When Yi Huang said this, Zhang Tian sneered in his heart.

"The god of calamity in your Ziwei star field, come to my Shengyuan Continent, first slaughter and destroy the Heaven-Mending Sect, and then start a war between all parties, you still have the face to say this is a misunderstanding?" Zhang Tian can be said to have no face to Yi Huang at all .

Even if this person is an Immortal Emperor from the Ziwei Star Region, even if this person is from an ancient clan with tyrannical blood, Zhang Tian does not need to give any face!

Yi Huang frowned slightly, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Zhang Tian has already stepped out, the smile still in his eyes.

At the same time, slowly raise your hand.

Seeing this, not only was Emperor Yi's brows furrowed, but the man in the golden armor also had a solemn expression on his face, and there was even a trace of deep fear in the depths of those golden eyes.

Because the strength Zhang Tian showed before was too terrifying!

The golden-armored man would never doubt Zhang Tian's ability to kill him with one blow. If it hadn't been for Yi Huang's attack before, he would have fallen to the Kunlun Ruins of Saint Yuan Continent.

Speaking of Zhang Tian, ​​when he slowly raised his arm, Emperor Yi had already moved ahead.

The illusory body instantly glowed brightly, and Emperor Yi punched out.

This fist shook the mountains and rivers, without any gorgeous moves, but it contained extremely terrifying energy.

Immortal emperors are strong, and the magic powers are displayed at the fingertips, and there is no need for any moves at all.

The fist that bloomed with radiant light blasted out and blasted directly at Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian also had a palm, and he didn't have any magical powers, so he stretched out his palm and greeted him directly.


The fists and palms touched, and the terrifying energy spread freely, shaking the entire Kunlun Ruins.

The terrifying spread of energy means that a huge and terrifying aura can be felt in a radius of a hundred miles. People from a hundred miles away from the Kunlun Ruins all look at the Kunlun Ruins with shocking eyes. They don't know what happened to the Kunlun Ruins. The duel of the strongest in the world?Or are there fetishes, monsters appearing?


Zhang Tian and Yi Huang punched each other, Zhang Tian looked the same as before, and even still had a light smile on his face. On the other hand, looking at Yi Huang, under Zhang Tian's palm, the illusory figure radiating light was directly bombarded. Take a few steps back.

Emperor Yi was shocked. He knew that the white-robed man in front of him was very terrifying, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

As the immortal emperor of the Seven Star Ancient Clan in the Ziwei Star Region, Yi Huang is much stronger than ordinary immortal emperors, so even if the clone comes, Yi Huang is still confident that he can successfully rescue the golden armored man.

As for the polite words with Zhang Tian before, that is that no one wants to offend an immortal emperor by chance, and what is more, Zhang Tian's strength is much stronger than ordinary immortal emperors.

His face changed slightly, and even a little angry, Yi Huang said coldly: "You really want to be an enemy of my clan!?"

This time, Emperor Yi directly moved out of the ancient clan in the Ziwei Star Region, trying to deter Zhang Tian.

Is it just that the Emperor of Heaven will accept threats from others?Don't say that you are a seven-star ancient emperor, even if the entire ancient clan is here, Zhang Tian is also flicking his fingers, saying that he will be destroyed.

"Really? It depends on whether your Ziwei Star Region has such strength." The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and Zhang Tian smiled playfully.

Raising his arm, he slammed it out again.

This palm is also without any fancy, seemingly simple palm, but it makes Yi Huang's whole complexion change greatly, because Yi Huang feels a dangerous atmosphere from this palm.

And this kind of feeling has never been encountered since Emperor Yi stepped into the Immortal Emperor.

The golden body of [-] feet rose from the ground, and Emperor Yi's illusory body instantly soared, and at the same time, it transformed into thousands of sayings, just like a thousand-handed golden Buddha descended into the world.

Thousands of hands slammed down and slammed directly at Zhang Tian.

However, no matter how much terrifying energy these thousands of arms radiating golden light contained, they were all blown away by Zhang Tian's seemingly gentle, but terrifying palm.

At this time, Zhang Tian's lightly blasted palm was like an abyss walking in the universe, crushing everything and letting everything dissipate.

Behind the golden body of Emperor Yi, where does the man in golden armor still have the calmness and confidence that first appeared in the Kunlun Ruins of Shengyuan Continent, Jin Hui's eyes are full of fear, but more from the fear of the soul.

Even though his master, Immortal Emperor Yi Huang of the Seven-Star Ancient Clan, was here, looking at the chapter that Zhang Tian rushed over, the golden-armored man couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Soon, Zhang Tian's palm slammed in front of Emperor Yi.

The thousand-armed golden hands couldn't stop him, so Emperor Yi had to protect his body with both hands in front of him, intending to resist Zhang Tian's palm.


Palm falls.

The Kunlun Ruins erupted again with a terrifying energy swept away, and a dazzling golden glow erupted at the same time.

The golden light exploded like a comet, dazzling the eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

A gust of wind blew past, blowing up the leaves and dust of the ruins of Kunlun Ruins, Zhang Tian smiled lightly, "Since you are here, don't leave."

Impressively, his face suddenly became cold.

Zhang Tian just held the void, and the entire Kunlun Ruins suddenly twisted. At the same time, with the collapse of the ruined hall of the Heaven Repairing Sect, this side of the world was actually crushed by Zhang Tiansheng!

At the same time, Emperor Yi's dharma body and the man in golden armor were also crushed, so that they didn't even have time to react, and they disappeared together in this world without even making a sound.

In the sky, after a while, the angry voice of an old man from the distant nine days came.

"You dare to destroy my Dharma body, kill my beloved disciple, the ancients will never die with you!"

Chapter 994 The world respects me like an emperor!


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