There, the man in golden armor was motionless, his back turned to himself, if it weren't for the faintly shining golden light and the cloak blown by the breeze, those who didn't know it would have thought it was a golden statue.

"It's kind of interesting." Zhang Tian said with a smile in his heart, Zhang Tian has his own plans for the golden armored man.

Of course, before that, the entire noisy and mysterious black fog had to be resolved.

Said to be resolved, Zhang Tian will not take action immediately, Zhang Tian is waiting, he will wait for the small and medium-sized church to counterattack with momentum, but the peak teaching can't support it, will he completely kill these evil forces.

In this battle, Zhang Tian wants the Three Gods Religion to be famous in the mainland!

Looking at the black-robed man in the mysterious black mist, when Zhang Tian turned back to look at the golden-armored man outside the main hall, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes on his handsome and charming face.

That is, it seems that his own black fog has no effect on this white-robed man?Finally, with a feeling of doubt and temptation, the black-robed man suddenly stretched out his hands.


At the arm, two skull chains suddenly shot out!

The direction is exactly between Zhang Tian's eyebrows, this is a fatal blow!

Chapter 988 Three thousand thunder!The King's Battle!

"Jie Jie, it turns out to be nothing more than that!" Permeated in this black mist that can't see five fingers, looking at the two bone chains shot out of his own explosion, it seems that it is about to penetrate the man's eyebrows, the black robed man is bewitching A gloomy smile appeared on the extremely handsome face.


Like poisonous snakes, these two bone chains directly penetrated the man's eyebrows and penetrated the man's head.

"Is this dead?" Licking his lips, the black-robed man under the cloak narrowed his eyes slightly.

It turned out that the man in white robe was a peak powerhouse, but he didn't expect to break into his mysterious black mist and become a scum, which made the man in black robe feel a little surprised, and even felt a little unfinished!

The bright lips and white teeth formed a strong contrast with the bright smile on the black-robed man's face.

"It seems that we all overestimated this guy." The black mist dissipated, and the black-robed man no longer paid attention to the white-robed man whose head and eyebrows were pierced, namely Zhang Tian, ​​but walked out of the hall on his own.

There, the golden-armored man's cloak fluttered in the wind, and it seemed that no matter what happened in this world could not disturb the golden-armored man's state of mind.

It's just that if the black-robed man could see the eyes of the golden-armored man, he would be extremely puzzled, because the golden-glow-like eyes of the golden-armored man were still full of solemnity.

The man in golden armor didn't speak, but the man in black robe couldn't help but frown slightly again, and then turned to look at Zhang Tian, ​​who had been pierced in his head before. splash.

It seems that the chain of his skull is not a real person, but a false phantom, just like a mirage.

Frowning slightly, there was a dignified look on the brows of Yao Yi, and a bad feeling rose in the heart of the black-robed man.

Call ~

A gust of breeze blew, and Zhang Tian, ​​who had been pierced by the bone chain, turned out to be like a cloud of smoke, and was blown away by this gust of breeze.

When it reappeared, a white figure had already appeared behind the black-robed man.

It's Zhang Tian!

It is three thousand thunderbolts!

It's just that Zhang Tian's three thousand thunderbolts have reached the realm of immersion, and even the black-robed man at the pinnacle of true immortals did not notice any energy fluctuations.

And the 'Zhang Tian' who was blown away by the breeze, that is, the 'Zhang Tian' who had been pierced through his head by a black robe man with a bone chain before, was just an illusory figure left by three thousand thunderbolts.

It's illusory, and it's real.

Besides, at this moment, the black-robed man couldn't bear to think about it any more. Just when a powerful breath appeared behind him, the black-robed man hurriedly swept away from the hall.


After the black-robed man who originally liked darkness swept out of the dark hall, facing the sunlight outside the hall, he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. The man in golden armor also turned around and looked at the man who was surrounded by black mist and stretched out his fingers. of the Dark Hall.

Inside, there was the sound of 'dong dong dong' footsteps, which were very gentle, but seemed to be stepping on the heart of the black-robed man.

Immediately, a figure walked out of the black hall, and appeared outside the hall not long after, it was Zhang Tian.

"Bastard!" The black-robed man cursed in his heart, and his eyes finally became extremely solemn. Although Zhang Tian hadn't really shot himself against him, the black-robed man already knew the horror of this man.

"If this is your full strength, then you will not be able to leave here alive today." Zhang Tian said with a smile, and at the same time he did not forget to separate out a divine sense to check the battle situation of the entire Shengyuan Continent.

In fact, it is not the entire Shengyuan Continent.

Because most of the battles between the forces of the gods of calamity and the various religions in the mainland occurred in the middle-aged sects and some small churches with good power, it seems that the entire continent is in chaos and bloodshed, but in fact, most people on the Shengyuan Continent are in conflict. It doesn't have much impact.

Of course, although there is no impact, this still makes the entire Shengyuan Continent pay great attention. After all, this is a war between Shengyuan Continent and foreign forces.

As for actively surrendering to the Yin-Yang Acacia Sect, or even willing to be a minion, that's another story.

In this battle, the name of the Three Gods Religion is destined to become famous in the Shengyuan Continent, especially the three gods, and the immortal emperor who crushed the power of the god of calamity. Even the ordinary emperors and powerhouses are vulnerable in front of them. .

At this moment, the Kuling Sect is already at an absolute disadvantage. I believe that as long as the battle continues, if the Kuling Sect does not surrender, then the result is destined to be destroyed just like the Heaven-Mending Sect in Kunlun Ruins.

And just at this critical moment of extreme embarrassment, the Empress of the Huanyin Sect came to support with all the strong men, and even Emperor Zihua Lei came to support after recovering a little from his injury.

As for the Wulei Orthodox Church that left the hollow, Emperor Zihua Leidi is not worried, because the battles in various places are the top priority. At this juncture, the forces of the god of disaster will not attack a Wulei without any strong person sitting in the seat. Orthodoxy, because that would be meaningless, it would also weaken the strength of the frontal battlefield.

It has to be said that Emperor Zihua Leidi's judgment is very accurate, and the forces of the gods of calamity really can't distinguish any strong ones at this time.

Besides, the headquarters of the Spiritual Religion, with the support of Empress Huanyin and Emperor Zihua Lei, the peak powerhouses of the Saint Yuan Continent, will gradually recover the trend of defeat.

"Thank you Empress, Lei Di!" At this moment, the sect leader Kuling was shattered, covered in blood, and smiled at the two great emperors.

Chapter 989 Who dares to stop the person the Emperor Burying wants to kill!

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