Following the Ruthless Man's words, the powerhouses of the Three Gods Sect who had withdrawn their eyes from Zi Yan's muttering also looked up again.

Looking at it, there were indeed two more black spots in the originally vast sky.

"Is it really the leader and the envoy of the Moon God?" A strong man of the Three Gods sect asked himself in doubt.

"It's definitely true, the gods have said it for several days, but you still don't believe it." A strong man next to him directly slapped him on the head with a bad breath.

"Hehe." Being knocked on the head by his companion, the strong man was not angry, but instead smiled.

Looking at the two black dots in the sky, they soon gradually enlarged, and they were two figures!

The silhouettes came from the white sky. Although they were only slightly larger than the original black spots, all the strong people present knew how fast the two silhouettes swept in.

Because the distance was too far, in the expectation of everyone, after a while, the two figures finally revealed their true faces.

One is a man with white clothes and white robes, black hair that touches his earlobes, eyes like stars, and fair skin.

One is a woman, with a purple dress, flying blue silk, and a delicate face.

The man is none other than Ruthless Man and Zi Yan's father. The teaching of the Three Gods Sect advocates heaven, and the woman is naturally Yuxin.

"It's the sect master!" A strong man of the Three Gods sect cheered.

As the powerhouse of the Trinity Sect cheered, the entire Trinity Sect began to give out deafening cheers. At first, this made the younger brother of the Butian Sect, who had just come to the Trinity Sect, very puzzled. When he learned that it was the Trinity Sect When the lord returned, the elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect all rushed out.

They want to see Zhang Tianzhenrong, they must know that this is the master of the three gods, and they must know that he is fighting in the Kunlun Ruins, killing the two leaders of the two gods with a palm.

It is precisely because of his existence that the forces of the God of Disaster have to be afraid, and finally his disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect can escape from death.

It can be said that the people of the Three Gods sect worship and respect Zhang Tian.

These elite disciples of the Heaven Repairing Sect worship and appreciate Zhang Tian, ​​because without Zhang Tian, ​​they may have already become a pile of dead bones.

It seems that they came from a distant place, but in fact, when Zhang Tian and Yu Xin fell into the eyes of everyone in the back mountain, in the blink of an eye, the two had already appeared in front of everyone.

"Father!" Zi Yan's big watery eyes were already misted, and she threw herself directly into Zhang Tian's arms.

Zhang Tian stopped Zi Yan with his big hands, his eyes full of doting, he patted Yuxin on the back, and said with a smile, "You have suffered a lot these days, as your father knows."

"Wuuuu... If it wasn't for his father's two shots, Zi Yan might never have seen his father." Zhang Tian said, the pent-up sadness in Zi Yan's heart burst out all of a sudden, the pear blossoms brought rain, and she cried. stand up.

Chapter 973 Deduce the secret and expose the power of the god of evil

For Zi Yan's coquettish crying, Zhang Tian didn't say anything, just hugged the girl gently.

Indeed, Zi Yan has suffered a lot these days. It can be said that when Zhang Tian took Yu Xin to the Taikoo Super Battlefield, the three daughters were Zi Yan the hardest.

The ruthless man has been in seclusion, and in the battle of the Kunlun Ruins, the ruthless man was not in any danger because of Zhang Tian's anger.

Yuxin is in the Taigu Super Battlefield, because of the care of the ancestors of the other side of the flower clan, although she has been following the other side of the flower clan to fight against the Ferris clan, she has not encountered any danger.

The only danger was Zhang Tian's direct action, because Zhang Tian's purpose was to allow Yuxin to understand the true meaning and meaning of the ancient battle of hundreds of clans in the Primordial Super Battlefield.

So this is also the reason why when Yu Xin finally realized the realm of God, those souls of hundreds of clans wanted to make trouble, but Zhang Tian ruthlessly shot them away.

As for Zi Yan, it was originally only Yuxin who entrusted her to help send Liuxian Yuanyuan, which Emperor Kuxuan had entrusted before his death, to the Heaven-Mending Sect. As a result, she went to the trial site of Kunlun Ruins under the kind suggestion of Liushen. Immortal ancestral hall, if Zhang Tian hadn't shot and smashed the twelve golden immortals, Zi Yan might have fallen.

However, when she came out of the trial ground, her injuries were not completely healed, and she encountered a sudden attack on the Heaven-Mending Sect by the god of calamity. In the end, Zi Yan was severely injured by a leader of the god of calamity, and blood splattered half of the sky.

In the end, Zhang Tian was still angry.

Of course, this process is very tragic for Zi Yan. Although she was taken back by the ruthless man and the high priest, Zi Yan is still a little sad. She always feels that she has suffered a lot from the Kunlun Ruins this time. .

This is also why as soon as Zhang Tian appeared, Zi Yan rushed into Zhang Tian's arms and cried.


The Three Gods Sect Hall, after Zhang Tian and Yuxin returned.

"I don't know why the sect leader suddenly gathered us here?" In the hall, everyone gathered, and the high priest bowed his hands respectfully to Zhang Tian, ​​wondering.

In fact, not only the high priest is confused, but everyone is confused, because according to normal circumstances, the leader usually rests for a while at this time.

"You all know that the god of calamity that destroyed the Heaven-Mending Sect that day." Zhang Tian said.

The ruthless man, the high priest and the others all nodded when they heard this.

"They come from the Ziwei Star Territory. They are the forces formed by the nine Great Thousand Worlds in the Ziwei Star Territory. In fact, destroying the Heaven-Mending Sect is just a trick for them." Seeing everyone nodding, Zhang Tian continued.

"Actually, I don't need to tell you now, you all know that they are still stranded at the Heaven-Mending Sect in Kunlun Ruins." Zhang Tianze paused after saying that.

In this regard, the high priest and the ruthless looked at each other.

Zhang Tian is right. According to the investigation of the powerhouses of the Three Gods Religion, the god of calamity forces are indeed still in Kunlun Ruins after destroying the Heaven-Mending Religion, but they have not taken any action.

However, even so, this still makes the ancient religions of Shengyuan Continent feel doubts and vigilance.

And this kind of news is not only known by the Three Gods, but also known by other medieval religions.

Seeing everyone nodding, Zhang Tian cut to the point: "According to my deduction, the nine gods of calamity forces in the Ziwei star field actually want to carve up the Shengyuan Continent!"

When Zhang Tian said this, the hall was shocked.

None of them thought that the god of calamity would be so ambitious. If someone else said this, even the high priest would not believe it.

If we really want to fight, no matter how strong the god of calamity is, it may not be able to compete with the entire Shengyuan Continent!

The god of calamity forces can destroy the Heaven-Mending Sect, that's because it only kills the Heaven-Bending Night, but if you want to dominate the Shengyuan Continent, all the religions in the Middle Ages will definitely unite. a pot.

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