of spiritual energy into a stream, and finally all poured into the Taoist disk.

With the support of this abundant spiritual disk, Yuxin's breath continues to climb, and even starts to increase from a slow speed. Soon, Yuxin's breath has touched the bottleneck of the immortal realm. I believe that as long as it breaks through this At the bottleneck of the layer, Yuxin can break through the shackles of the Immortal Realm God Emperor and step into the Great Emperor Realm in one fell swoop!

All this is within Zhang Tian's expectations and control. Once Yuxin successfully breaks through in this ancient super battlefield, Zhang Tian will take Yuxin back.

But now something suddenly happened.

These changes were not expected by Zhang Tian, ​​and would even affect Yu Xin's successful breakthrough. It was the souls of those hundred clans!

Because just when Yu Xin realized the realm of heaven and madly absorbed the abundant spiritual energy of this world, there were already dead souls rushing towards the void.

The direction is the void where Yuxin and Zhang Tian are.

Zhang Tian opened his eyes and looked, and there was a dense crowd below. The souls of hundreds of clans raised their heads, stretched out their arms, and screamed at Yuxin.

With the plundering of several dead souls, the shackles of this world on them seemed to have lost their restraint in an instant, and all the dead souls of hundreds of clans were swept out.

There are tens of thousands of them, and there is no lack of emperor powerhouses among these hundreds of dead souls!

I believe that this is the time when the powerhouses of the hundreds of clans gather here again. In the face of such a battle of the dead souls of the hundreds of clans, it is estimated that the scalp will suddenly feel numb.

"Dead souls, dare to make trouble!" Zhang Tian said coldly.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, a terrifying energy swept away.

The shrill screams resounded through this world. It was the souls of those hundreds of clans. The strongest souls of these souls were not in the Great Emperor Realm, so how could they withstand a blow from Zhang Tian's sleeves.


The terrifying energy blasted away the first batch of the dead souls of the hundreds of clans that were about to be swept to Yu Xin's side.

And this is not over yet, Zhang Tian seems to wave his sleeves at will, completely blasting away all the dead souls of all the hundreds of clans rushing towards this side!

Under the darkness of night, the sensation here naturally attracted the powerhouses of the hundred races from the ancient super battlefield.

When they came together, they only saw a woman with a stunning face comprehending God. The woman's breath was calm and gentle, but it contained shocking and terrifying power.

This is to break through!The woman wants to break through to the realm of the ancient emperor!

The ancient emperor, also known as the Great Emperor Realm, is not too outstanding in this battlefield of hundreds of races, but the age of the woman does not seem to be very old, and she has a beautiful face and a tall figure, which is the first of some true immortals When I saw Yu Xin, I couldn't help but show a greedy look.

"Sister Yuxin!" There are hundreds of clans standing, and in this dark night, even the world seems to be much brighter, and a little girl's voice came out.

There is the other side of the flower clan, the ancestor of the other side of the flower clan, with the help of the clansmen, looked up at Yuxin above, his eyes were full of relief, especially when he saw the green jade pendant hanging on Yuxin's waist, the ancestor of the other side of the flower clan was even more so. Excited to leave tears.

And the other powerhouses of the other side of the flower clan also showed surprises on their faces. After all, Yuxin is also half of the other side of the flower clan. Yuxin can break through to the ancient emperor with the help of the sense of heaven today. What about these powerhouses of the other side of the flower family? would be unhappy.

On the other hand, the powerhouses of other ethnic groups had doubts on their faces. They wondered who this girl was. She didn't look like a person from a hundred tribes, especially the man who was guarding the woman.

Thinking about that terrifying blow before, it was this mysterious man.

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