One after another deafening explosion sounded towards the surroundings, and the terrifying sound waves swept out from the center of the battlefield. This space seemed to be crushed by Zhang Tian's palm.

As for Emperor Yi's dharma body, it has long since been turned into ashes, and the man in golden armor has also vanished into ashes and no longer exists.

Everyone looked at each other, their hearts were extremely shocked, and they looked at Zhang Tian with a strong respectful look.

You must know that Zhang Tian can easily destroy Yi Huang's Dharma body. Who else can do it in the entire Kunlun Ruins and the whole world.

Such a powerful strength made countless people tremble with fear, especially Zhang Tian's previous grip, which crushed not only the dharma body of Emperor Yi and the golden-armored man, but also the hearts of everyone.

Dare not to give birth to the slightest rebellious heart.

"Congratulations to the Immortal Emperor!" Everyone shouted in unison, the sound was like thunder, and the rolling sound resounded throughout the Kunlun Ruins.

Being able to easily defeat the Immortal Emperor Dharma Body, Zhang Tian naturally deserves this honorary title.

"No need to be more polite." Zhang Tian carried his hands on his back, and his elegance was peerless, and for a while, countless women were obsessed.

Only he can be called the first person in Kunlun Ruins.

"Immortal Emperor, Kunlun Ruins are now suffering heavy casualties, and there are still many enemies who are eyeing them, and they are in a dangerous situation. Emperor Yi is deflated in Kunlun Ruins this time, and he will definitely not let Kunlun Ruins easily."

"Yeah, in the entire Kunlun Ruins, only Emperor Zhang Xiandi can compete with Emperor Yi."

"I also hope that Emperor Zhang can protect the Kunlun Ruins and keep us safe."

Everyone was terrified, and they all opened their mouths, pinning their hopes on Zhang Tian.

"You don't need to worry, this emperor will protect Kunlun Ruins. If Emperor Yi dares to come again, this emperor will definitely kill him here, so as to avoid future troubles!" Zhang Tian smiled, but he didn't take it to heart.

He is confident that he can kill Emperor Yi!

When everyone heard this, they were slightly startled. Killing the Immortal Emperor seemed impossible to others, but in Zhang Tian's mouth, it was extremely confident, as if it should have been so.

Suddenly, Zhang Tian's heart beat violently, his eyes were sharp, and he looked towards the void in the distance.

Where, the void is constantly twisting, as if something is about to break out.

"What is that?" Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Zhang Tian took a step forward, his aura suddenly increased sharply, a terrifying pressure enveloped the world, and he said solemnly, "What kind of monsters and monsters, don't hide, get out soon!"

When Zhang Tian spoke, he shrouded his voice with power, making it sound like a thunderous explosion, piercing the void, and heading straight for the monster in the darkness.

"Roar..." A deafening roar sounded.

I saw that the void was instantly pierced by a black claws, which were extremely sharp and seemed to be able to tear everything. With a piercing tearing sound, a three-headed and six-armed monster with endless power appeared in everyone's eyes.

In an instant, a powerful suppression followed the monster and suppressed it in the hearts of everyone. He was incomparably tall, standing between heaven and earth, and could easily smash mountains and rivers.

The monster's copper bell-like pupils opened, and his sharp eyes glanced at everyone, his eyes were full of disdain, giving people an endless sense of pressure.

"Pfft..." The weak and weak person couldn't bear it, and instantly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Bull-loving demon!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they stepped back in fright.

It is rumored that in the depths of the Kunlun Ruins, a group of extremely vicious ghosts are suppressed. When the Kunlun Ruins are in turmoil and the seal is weak, the ghosts will appear and kill the world.

And this ghost is a cow-loving demon!

"Where are the monsters and monsters coming from, please get out of the way for this emperor! The land of Kunlun Ruins is the territory of this emperor, and no one should be presumptuous!" Zhang Tian said coldly.

With a big wave of his hand, he easily erased the pressure of the bull-loving demon, and he faced the bull-loving demon without the slightest hint of fear.

"You are the master of this Kunlun Ruins?" The bull-loving demon glanced at Zhang Tian indifferently, with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, "Well, I will break through the seal today, so I will pay homage with your blood."

"You bastard, don't hold back. If you are sensible, get out of Kunlun Ruins for me, otherwise don't blame this emperor for being ruthless and killing you!" Zhang Tian snorted coldly, and a violent force gathered in his eyes. In the fist, amazing power erupted.

If this evil beast doesn't know what to do, he doesn't mind blood spilling on the ground.

"You're courting death!" The bull-loving demon roared, a mere human kid who dared to run wild in front of him.

The bull-loving demon stepped on the ground and stepped towards Zhang Tian like a mountain. He was extremely huge, easily smashing mountains and rivers, and his speed was extremely fast.

When everyone saw the bull-thirsty demon coming, their faces changed greatly, they fled, and handed over the battlefield to Zhang Tian.

"Kid, go to hell!" The low roar of the bull-loving demon sounded, and the incomparably huge fist fell from the sky, bursting out with a piercing sound, and a terrifying hurricane burst out, tearing the space.

The fist like a hill fell instantly and went straight towards Zhang Tian's head, drowning it. With this blow, he wanted to kill Zhang Tiange here.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear, and some worried whether Zhang Tian's thin body could withstand it.

"Go away!" Zhang Tian's face was cold and crazy.

Condensing the unparalleled power on his arms, he erupted with infinite coercion. At this moment, his body was incomparably stalwart, like a goddess flying out with a single blow, his palms poking toward the sky, trying to hold up this piece of heaven!


The deafening explosion sounded, and the incomparably violent force oscillated towards the surroundings. Everyone tightly covered their eardrums, for fear of being killed on the spot by this force.

"As expected of Emperor Zhang Xiandi, such a powerful force."

"Look, Immortal Zhang has resisted!"

"Emperor Zhang Xiandi is unparalleled in the world, he will definitely be able to kill this monster!"

" is this possible, how can you resist!" The cow-loving demon's expression changed greatly, his eyes were full of horror, his body and strength, which he had always been proud of, could not shake Zhang Tianfen in the slightest.

What else did he use to fight Zhang Tian?

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