"It's all trivial, hee hee." Having recovered her loli, Zi Yan shook her little head and giggled.

"Lei Di doesn't need to thank you, we are also abiding by Father's will." The ruthless man smiled and saluted.

"Yeah, I would like to thank Master Zhang this time. If there is no Master Zhang, I am afraid that today our Wulei Orthodox Sect will end up in the Heaven-Mending Sect." After the ruthless man said this, Emperor Zihua Lei also seemed to feel it, and immediately With a look of sympathy for the common people, "Now the forces of the gods of calamity are disturbing the clouds and mists in Shengyuan Continent, and there are bloody storms everywhere, and it is sad."

"By the way, Master Zhang wants you to support various battlefields, so I will no longer delay the time of the three divine envoys." After sighing, Emperor Zihua's face turned red again and smiled awkwardly: "Now I am seriously injured in The body cannot make a modest contribution.”

"Don't talk about it, old man. Now, hurry up and heal your injuries, and then it's not too late to fight again!" Zi Yan said harmlessly.

However, Emperor Zihua had turned his face for a moment, and said very seriously: "Although I can't contribute a small amount of power, my Wulei Orthodox Church, as a major sect in Shengyuan Continent, also has a position and a reputation. Today, I teach ordinary people. Great Emperor, the immortal realm powerhouses all follow the three divine envoys and participate in the war together!"

When Emperor Zihua Lei said this, the strong men of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church said in unison, "Sect Master!"

Everyone's eyes are also full of worry, because once everyone goes out to fight, what should the Five Thunder Orthodox Church do if the enemy strikes again?

Ruthless did not show any dissatisfaction with the reaction of the disciples of the Wulei Orthodox Sect, because Ruthless knew that once these Wulei Orthodox experts followed him to various battlefields, then the Wulei Orthodox Sect would be an empty shelf. , No matter who attacks, the Five Thunder Orthodox Church will perish!

And no one can guarantee that the forces of the god of calamity will come, this is about to be destroyed at every turn!

"You don't even listen to me now!" Obviously, Emperor Zihua has made up his mind.

"Today Shengyuan Continent is facing catastrophe, it is not the Three Gods Religion to come to help, our Wulei Orthodox Church is afraid that it has dissipated from Shengyuan Continent just like the Butian Cult, and now all parties are in trouble, as a medieval great sect, shouldn't we help? Other churches!" Zihua Lei Di said in a sonorous tone, not only expressing his own attitude, but also telling everyone in the Wulei Orthodox Church!

"Yes! I will follow the order of the leader!"

Wulei Orthodox Sect, Ruthless Man, Yu Xin, and Zi Yan took the Wulei Orthodox Sect and left in a mighty manner.

Now let's talk about Shengyuan Continent.

It is not only the famous great sects in the Middle Ages who have been attacked by the leaders of the gods of woe, such as the Kuling Sect, the Wulei Orthodox Sect, and the Magic Sound Sect...

Countless small and medium-sized churches have also begun to suffer the impact of the forces of the God of Disaster. Because of the strength of the small and medium-sized churches, the forces of the God of Disaster only need to send one or two powerful emperors to be deterred.


The forces of the God of Calamity never thought that with the sects of the Juling Sect, the Wulei Orthodox Church, and the Huanyin Sect, some ancient great sects vowed to fight back, and most of these small and medium-sized churches were really unable to compete with the powerful god of calamity. fight!

Shengyuan Continent, a mountain range from Wulei Orthodox Church.

"Second sister, third sister, let's separate now. If you are invincible, remember not to be a tough enemy!" After the ruthless man finished talking to Yuxin and Zi Yan, he turned into a streamer and left.

Over there, the sound of killing was everywhere, and the sky was full of fire.

"Then I'm leaving too, second sister." As soon as the eldest sister left, Zi Yan smiled playfully at Yu, and also turned into a streamer alone, swept to another battlefield.

There was also a fire in the sky.

"You go to the Three Gods Religion first, and then someone will bring you to join the battlefields of various parties." Yuxin left, after talking with the powerhouses of the Wulei Orthodox Church, she left immediately without making ink marks.

Because Yuxin has already felt that a church there has begun to struggle alone.

Chapter 983 One sword, one fire, the god of disaster!

This is a church in Shengyuan Continent. There are a lot of people in this church. There are thousands of people, but the strength is not very high. The highest person is only the Immortal Realm God Emperor.

At this moment, this church is facing the attack of several Immortal Realm God Sovereigns. These God Sovereigns are none other than others, but from the forces of the God of Calamity.

Facing the attacks of several immortal god emperors, the only immortal god emperor in this church was covered in blood.

But even so, the emperor is still fighting desperately.

The establishment of the church is not easy. He does not allow his church to become a minion of foreign forces. Even if he is killed in battle, he still has the dignity of his own immortal emperor.

It's just that he also knew that it was only a matter of time before he died today, and with his death, the church he had worked so hard to build would disappear completely from Shengyuan Continent.

He is unwilling!

He is angry!

Accompanied by an angry shout, the Immortal Realm God Sovereign used all his strength to blast out the last blow of divine power, and then his entire body fell like a broken tree.

When he fell, he slowly closed his eyes, and could even clearly hear the many disciples behind him shouting to him.

It was all over, because he knew that his magical power, even if he tried his best, would be in vain.


He slammed heavily on the firm stone ground, smashing the ground into cracks. He closed his eyes like this, waiting for death to come.

At this moment, he really wanted to take another look at the church he had worked so hard to build, but he didn't have the courage.

The air was suddenly quiet, as if to foreshadow the silence before his death, but nothing was happening except for the sound of a piercing sword sound.

Immediately after that, there was a cheering sound behind him.

He wouldn't listen to these voices, he was many disciples of his own church.

With doubts and incomprehensions, there is even a little expectation, because he knows that not only is he fighting, but countless churches in the entire Shengyuan Continent are fighting together.

"Did someone come to rescue me?" With doubts in his heart, the Immortal Realm God Emperor opened his eyes.

At this moment, in front of him, there are no more figures of the three immortal emperors from the god of calamity power, and some are just a tall figure.

It was a woman. The woman was dressed in white clothes and had long black hair. She was facing her back. She held a silver sword in her hand. It was clearly visible that there was blood dripping from the tip of the sword.

These are not important, the important thing is that there are three pools of blood not far from the woman's feet.

And the person who fell in those three pools of blood was none other than the god of calamity who joined forces to injure him before!

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