
In the sky of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church, two sword lights almost indiscriminately hit the leader of the god of calamity at the same time, and a dazzling sword light erupted.

The dazzling sword light completely drowned the leader of the god of misfortune, and everyone could not see what was happening in the dazzling sword light, only to hear the leader of the god of misfortune burst out with an angry roar, and then an extremely terrifying energy swept away.

The swept away energy swept across everyone's cheeks like a gust of wind, and even some people's faces were scratched with a wound by this swept energy.

In the end, as the dazzling sword light and swept energy slowly dissipated, revealing the leader of the god of calamity in the swept energy center.

"This! It actually hurt him!" There is a strong face in the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect with an incredible expression.

"It really did."

At this time, the shirt of the leader of the calamity was somewhat torn, and one of his arms was unable to hang down, blood was dripping continuously, and his face was a bit bleak.

The arm that hung down weakly was even clearly visible to the naked eye, and a large area of ​​the forearm was scorched, which was previously burned by Yu Xin's bone spirit corpse fire.

Even Emperor Zihua Lei did not expect that the form would be reversed in an instant. Originally, he was still worried about the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion. He did not expect that in a blink of an eye, the combined force of the three God Envoys would abolish an arm of the leader of the God of Disaster!

You must know that he is a terrifying powerhouse in the real fairyland!

It is the strength of the peak of his own emperor. He tried his best before and did not hurt that person. Instead, he was seriously injured and almost died.

Not only the Emperor Zihua, but also the powerhouses of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church, including the powerhouses of the Great Emperor, now look at the eyes of the three divine envoys in the sky, in addition to admiration, but also a little bit of jealousy.

Because from the strength they just showed, I am afraid that ordinary emperor powerhouses will definitely not be their opponents!

On the other hand, looking at the powerhouses of the god of woe, until now, even seeing their leader lose one arm, it still seems hard to believe.

"You bastards, you actually..." It was too late for the Wulei Orthodox Sect to be shocked, and it was too late for the powerhouses of the God of Disaster to believe that the leader of the God of Disaster walked out step by step, with a little blood under his feet, "How dare you hurt me!"

Extremely angry, the calamity leader raised an arm with a ferocious expression on his face, "I'm going to kill you all! Kill them all!"


If it was before, the god of misfortune said so, everyone would be afraid, but now, there are three gods of the Three Gods Religion, and the powerhouses of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church are actually calm, because they have seen the three gods before. After using the terrifying supernatural powers, they believed that the three divine envoys would never be defeated in this battle!

For the threat of the leader of the broken-arm calamity, the ruthless man just replied coldly: "If you leave now, you can still save your life."

"Joke! Break my arm, you really think you can't kill me!" The leader of the calamity sneered, raised his hand and grabbed the ruthless man from the air.

"Eldest sister, be careful!" Yuxin reminded quickly, and at the same time, a fire of bones and corpses blasted out.

The bone spirit corpse fire rushed out and shot directly at the leader of the calamity.

Because of the loss of this strange flame before, this time the leader of the god of calamity is much smarter.

However, the calamity leader soon showed a look of horror.

In the sky, a palm suddenly slammed down.

This palm contains unparalleled terrifying power, and this god of calamity is no stranger to this, because at that time, at the Kunlun Ruins Reconstruction Church, it was this palm that killed his two companions in a tyrannical way!

And one of them is much stronger than himself!

Without thinking about it, this or the calamity leader intends to flee directly, because when facing this palm, he has a feeling of death coming.

What can you do in the face of death?

Only run!

But, in Zhang Tian's words, can you run if you run?

With the palm of his hand, not only the leader of the god of calamity was directly smashed into scum, but all the powerhouses of the god of calamity were all smashed into scum.

"You all go to the battlefields of all parties. As for the remaining leaders of the god of calamity, they are all handed over to me." At the same time as the palm of his hand slammed down, Zhang Tian's voice came from the sky.

Zi Yan, Ruthless and Yuxin hurriedly agreed.

On the other hand, Emperor Zihua Lei looked up at the sky above with a look of respect.


Immediately, he knelt down on one knee. As the master of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, and also a famous peak emperor in the Shengyuan Continent, Emperor Zihua Lei made another kneeling ceremony to the sky.

"Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, Emperor Zihua Lei thanks Master Zhang for saving the Sect!"

Chapter 982 The smoke of gunpowder is everywhere, fighting everywhere

Zhang Tian did not respond to Zihua Lei Di's kneeling thanks because Zhang Tian had already withdrawn his consciousness.

The Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, compared to the Heaven-Mending Sect at Kunlun Ruins that day, although it also experienced a great battle this time, it still did not have much impact on the entire Five Thunder Orthodox Sect.

After all, this time only one calamity leader came, and there were three gods from the Three Gods Religion to help.

In addition, what shocked Emperor Zihua Lei even more was the strength of the three divine envoys, because every time they met, the strength of these three divine envoys would improve by leaps and bounds.

It is said that the sun god is a ruthless man, and the Xuanming Sect could only compete with the emperor during the first war.

And now, Emperor Zihua has no doubts at all. With the current strength of the Sun God Envoy, it is definitely not difficult to kill an ordinary emperor.

Not only the envoy of the sun, but also the envoy of the moon, because Yuxin has entered the realm of the emperor after experiencing the power of the ancient super battlefield.

Zi Yan's strength may be the weakest among the three sisters, but Zi Yan's unique Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor body is one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world, and the future is also unlimited!

"Thank you to the three gods who came to help me with the Five Thunders Orthodox Church." With the three gods Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan, even if Zihua Leidi was a famous emperor in the mainland, he would not show up and thank him with a smile. road.

At the same time, all the strong men of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect around the Emperor Zihua said in unison, "Thanks to the three divine envoys for entering the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect!"

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