Just when the god of misfortune powerhouse was still laughing unscrupulously, the aura around Zi Yan began to slowly change, feeling the change in the aura of the star god envoy, the three mainland powerhouses looked at each other, and finally obeyed Zi Yan. The order, quietly retreated a distance.

Looking at Zi Yan again, with the change of the breath in her body, the five gods of calamity on the opposite side began to restrain their arrogant smiles, and their faces gradually became solemn.

Because, at this moment, the breath of this little girl gave them a sense of danger.

"This! This is?" A calamity strong man couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, Zi Yan's whole body has been shrouded in a sea of ​​fire. Under the shroud of this sea of ​​fire, Zi Yan's loli body began to gradually become illusory, and soon merged with the sea of ​​​​fire, and no one could be seen at all.

The sea of ​​​​fire continued to spread, and soon filled half the world, and in the sea of ​​​​fire, a body began to appear.

That body was definitely more than ten times bigger than the previous Star God Envoy.


The howl of the dragon roared angrily from the sea of ​​​​fire, and then a huge dragon with a body of hundreds of feet appeared between the world.

This dragon has scales the same color as the sea of ​​fire, its four claws grow gold, and its huge wings are flapping.

And the breath reveals the horror of the ancient times, a pair of fiery red dragon eyes are staring at the five gods of calamity in front of them.

"It's a dragon! It's the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!" someone exclaimed.

Even the three mainland powerhouses who wanted to help Zi Yan before could not help but look shocked. I didn't expect that the body of the Star God Envoy was actually a Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor with the blood of the ancient peak!

It turns out that this is the ultimate move of the Star God Envoy!

If they were shocked, they belonged to the five gods of calamity who were locked by the terrifying eyes of this Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor at the moment. They did not expect that this powerful little girl was actually a Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!

That is the pinnacle god-level bloodline that has been at the top of all bloodlines since ancient times. Although they have no fixed place in the void, no matter whether it is the ancient era when their power is full, or the ancient era where wars are raging, no force is willing to To offend the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Remember, it's not one person, it's which force!

Because of the real terror and real anger of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, no one can bear it.

It's just that it's too late to be shocked by the five gods of calamity. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor in the sea of ​​​​fire has moved, and several fire pillars are sprayed out directly.

The hot pillar of fire set the whole world on fire, illuminating the whole world red.

Around, the sea of ​​​​fire spread wantonly, the pillar of fire crashed down, the fire dragon sprang out, and soon the five gods of calamity were shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

"Oops!" As soon as a calamity strong man opened his mouth, he was hit by a fire dragon with terrifying power.

Chapter 985 The absolute crush from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!


This calamity strong man was hit by the fire dragon, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his body was even hotter, obviously he was poisoned by fire.

However, this is just the beginning, because they are in this sea of ​​fire, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor will not let them go easily.

The pillar of fire, the fire dragon began to blast down indiscriminately, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed by this sea of ​​fire.

Shengyuan Continent, the people of this church have already retreated to a safer area.

"Let's go together!" At this moment, the calamity powerhouse finally realized how terrifying the little girl was, and they began to madly rush towards the giant dragon in the sea of ​​fire.


The dragon whistled, the pillar of fire slammed down, and the five gods of calamity had just swept halfway before they were blown away by the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

"Bastard! She turned out to be a Great Void Ancient Dragon Emperor!"

"It's no use scolding now, hurry up and think of a way, or we will all die here!"

In the sea of ​​​​fire, the powerful god of calamity began to discuss countermeasures while resisting the dodging fire pillars, fire dragons, and the falling of the huge fireballs.

The temperature of the sea of ​​​​fire is still rising, which makes the five gods of calamity feel quite uncomfortable, as if a boulder weighing thousands of pounds has been pressed on the chest, making people almost unable to breathe.

"Withdraw! We can't do anything about it right now!"


In the end, in the countless battlefields of Shengyuan Continent, for the first time, the powerful god of woe had to flee without a fight.

But, can you escape if you want to?

Zi Yan, who transformed into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, roared, as if to vent the anger in her heart, and several pillars of fire slammed down.

Before, in the Kunlun Ruins Replenishing Heaven Sect, she was crushed and severely injured by the terrifying leader of the god of calamity. Now Zi Yan will send all these anger to these five gods of calamity.

The pillars of fire were constantly blasting out, which made it impossible for the five gods of calamity to escape.




The five people were constantly being hit by the fire pillar and the fire dragon, and the fire poison attacked their hearts, which made the five recognitions even more angry.

"Damn, I fought with it!" A calamity strong man was obviously overwhelmed by his anger, and he started to carry these terrifying powers, and the hot and high temperature pillars of fire greeted him.

It's just that although he is also an Immortal Realm God Sovereign, in front of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor who has transformed his body, this calamity Immortal Realm God Sovereign seems extremely insignificant.

Before the magical power was released, the giant golden claws of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor had already slammed down.

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