And now, although the nine gods of calamity are very powerful, they are not enough to crush Shengyuan Continent.

"As for whether you can completely occupy the Shengyuan Continent, it's not something you need to worry about. You just need to act according to the plan." The golden armor man has continued to speak.

Looking at the calmness and confidence in the calm eyes of the golden-armored man, as well as the confident smiles of several other true immortal-level calamity leaders, the powerhouses were not puzzled, because they believed in their leaders.

Since then, the real purpose of the god of calamity force composed of the nine Great Thousand Worlds from the Ziwei Star Region has been exposed.

But there is one thing that is pressing in the hearts of everyone like a stone, and that is the Three Gods Religion.

In fact, the Three Gods Religion is not terrible. What is scary is the person behind the Three Gods Religion, and some strong people have raised concerns.

"That person should not be in Shengyuan Continent, and it is very far away, otherwise he will not shoot from the air." A leader of the God of Disaster said with a smile.

"Jie Jie Jie... I really want to meet that person." A joking whisper came from the mysterious black mist again.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the mysterious black fog looked down on Zhang Tian, ​​because Zhang Tian didn’t show his full strength at all. Zhang Tian also wanted to see how the nine gods of calamity from the Ziwei Star Territory came to Shengyuan Continent in the end. to do something.

"It doesn't matter, because the Three Gods Religion is not in our consideration for the time being." The golden armored man continued. Looking at the Golden Armored Men, I believe that as long as they don't touch the Three Gods Religion, the person behind the Three Gods Religion should will not shoot.

After all, in such a world where clans and religions are annihilated at every turn, no one wants to offend anyone casually.

The real purpose of the nine gods of calamity has surfaced. However, the ancient powers of Shengyuan Continent do not know it yet. They simply thought that the nine gods of calamity had descended on Kunlun Ruins, just to destroy the Heaven-Mending Sect.

On the surface, with the demise of the Heaven-Mending Sect, Shengyuan Continent has returned to its usual quietness and peace, and in fact, undercurrents have begun to flow.

The Three Gods Religion, the powerhouses have returned smoothly, and there are a large number of elite disciples from the Heaven-Mending Religion, so the entire Three Gods Religion infighting is filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere.

In a flower pavilion, the woman is dressed in white and has a delicate face. She is looking up at the distant sky. There are occasionally a few stars, and the breeze blows her hair. The woman looks at the sky like this, dazed.

is cruel.

"Eldest sister!" came a clear girl's cry.

The ruthless man looked back, it was Zi Yan.

Under the careful care of the high priest, Zi Yan's injury is almost healed, but her face is still not very good.

After all, he suffered a blow from the real fairyland in the immortal realm, and how could he fully recover so quickly.

But even so, Zi Yan's cute little face was still filled with a happy smile.

"Three sisters." Recovering the thoughts in his heart, the ruthless man fondled Zi Yan's little face.

"What was the big sister thinking just now?" Zi Yan raised her head, her big watery eyes full of curiosity.

"I think about my father and my second sister again, and I don't know when they will come back." The ruthless man softened.

"When the elder sister said that, I also miss my father and second sister." The words of the ruthless man also aroused Zi Yan's missing heart, and Zi Yan pouted.

But soon Zi Yan returned to her previous cute and laughing appearance. While taking out something from her pocket, she looked at the ruthless man with a smug look: "No, here it is."

"The Heart of Mountains and Seas!?"

Chapter 971 Ruthless people leave the customs and refine the third heart of mountains and seas

When the ruthless man saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised. Originally, the ruthless man thought that Zi Yan would show him some gadgets, but he didn't expect it to be a heart of mountains and seas!

You must know that Ruthless Man has already refined two pieces of the Heart of Mountains and Seas, but this last piece has no clue.

"Where did you get this Heart of Mountains and Seas?" Ruthless asked quickly.

"I got it in Kunlun Ruins." Zi Yan said proudly with her head held high.

As Zi Yan first arrived at the Kunlun Ruins, and then went to the Kunlun Ruins Secret Realm at the suggestion of Liu Shen, the ruthless talent showed a sudden realization.

In the process of telling the story, the little girl also showed the color of longing, because Liu Shen was really kind to Zi Yan, and in the end she even used the power of the source to demonstrate the great way of Dao for Zi Yan.

"Okay, it's all over." The ruthless man comforted softly.

"Well." Zi Yan nodded obediently, and handed out the Heart of Mountains and Seas again.

The ruthless man was not polite and took it directly.

"When the eldest sister refines this third heart of mountains and seas, the strength of the eldest sister will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, hee hee."

"Yeah. Thank you Third Sister."

This night, Ruthless Man did not look for refining the third, which is the last Heart of Mountains and Seas, but accompanied Zi Yan to watch the night and chat.

In the end, Zi Yan was a little sleepy and wanted to hear the story.

So in the ruthless man's soft story, Zi Yan fell asleep in the ruthless man's arms.

The next day, the Three Gods Religion was still filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere. The elite disciples of the Butian Religion had a place specially reserved for it, and the Three Gods Religion did not interfere too much in the management. After all, these disciples have just lost their best friends and lost their The church still needs some time to recuperate.

However, the atmosphere was good, which was beyond the high priest's expectations, because no matter where the high priest walked in the Trinity Sect, he could see that these disciples of the Butian Sect and the disciples of the Trinity Sect had completely gotten along with each other.

This is a competition venue for the Three Gods Religion. On weekdays, there are usually many people gathered here. Everyone is here to compete and learn from each other, and at the same time exchange their cultivation experience.

And now, in the competition field of Nuoda, there is a disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect competing with a disciple of the Three Gods Sect.

Neither side took weapons, but played supernatural powers empty-handed.

The power of the magical powers is not very great, and they restrained each other, but the moves were not sloppy at all. It was obvious that both sides were taking this competition seriously.

In the end, it was the disciples of the Three Gods who were superior in skill and narrowly won.

"I promise, Brother Liu." One move knocked down the disciple of the Butian Sect, and the disciple of the Three Gods sect hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

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