Tens of thousands of years have passed, but I didn't expect that the Emperor Burial of Heaven would still be outstanding, but he and others had already turned into a pile of dead bones. It seemed that he was the most powerful person in this world, but he was actually just a frog at the bottom of the well.

There is no anger, only worship and perception, this super-powerhouse of the quasi-Xian-Emperor level, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and his eyes are relieved.

At almost the same time period, when Zhang Tian's appearance fell into the eyes of these hundred clan powerhouses, all the superpowers were the same.

"Thank you, Emperor Burial..." The other side of the flower clan, the old woman folded her hands together, gratefully said.

Even with the move of the ancestor of the other side of the flower clan, all the other side of the flower clan knelt down.

Brush brush!

The sound of kneeling resounded in the world, because not only the other side of the flower clan, as long as all the races in this ancient super battlefield, all knelt down after their ancestors or leaders knelt down.

In his eyes, he was full of surrender and gratitude.

To surrender is to surrender to the prestige and strength of the Emperor Burial.

Gratitude is gratitude. If Heaven Burial Emperor hadn't reversed the time and space, they would not have experienced the joy of fighting with their clansmen.

What should go is always to go, why should you care about tonight, even if the powerful people of all tribes are all kneeling and surrendering, Zhang Tian's magical power still does not stop at all.


The entire Primordial Super Battlefield began to tremble violently, and the spiritual energy of the entire world began to become turbulent, and even because of the rapid tremors of this world, the weaker even kneeled unsteadily.

But even so, they still tried to keep themselves in a pious kneeling posture.


The mountains began to crack, and huge stones fell from the sky, constantly crashing on the ground, among the crowd.

The ground also began to crack, and cracks appeared. These cracks quickly scattered and expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, they became bottomless and insurmountable gaps.

Even so, none of the hundred clan powerhouses who knelt down in the whole world were stunned.

Even when his body fell along with the gap, and fell into this bottomless abyss, no one shouted and feared.

The whole world is being destroyed, the bottom is broken, and the above is a breeze blowing Buddha, so calm that even the gentle wind can be clearly heard.

At this moment, Yuxin finally fully realized the realm of heaven, and the aura in her body began to accumulate and erupt. Just at the moment when the ancient super battlefield was about to be completely destroyed, Yuxin broke through the immortal realm, broke through her own realm of quasi-emperor, in one fell swoop Step into the realm of the ancient emperor!

The Three Gods Religion, the first great emperor has appeared so far!

Looking at Yuxin again, her aura has been restrained, and it doesn't seem to be much different from the strength of the former Emperor Realm, but in fact, how terrifying Yuxin's strength is, only after a real battle with her will you know.

Her eyes were still closed, her delicate face was full of tears again.

This is not only because the other side of the flower clan fighting with him is about to die in this world, but also Yuxin's perception of this ancient super battlefield, the realm of heaven.

On the side, destroying the entire Primordial Super Battlefield with one hand, Zhang Tian did not rush to leave with Yuxin, but stood quietly, looking down on the ruins of the world.


On the other side, in Shengyuan Continent, under the leadership of the Ruthless High Priest, the powerhouses have successfully returned to the Three Gods Religion. Because they are afraid of Zhang Tian's strength, the God of Calamity forces have not pursued them, allowing the Three Gods Religion to take away a large number of them. An elite disciple of the Heaven Patching Sect.

Because these elite disciples were grateful for the life-saving grace of the Three Gods Religion, and they seemed to have nowhere to go, they simply stayed in the Three Gods Religion, or it could be said that they joined the Three Gods Religion.

After all, there is no Heaven Mending Sect in Shengyuan Continent anymore, and Kunlun Ruins have become a piece of Kunlun ruins.

The Kunlun Ruins, which had been reduced to ruins, with the demise of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the powerhouses of the various religions in the Middle Ages have all left, but seeing that the god of calamity forces that have perished the Heaven-Mending Sect have been staying here, it seems that they have no plans to leave.

Although the Heaven Repairing Sect was destroyed, it was not impossible to stay. The nine gods of calamity forces from the Ziwei Star Region took the broken Heaven Repairing Sect as their stronghold and stayed temporarily.

In this battle, the Nine Great Powers or the forces of the gods have won a great victory over the Butian Sect, and they have succeeded in destroying the sect, but the price paid is not small.

Because of the fall of Liu Shen, the nine gods of calamity never thought of destroying a mere sect of Heaven-Mending Sect and losing three leaders of the true immortal forces!

You must know that these three people are the current powerhouses of the three Great Thousand Worlds!

A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. Although the entire woe god force is headed by the golden armored man and the mysterious black fog, each force must have a leader, so even if the three true immortal powerhouses have fallen, the woe god of the three great thousands of forces The forces have each launched a leader.

"What shall we do next?" A strong man in the peak emperor realm has already asked.

Chapter 970 Calm like water, undercurrent surging

This great emperor with the strength of the peak emperor realm is the new leader of the world where the evil man lives.

"Jie Jie Jie, didn't Ji Yuan tell you the real purpose of our coming to Shengyuan Continent?" A playful whisper came from the dilapidated Mending Church hall in the mysterious black mist.

As for Ji Yuan in the mouth of the mysterious black mist, it was the evil man with a bloody face.

The mysterious black fog said, although the great emperor who asked the question was a little uncomfortable, but he did not dare to attack, after all, the strength gap between the two sides is here.

If Ji Yuan was still alive, he might have dared to say a few words, but what is certain is that even Yu Yuan is definitely not as strong as the man in this mysterious black mist!

"Okay, let me tell you." The golden-armored man spoke at this time.

In the curious eyes cast by everyone, of course, the other five leaders of the gods of calamity with true immortal strength were enlightened, because they knew what the golden armor man was going to say next.

The golden-armored man said slowly: "This time, the god of calamity force from the nine Great Thousand Worlds of our Ziwei Star Region is not only going to destroy the Heaven-Mending Religion, but we are also going to occupy the entire Shengyuan Continent."

"Occupy Shengyuan Continent?" The peak emperor powerhouse couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that the sect of Shengyuan Continent is fierce, although there are very few true immortals, and it seems that there is no immortal king strong, but if it is fully developed, it will cause the same hatred in Shengyuan Continent, even the nine gods of calamity. .

The worry of the Great Emperor is also the worry of most of the powerhouses present.

It stands to reason that, to cross the star field and occupy other continents, either the continents have an undying blood feud between each other, or one continent absolutely crushes the other.

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