In the Shengyuan Continent, the battlefields of all parties suddenly stopped fighting each other, and they all looked at the nine heavens, where people couldn't see anything.

But all the powerhouses on Shengyuan Continent know that there is a Supreme Immortal Emperor in that distant nine heavens!

Chapter 992 Seven Star Ancient Clan, Immortal Emperor Yi Huang

Immortal Emperor!

This is a powerhouse that has never appeared in Shengyuan Continent. Even if the powerhouse is very far away from Shengyuan Continent, the terrifying atmosphere here is enough to shock the entire Shengyuan Continent!

"You dare to kill my apprentice!" Immortal Emperor's angry voice penetrated nine days, resounding over the entire Shengyuan Continent, echoing for a long time.


Then everyone saw that a huge palm was like a sky falling down, blasting towards the Kunlun Ruins.

"It's the Heaven Repairing Sect!" The battlefields of all sides of Shengyuan Continent stopped, and someone exclaimed.

On the side of the Kuling Sect, the sect leader of the sect also looked solemnly towards the sky above the Kunlun Ruins. Although the sect leader of the sect was covered in blood at this time and his clothes were torn, his piercing eyes were still full of doubts. .

Who is that mighty palm?Who is he here to help?

In the Kunlun Ruins' Heaven Repairing Sect, everyone knows that there are still two powerful gods of calamity who have not taken action, and those two are the strongest fighting forces in the god of calamity. Is this powerful palm hitting them?Or help them?

This is the doubt of the leader of Lingling, and it is also the doubts in the hearts of Empress Huanyin and Emperor Zihua by the side of the leader.

Zhang Tian had used this move before, when he helped the ruthless Zi Yan to kill two calamity leaders during the Battle of the Heaven-Mending Sect to destroy the sect.

But at this moment, the three peak emperors of Shengyuan Continent all know that this Immortal Emperor-level terrifying palm does not come from Master Zhang.

"Could it be that Master Zhang is fighting with the two strongest in the God of Calamity?" Emperor Zihua Lei expressed his guess. Since the Three Gods Sect had sent three divine envoys to rescue the Wulei Orthodox Sect, then It shows the attitude of the leader of Zhang, and with the strength and domineering of the leader of Zhang, it is natural to go to the two strongest in the god of calamity and fight directly.

"It should be Master Zhang, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big commotion there." Empress Huanyin's delicate face flashed a touch of solemnity and worry, because no one knew which side the Immortal Emperor-level palm was on.

It's just that no matter which side you stand on, it doesn't seem to be very good for Master Zhang.

Because if it is on the side of the leader Zhang, then it means that the leader Zhang has encountered trouble in the Kunlun Ruins, and the trouble is not small, otherwise it will not be as strong as the Immortal Emperor.

On the other hand, if this big hand is aimed at the leader of Zhang, then the leader of Zhang is just as troublesome. You must know that this is the most powerful person at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

Leader Zhang is strong, and can even easily kill a true immortal strong person, but in the face of such a terrifying existence as the Immortal Emperor, Empress Huanyin can't help but worry about Zhang Tian.

And intuition told Empress Huanyin that this terrifying palm was probably slammed towards Sect Master Zhang!

It must be said that women's intuition is very accurate.

As for Ruthless Man, Zi Yan, and Yuxin, when the palm with terrifying power came down, they knew that this palm was aimed at Zhang Tian!

But unlike the doubts and worries in the eyes of everyone, the three daughters were not worried about Zhang Tian, ​​because they knew how terrifying their father's strength was.

Speaking of Kunlun Ruins, the golden-armored man was blasted away by Zhang Tian and climbed up from the ruins with difficulty.

Just when the huge palm slammed down from nine days away, Zhang Tian's face remained the same, but he frowned slightly, and then raised his arm as well.


The terrifying palm that contained the power of the Immortal Emperor quickly slammed down, and even contained the power of the laws of heaven and earth.


The two palms touched each other, and the violent wind swept recklessly, raising Zhang Tian's white robe.

With the same expression on his brows, Zhang Tian blocked the terrifying palm of this Immortal Emperor level powerhouse with one hand like this. Even if the surrounding wind was raging and the energy exploded, Zhang Tian was still strolling in the courtyard, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Nine days away, in the faraway Ziwei Star Region, the owner of this big hand was surprised.


The madness blew, and the big hand finally slowly dissipated, and this did not end, because just when Zhang Tian shot to stop the Immortal Emperor's palm, that is, after the golden armor man stood up, an illusory voice had appeared in the golden armor. Above the back of the man's head.

Although this figure is illusory, it can clearly see the appearance.

This is an old man who looks very old. The old man has white eyebrows, white beard, and a white robe. Although he looks old, but the domineering between his eyebrows is not weaker than that of a young man with strong blood.

Moreover, there are seven golden star patterns between the eyebrows of the old man. These seven gold stars flicker faintly between the eyebrows of the old man, exuding golden light.

"Ancient people?" Zhang Tian said in his heart.

Zhang Tian guessed that this old man was the ancient clan of the Ziwei Star Region.

Just like Zi Yan's Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, the ancient bloodline is not weaker than Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

"Seven-star ancient clan? At most, it is the genius of the ancient clan." Zhang Tian smiled in his heart, even if he could kill the Immortal Emperor Phantom of the Seven-star ancient clan, Zhang Tian did not rush to take action.

"This deity is the Emperor Yi of the ancient clan in the Ziwei Star Territory. Can you give a little friend a thin face and save your lover's life in order to return to the Ziwei Star Territory." After the illusory old man appeared, he directly confronted Zhan Tiandao.

I don't know if it's because of the fear of Zhang Tian's strength, or because the illusory figure is not enough to exert the strength of the main body, the seven-star ancient clan immortal emperor in the Ziwei star field has said again: "If the little friend is willing to spare the life of the disciple, Ziwei The god of calamity forces in the star field immediately withdrew from Shengyuan Continent and will never come again!"

Never come again!

When the old man said this, the man in golden armor couldn't help showing shock.

Chapter 993 Destroying the Immortal Emperor with One Hand!

"Spare his life?" Facing the illusory figure of the old man, Zhang Tian said directly with disapproval.

Don't say that you are just the body of the Immortal Emperor, even if the Immortal Emperor's deity is here, Zhang Tian will not give any face.

Zhang Tian's arrogant attitude made the Immortal Emperor very unhappy, but due to Zhang Tian's equally terrifying strength, Emperor Yi still suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, "You don't think that you will be with me for a small misunderstanding. Is it a very unwise choice to be the enemy of Ziwei Star Region?"

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