Outside the main hall, because the previous battle to destroy the sect of the Heaven-Mending Sect was full of ruins, Zhang Tian just let the breeze from the Kunlun Ruins world blow his cheeks and stood here with a confident smile.

Inside the hall, there was a surprise in the mysterious black mist.

Immediately, he appeared outside the main hall with the man in golden armor.

The dilapidated Kunlun Ruins, outside the main hall, the broken pillars fell horizontally. At this moment, the powerful gods of disaster here have joined the battlefields of Shengyuan Continent, leaving only the mysterious black fog and the golden armored man as the supreme ruler. two people.

The golden-armored man had a dignified expression on his face, and there was no emotion in Jin Hui's eyes. On his back, two great swords with dazzling golden light as strong as the sun's rays trembled faintly.

There was a mysterious black mist around him, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a person, a ghost, or the existence of a ghost.

These are the two peerless powerhouses of the god of calamity. It can be said that in this world, these two leaders of the god of calamity are one of the strongest standing in the whole world.

If they make a move, there is no need to doubt that a great sect such as the Lingling Sect will definitely be destroyed in an instant.

It's just that they didn't make a move, because in this melee-ridden Shengyuan Continent, there was another person who made them have to treat them with dignity. This person once shot in the air and killed the leader of the true immortal-level calamity with one palm. This person is in Shengyuan Continent. Famous, he is the leader of the Three Gods Sect!

"You are finally here." Jin Hui, a man in golden armor, shot a golden light from his eyes, without any emotion, his golden armor shone brightly, and the sword behind him was about to move, like a golden warrior who only knew how to fight.

"Jie Jie, Master Zhang, it seems that you are going to be the enemy of our entire Ziwei star field." A gloomy smile came from the mysterious black mist, and then Jie Jie said: "If I were you, I would too. Come here, because as long as the two of us are killed, this battle Shengyuan Continent is a victory."

At this time, standing opposite the main hall, Zhang Tiantian on the top of the ruins spoke slowly, even with a smile on his cheeks: "You are right, I am here today to kill you."


A huge stone pillar seemed to be unable to bear the weight that had already broken, and collapsed suddenly, throwing up billowing dust.

At the same time, the astral wind blew through, which was much stronger than the breeze in the Kunlun Ruins before, blowing Zhang Tian's white robe up.

Chapter 987 Mysterious black fog, it's so revealing!

Zhang Tian's words fell, the giant column collapsed, and the wind blew wildly, as if foreshadowing that an earth-shattering war was about to begin.

There was a cold hum from the mysterious black mist, and then six bone chains burst out.

These six bone chains are all made of human skulls, and the chain linking the skulls is pitch-black, and even the pitch-black chains are surrounded by countless black qi.

These black qi are not ordinary black qi, they are shot out along with six bone chains, and they are mixed with countless Devil May Cries.

Obviously, there are countless dead souls who died under this bone chain, and the black gas entangled in the chain is these dead souls who fell into the abyss, Devil May Cry.

Besides, this mysterious black mist that can't see its true face, along with the six bone chains, also shows its own aura.

The pinnacle of true fairy!

This level of strength is enough to disdain the entire Shengyuan Continent. Of course, this does not include the immortal king powerhouse behind some forces, such as the immortal king Anlan behind the Huanyin Sect, and so on.

It's just that the major religions faced the attack of the gods of calamity, and the powerful Immortal Kings behind them did not intervene, because they knew that someone would take action, and with the end of this war, this continent will undergo earth-shaking changes!

They have their own chessboard, as well as their own plans.

Of course, even if Zhang Tian knew about this, he would not take it to heart, because in the face of absolute strength, everything was in vain.


The six chains of bones containing the breath of the dead have been shot in front of Zhang Tian, ​​like a poisonous snake swallowing apricots and opening its fangs.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Tian slowly raised his arm, and then waved his hand gently, the void in front of him had begun to twist, and then a light mirror appeared.


The six bone chains slammed on the light mirror, and were directly thrown away.

"Huh?" There was a surprise in the mysterious black mist, and six bone chains continued to shoot.

Looking at the bone chain shot again, Zhang Tian's expression was calm. In fact, as long as Zhang Tian was willing, he could easily kill this god of misfortune powerhouse at the pinnacle of true immortals, but Zhang Tian did not intend to end the battle so soon.

As for why, Zhang Tian has his own plans.

Looking at the skull chains that Liu Dao continued to blast, this time Zhang Tian did not directly retreat as before, but instead moved up to meet him.

The six skull chains were like poisonous snakes with their sharp fangs open, circling and twisting around each other and quickly swept out, but they didn't even touch Zhang Tian's body.

"Not good!" Seeing that the man in white robe broke through his six bones with such a strange movement, the mysterious black fog secretly screamed that it was not good.


Just when Zhang Tian was about to swept in front of the mysterious black fog, he heard a screeching sound, and the mysterious black fog suddenly increased several times.

And Zhang Tian, ​​who swept over, was in this eerie black mist.

"Jie Jie, no matter how strong you are, you can't help me if you enter the dark mist of mine!" In the dark mist, a sinister whisper came out, it was the man in the mysterious black mist before.

Zhang Tian didn't speak, the light like a comet flashed in his eyes, in fact, he had already penetrated everything.

Zhang Tian could clearly see that the black fog he came out of was the Hall of the Heaven-Mending Sect in Kunlun Ruins, and the man in the black fog was standing in front of him at a distance of less than ten meters.

However, the man's voice seemed to come from all directions in the black fog.

The man smiled and walked slowly towards Zhang Tian, ​​who watched the performance of the man quietly.

This is a man wearing a black robe. The man's appearance is very handsome, and he doesn't look too old. His strange purple hair is exposed from the black robe cloak.When speaking, the bright red blood-like lips and the flawless white teeth form a strong visual contrast.

The man in black robe thought that Zhang Tian could not see himself at all, so he quietly walked out towards Zhang Tian step by step, with two skull chains wrapped around his arms, waist, and legs, even in the depths of this black silk mist, his whole body There is still a thicker black mist entangled.

On the other hand, Zhang Tian just looked at the man a little, and didn't continue to look at it.

Instead, he turned and looked outside the hall.

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