"Hmph, I'll take care of you next time, this time you've won!" The defeated disciple of the Butian Sect showed a happy smile on his face.

"Come on, I'm going to fight, who will come!" The two of them were still joking, and another elite disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect had already entered the competition arena.

"I'm coming! Hahaha!" Not to be outdone, the Three Gods Sect also brought in an elite disciple.


The fight was imminent, but it was not fatal. Even in the fight, the two of them didn't forget to speak each other's words, and for a while, the whole competition venue was full of laughter and joy.

The high priest showed a stretched smile, then turned and left.

"Envoy of the Sun." When he turned around just in time to see the ruthless man, the high priest said with a smile.

The ruthless man nodded slightly with a smile, and then looked at the disciples of the Three Gods Sect and the Heaven-Mending Sect who were fighting in the competition field with a smile, and finally walked towards the depths of the back mountain.

The Ruthless Man is going to refine the third Heart of Mountains and Seas, and the High Priest actually knows this.

He hurriedly greeted several powerful disciples of the Three Gods Sect to help protect the Sun God Envoy, and the high priest went to do the chores within the sect.

Shengyuan Continent, calm and peaceful.

The nine gods of calamity that came here from the Ziwei star field are still stationed in the broken Kunlun Ruins, and there is no sign of action. The three gods are still happy here.

On the contrary, other medieval religions began to take action one after another.

To be precise, it is to collect information, because the forces of the God of Disaster have been stagnant in Kunlun Ruins.

Could it be that the Kunlun Ruins or the Heaven Mending Sect still have some treasures that cannot be made?

If there are treasures, it doesn't matter. The medieval religions will naturally not be greedy to grab them, because the power of the god of misfortune is there, and they are afraid that the power of the god of misfortune has another conspiracy.

After all, it is not simple to be able to re-establish the medieval religions in Shengyuan Continent.

At this point, the surface peace of Shengyuan Continent has begun to be disrupted, and even the Three Gods Religion has paid attention to this, but the ruthless man is still retreating and refining the heart of the mountains and seas, and Zi Yan's injuries have not yet healed.The high priest simply stood still and watched the changes.

On this day, seven days later, the back mountain of the Three Gods Sect finally made a move.

With the sound of thunder, the entire back mountain began to tremble violently. Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on the back mountain of the Three Gods Religion. Everyone knew that the Sun God Envoy was retreating there.

And Zi Yan, the high priest and the top powerhouses of the three gods have already gathered outside the back mountain at this time, they are waiting, waiting for the sun god to leave the customs.



The clear sky was closed by the dark clouds in the thunder, and then a sharp sword light pierced the sky, smashing the dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun, and then a graceful figure appeared in the void behind the mountain.

The woman has a delicate face, holding the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, her white clothes fluttering, and her blue silk is blowing.

He is the Sun God of the Three Gods, ruthless!

Chapter 972 Zhang Tian returns with Yuxin!

The figure was light, put away the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, and the ruthless man fell in front of the Ziyan High Priest.

"Big sister!" Zi Yan said excitedly.

"Well." The ruthless man fondled Zi Yan's little head.

Looking at the aura of the ruthless man at this time, although it is still immortal, the aura is obviously much stronger than before the retreat. This is because the third heart of mountains and seas has been refined.

The ruthless man who had refined two hearts of mountains and seas in the past was able to compete with the Great Emperor Wanting. Now the ruthless man has refined another heart of mountains and seas. With the improvement of his strength, I believe that the ruthless man will definitely kill the ordinary strong emperor. Not a problem.

"Congratulations to the Sun God Envoy for refining another Heart of Mountains and Seas, presumably now the Sun God Envoy has the strength to kill the emperor." The high priest also said with a smile.

In this regard, the ruthless man smiled undeniably.

Immediately, the divine envoy swept over and found that the entire Three Gods Religion was full of vigor at this moment. In addition, a large number of disciples of the Heaven-Mending Religion who had been rescued from the Kunlun Ruins were now fully integrated into the Three Gods Religion.

This makes the ruthless very comforting.

"I don't know when the father and the second sister will come back." Just as the ruthless man was talking with the high priest, Zi Yan pouted again.

I haven't seen Zhang Tian and Yuxin for a long time, and Zi Yan went to the Kunlun Ruins alone for a while, and the little girl has long thought of Zhang Tian and Yuxin.

"It should be soon." It has been a long time since Yuxin went to the super battlefield that her father said. Even Zi Yan came back from the Kunlun Ruins. After the ruthless man finished speaking, he immediately looked up at the sky.

The ruthless man looked up, and the high priest followed to look at the sky.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of the Three Gods Sect who came to welcome the ruthless man out of the customs all raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

The sky is white, and there is nothing.

Everyone was puzzled and didn't know what the Sun God Envoy was looking at, but due to the status and prestige of the Sun God Envoy, even the high priest was looking up at the sky, so the strong men naturally did not dare to speak.

It was Zi Yan, who stared at the sky for a long time, but didn't see why.

Looking back at everyone, they were all looking at the sky, Zi Yan couldn't help muttering: "What are you all looking at? Is there any treasure in the sky?"

When Zi Yan said this, the high priest took the lead in withdrawing his gaze and smiled.

As for Ruthless Man, just as he was about to withdraw his gaze, he thought that when his father and second sister would return for a while, two black spots suddenly appeared in the white sky.

Because of the extreme distance, only two black dots could be seen, but the ruthless man's delicate face had already stretched his smile.

Not for anything else, because Ruthless Man knows that these two black spots are none other than Zhang Tian and Yuxin!

"Father and second sister came back from the super battlefield." Touching Zi Yan's little head, the ruthless man looked up again.

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