Under this claw, the god of calamity powerhouse that just rushed out was blasted away.

The blood swept across the sea of ​​​​fire and was evaporated in an instant. The immortal emperor from the god of calamity was directly hit by the claws of the Taixu ancient dragon emperor and fell like a broken tree.

A companion next to him caught him, and the calamity powerhouse who caught him couldn't help frowning, his eyes full of fear.

Looking at the companion in his arms, there are five claw wounds that go deep into the bone marrow, the flesh is rolling, and the blood is constantly gushing out.

Life is fading fast.


The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor killed a god of calamity with one claw, and once again made a sound of dragon howl resounding through the nine days, swallowing a pillar of fire, and swept downwards.

The huge golden claws waved sharply, and another god of calamity immortal emperor was knocked out.

Compared to the previous one, this Immortal Realm God Sovereign was much luckier, but only had one arm smashed, and he had no life worries for the time being.

But this is enough to make the remaining three, who are still intact, terrified.

Previously, it seemed that he had underestimated this little girl, but now, in front of this terrifying Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, with his group of five, he was simply too small to be attacked.

On this side, the god of calamity and powerhouse are terrified, for fear that they will fall into this sea of ​​fire if they are not careful. On the other side, the church of Shengyuan Continent is full of surprises. They have seen the Star God of the Three Gods Sect before. The so powerful, after all, with one enemy five, to deal with five immortal emperors of the same level will not fall behind.

And now, surprises are expected to be respected.

The Star God Envoy, who showed his absolute strength, could also be said to be the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and he was respected by everyone with his unquestionably comparable strength.


The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor is still stirring up the sea of ​​​​fire, and the sea of ​​​​fire reflects this world.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, the four remaining gods of calamity and immortal emperors are like lost dogs, not knowing where to go.

They are constantly wielding magical powers, not attacking the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor located in the clouds of the sea of ​​​​fire, but struggling to resist the continuous bombardment of fire pillars, fireballs, and fire dragons!


After struggling to resist for a long time, the God of Calamity Immortal Realm God Emperor, who had broken his arm before, finally could no longer suppress the fire poison in his body. He was hit by a fire column and fell directly downward.

Around the body, there are still pillars of fire bombarding.

Soon, his body was submerged in the sea of ​​flames, and he was never able to get up again.

So far, another god of calamity, immortal emperor, has fallen into this sea of ​​fire.

"Fight! Otherwise, we'll all die here!" There were still three remaining, and they finally began to go crazy and want to break through this world shrouded in flames.

However, as soon as they were plundered, they were repelled by the golden claws of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor that contained terrifying power.

Since they are in this sea of ​​fire, since they are the god of calamity forces from the Ziwei Star Region, and since Zi Yan has transformed into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, then in this battle, they are destined to be unable to get out of this sea of ​​fire alive!

Chapter 986 The ruins of Kunlun, Zhang Tian appears!

In this battle, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor quickly burned the remaining three gods of calamity and immortal realm in this sea of ​​fire.

After killing the powerful god of calamity, the sea of ​​​​fire gradually dissipated, and the terrifying temperature in this world began to gradually return to normal.

At this moment, as the sea of ​​​​fire dissipated, there was no longer the huge figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor in the sky, and there was only a familiar Lolita body, a star god envoy of the Three Gods who combined cuteness and strength.

Just as Zi Yan fell back to the ground, the three immortal emperors of this church hurriedly came to Zi Yan.

"Many thanks to the Star God Envoy for saving the sect." The three god emperors bowed their hands in gratitude at the same time.

"You don't need to thank me, thank my father if you want to." Zi Yan smiled and turned into a streamer.

Since Zhang Tian's will is obtained, and there are so many churches in need of rescue such as Shengyuan Continent, although Zi Yan is playful, she can also distinguish the importance, so she immediately rushed to the next battlefield.

Leaving the three Immortal Realm God Sovereigns with respectful and grateful eyes, they watched the Star God Envoy leave.

Not only Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan, but in fact, when the three sisters went to various battlefields, the high priest also led the powerhouses of the Three Gods to go to various battlefields.

Like the three angels, because the number of strong people is limited, the high priest also fights one by one.

In Saint Yuan Continent, there are many wars.

Originally, in the face of the sudden attack of the god of calamity, countless small and medium-sized churches were faced with catastrophe, but with the intervention of the three gods, especially after the three gods appeared in various battlefields in a violent storm, the continent of Shengyuan and the god of calamity faced disaster. The fierce battle of the forces began to gradually reverse.

Except for some major sects such as the Kuling Sect attacked by the leaders of the gods of calamity, these churches are still struggling to support, and countless small and medium-sized churches in Shengyuan continent have begun to fight back, which makes the gods of calamity very unhappy.

But even so, the mysterious Black Five and the Golden Armored men who were still stationed in the Kunlun Ruins Reconstruction Sect still did not make a move.

Kunlun Ruins, Heaven Patching Religion.

"The Three Gods Religion is still involved after all." At this moment, there were only two people in the hall, the mysterious black fog and the golden armored man, and the mysterious black fog smiled.

"It doesn't matter, once the major religions of all parties are destroyed, these small and medium-sized churches will not be able to find any waste." The golden man said, his expression was still indifferent, "It's that man, if he shoots against other leaders again, we are afraid that we will also shoot. It's gone!"

"That's natural. To be honest, I really want to meet this peerless powerhouse for a while." Jie Jie smiled again from the black mist.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. With the strength of the two of us, we may not be his opponent." The golden-armored man said solemnly.

"So what, since we have come to Shengyuan Continent, the purpose is to divide this place. In a battle of life and death, my calamity forces will not retreat!" In the mysterious black mist, a cold snort came out.

In this regard, the man in the golden armor did not speak again, and there was a flash of firmness in his eyes like Jinhui at the same time. This is for fighting, and if he fails, he will become a benevolent, and Shengyuan Continent must be won!

"It's a life-and-death battle! Invading other continents, you can still say that it is so grand!" Kunlun Ruins, Butian Sect, a man's sarcastic laughter suddenly came from outside the hall.

The man, dressed in white robes, strolled in the courtyard, standing on the top of the ruins outside the main hall.

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