"You can go to hell!" Zhang Tian snorted coldly, and his palms instantly propped up the bull-loving demon's fist.

His power exploded frantically, grabbed the cow-loving demon's wrist, and waved it towards the sky.


The body of the bull-loving demon was caught in the air by Zhang Tian and kept dancing. This scene looked amazing.

"Go away!" Zhang Tian said indifferently, punching the bull-loving demon with a punch, directly smashing him down from the sky.

With a bang, the body of the bull-loving demon flew out, blood spurting wildly in his mouth, his bones were broken, and many of his ribs were directly shaken into powder by Zhang Tian's punch.

The bull-loving demon was covered in blood, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Zhang Tian's figure landed from the sky, stepped on the head of the bull-loving demon, and his eyes were cold, "There is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, now, you can die!"

This sentence, like a judgment, pronounced the fate of the bull-loving demon.

"No..." The bull-loving demon shouted in horror, and the miserable voice resounded through the sky.

However, it cannot be changed, the consequences of being crushed by Zhang Tian's foot.

Such an iron-blooded method shocked countless people.

Chapter 995 One blow to destroy the bull-loving demon, all beings are shocked

The tragic cries of the bull-loving demon resounded throughout the Kunlun Ruins, making countless people tremble with fear and lingering fears.

Such a powerful monster was not Zhang Tian's own power, and was directly killed by Zhang Tian.

If it was someone else, it would be a blessing to be able to survive in the hands of the bull-loving demon, let alone killing the bull-loving demon, this is simply something that cannot be imagined.

The beautiful eyes of Empress Huanyin flowed, with a faint look of shock in her eyes. Zhang Tian's strength was really too powerful, even if it was only physical strength, it was almost invincible and no one could stop him.

"Are you alright?" Empress Huanyin said softly, and asked worriedly. The battle just now was too shocking, and she was worried that Zhang Tian would be injured by the power of the bull-loving demon.

"It's okay, this evil beast can't hurt me." Zhang Tian shook his head, but he didn't take the bull-loving demon to heart.

He looked at the still-twisting void in the distance, and shouted loudly, "Looking at this, I'm afraid there will be monsters coming out. You wait as far back as possible to avoid being injured by the aftermath of the battle."

When everyone heard this, they did not dare to hesitate at all, and hurriedly moved towards the distance, for fear of affecting the fish pond. After all, they did not have the strength of Zhang Tian, ​​and it was absolutely impossible to compete with the bull-loving demons.

"With Immortal Emperor Zhang here today, these evildoers will definitely come and go."

"Yes, Emperor Zhang Xiandi is invincible in the world, who can stop him!"

"As long as these demons are completely eradicated, the Kunlun Ruins can achieve real peace."

Everyone pinned their hopes on Zhang Tian.

"Just leave it to this emperor!" Zhang Tian said confidently, the voice fell, and he walked straight ahead, "Three daughters, kill the demons with this emperor, and protect the safety of Kunlun Ruins!"

The voice fell, Zhang Tian's figure flashed, and shot directly towards the void. His speed was extremely fast, like a white streamer, which instantly cut through the void and came.

Zhang Tian stretched out his big palm, and suddenly, a force of gravity rolled down in the void, as if an invisible big palm was pressing down, covering the entire void outlet, trying to completely seal the outlet.

At this time, a deafening roar came from the exit of the void, shaking in the hearts of everyone, and the eardrums hurt.


A pitch-black claws instantly tore through the space and made a piercing sound of breaking through the air. As the space became larger and larger, several black phantoms flew out of the sky and came straight to the Kunlun Ruins.

Not only that, the killing aura emanating from these monsters is extremely terrifying, and some people with weak cultivation bases even made their legs weak.

There were monsters flying out of the exit, as if endless, and the dense black spots spread over the entire Kunlun Ruins, which was extremely amazing.

"My God, what are these monsters?"

"This is... Void Heaven Insect, Void Eyes, Corrupt Black Wolf!"

A series of exclamations sounded, and these monsters, which were only recorded and legendary, appeared together today, and the number was extremely large.

"Could it be that Kunlun Ruins still can't escape the end of death?"

"No matter what kind of monsters and monsters it is, as long as I am here today, Zhang Tian, ​​I have to die here!" Zhang Tian snorted coldly, and the monstrous killing intent filled the air.

Most of these demons are emperor-level demons, but there are still many god-emperor-level powerhouses, coupled with the large number, it is extremely difficult.

"Roar..." In the sky, a bull-loving demon that was even bigger than before, saw his companion being killed, and let out a roar in the sky, and then dragged his huge body to kill Zhang Tian below.

"Children of the human race, take your life!" The cow-loving demon's voice was extremely low, and his body came down like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun, and an incomparably huge punch fell from the sky.

It was this unpretentious punch, with astonishing power, capable of shattering mountains and rivers in an instant, with a powerful momentum.

The violent hurricane surged out of the sky and rushed towards the surroundings. This punch seemed to break open the space and instantly fell in front of Zhang Tian, ​​which could suppress everything.

"Things that don't know whether to live or die, dare to take action against this emperor." Zhang Tian glanced at the bull-loving demon coldly, and his figure suddenly moved towards the sky.

He clenched his fists tightly, and a violent to the extreme power condensed on the fists, and smashed towards the bull-loving demon.


A loud bang sounded, and the bull-loving demon only felt that the fist in front of him contained endless power, which was completely unstoppable. The body retreated again and again, blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth, and there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

His sturdy arm was directly smashed by Zhang Tianhong, as vulnerable as tofu.

"What a strong human!" The bull-loving demon's eyes were blood red, his arms were trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

He absolutely did not expect that just after breaking through the seal, he would encounter such a strong enemy. Knowing that he was not Zhang Tian's opponent, he did not hesitate and retreated directly to the rear.

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