Hope to seek help and jointly kill Zhang Tian.

"Where to run!" Zhang Tian exclaimed.

The speed exploded to the extreme, the body flew out of the air like lightning, and the palm waved, a dazzling thunder light streaked in the air.

The next moment, Zhang Tian had come to the back of the bull-loving demon, and shot forward with a palm, directly smashing the bull-loving demon's head to pieces.

With a bang, the blood splashed out, and the bright red blood mixed with the brains spurted out. This scene looked extremely dazzling.

At this time, the third daughter had already been fighting with the rest of the demons, and the amazing aftermath continued to erupt from the center of the battlefield, filling the surroundings.

Sand and gravel splashed, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the earth had long been smashed into powder.

High in the sky, the bodies of demons kept falling down, making dull sounds. The three daughters were extremely powerful, and it took several demons to temporarily contain them.

But it's not cute enough to completely resist, just send it to death.

At this time, the nihilistic worm rushed across the battlefield and killed Empress Huanyin and others at the rear. They knew that they were not the opponents of Zhang Tian and others, and naturally they had to deal with others first.

"Let's go!" Empress Huanyin said coldly, her voice was like ten thousand years of ice, extremely cold.

The Huanyin Emperor Sword in his hand flew out of the sky, and in a flash, the cold light of the sword tip carved a lot of lotus flowers in the air, which was extremely sharp and seemed to be able to easily break everything.

However, these immortal king-level demons were not in the eye at all, and the black light shone on their bodies, making the whole world dim in an instant.

Their bodies seemed to be condensed with a layer of black armor, extremely hard, and went straight towards the Huanyin Emperor Sword.


The harsh sound of tearing came, and I saw the Huanyin Emperor Sword slashed on the black armor, sending out a series of sparks, which could not be broken.

As expected of the demon sealed by the Kunlun Ruins, the defense is so powerful.

Empress Huanyin's complexion changed slightly, and she joined several other people to kill the Void Insect, but she was unable to stop the Void Insect's attack.

"Death!" There was a hoarse and indifferent voice in the mouth of Wuwutianwu, without a hint of emotion, and a few black awns burst out from the mouth, piercing everything, and killed the Empress Huanyin, without any pity for Xiangxiyu.

Chapter 996 Demons run rampant, the void splits

Empress Huanyin's face was as pale as paper, and the attack of the Void Heaven Insect was too fast. Even with Empress Huanyin's strength, she could not avoid it, but could only resist.

However, the Huanyin Emperor Sword was not in her hands, so what did she use to compete with the Void Heaven Insect?

"Are you going to die here today?" Empress Huanyin groaned in her heart, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Just when he thought he would die, a figure instantly broke through the space and moved forward.

It was an extremely dazzling figure, radiant.

It was Zhang Tian.

There was a terrifying lightning flash in his hand, and he grabbed the black long tongue that spewed out of the mouth of the void worm, and squeezed it with a slight force in his hand, directly crushing it.

"Be careful, these monsters are extremely powerful, and if you are a little careless, you may die." Zhang Tian reminded and killed the other monsters again.


"Help me..."

"No...don't..." One after another terrified voice sounded, and everyone fled desperately.

Where, the other few people were not as lucky as the Huan Yin Empress. Their bodies were instantly pierced by the worms, and the blood and bone marrow in their bodies were directly swallowed up.

The body turned into a dry skin sac and fell powerlessly towards the sky.

After the void worm devoured the cultivator's essence and blood, the black light on the body became deeper, and the breath was much stronger, even more terrifying than before.

"After these demons absorbed the blood of the monks, there was such a big change." Zhang Tian's eyes flashed.

Thinking about it in his heart, he directly killed the other nihilistic insects.

The icy eyes of the nihilistic worm swept across Zhang Tian, ​​and their eyes were full of contempt. They had absorbed a lot of blood just now, their strength had greatly increased, and they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

However, Zhang Tian dared to kill him, he was simply courting death!

The nihilistic worms vibrated their wings and slaughtered towards Zhang Tian. They were like killing machines, and they were bound to slaughter Zhang Tian.

call out--

Several sounds of breaking the sky sounded almost at the same time, and several nihilistic worms occupied a high position and shot at Zhang Tian at the same time.

This big net is also stained with extremely terrifying corrosive venom, which directly corrodes everything in the air, making a sound of babbling, and billowing blue smoke.

"Broken!" Zhang Tian's voice roared like a rolling thunder, and the concussion sounded.

The speed exploded to the extreme, and his body was like a bolt of electric light, killing him in the sky.

High in the sky, thunder rolled and roared, resounding through the sky, and the endless thunder force was pulled by Zhang Tian, ​​fell from the sky, and smashed on the net of heaven and earth.

The violent thunder force slashed down, containing extremely powerful slaughtering power.

Thunder is a powerful killing force that can easily break through everything.

Even if the defense of Tianluodiwang is strong, and it is protected by corrosive venom, it is still not Zhang Tian's opponent.

In just one encounter, the Tianluodi net was torn open in an instant, Zhang Tian seized the opportunity, and his figure shone out from it, taking the life of the nihilistic insect.

The nihilistic worms looked crazy, and when they saw Zhang Tian coming, they didn't have the slightest fear and fought with their bodies.

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