"Looking for death!" Zhang Tian said coldly.

He punched out of the sky with a punch, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he dominated the world.

The terrifying power poured out, trying to crush everything, trembling madly, and seemed to be unable to withstand this power.

"With your attack, you also want to break our defenses, wishful thinking..." The nihilistic worm spoke disdainfully.

However, before they could finish their words, Zhang Tian had already dropped a punch, directly hitting their black armor, and all the terrifying power was submerged in the armor.


Even with the protection of black armor, the nihilistic worm was still unable to resist Zhang Tian's full-strength punch. His armor was instantly smashed into countless pieces, all the bones in his body were broken, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

A stream of air oscillated out from the backs of the Void Sky Insect, and Zhang Tian's punch seemed to pierce through their bodies, flying towards the rear like a cannonball.

"A waste that is vulnerable to a single blow, dare to swear to destroy the Kunlun Ruins." Zhang Tian said indifferently, extremely domineering, and his sharp eyes glanced at the remaining nihilistic insects, "Are you worthy?"

The nihilistic worms were furious. They are a noble family of demons, how can they suffer such a shame?

"Kill him!" One of the Void Insects said in a cold voice, with a crazy look, he directly killed Zhang Tian, ​​and the other Void Insects followed, bursting with terrifying momentum.

They knew that fighting alone would definitely not be Zhang Tian's opponent, and only by working together could they kill Zhang Tian.

"Things that don't know life or death, get out!" Zhang Tian shouted loudly, his aura suddenly soared, as if he turned into a slaughtering god of war, and killed a few nihilistic insects head-on.

His fists danced wildly, and a violent hurricane condensed, and the fist wind whizzed past, trying to shatter everything.

The shadow of the fist flashed continuously in the air, and bursts of sonic booms erupted. Zhang Tian's punch seemed to blast the air.

bang bang bang...

Several loud noises sounded almost at the same time, Zhang Tian's fist shadows fell in all directions, and the terrifying power descended on the head of the void worm, directly blasting it.

Countless broken limbs flew out of the air, blood splattered everywhere. This scene was like Shura Purgatory, which made countless people feel fearful and vomit again and again.

On the other side of the battlefield, the three daughters had already fought with the demons to the point of fierceness. The battles were extremely fierce. From time to time, the demons died, and the screams resounded through the sky, which was horrifying.

Although there are a lot of monsters, the strength of the three daughters is also very strong. Under the combination, they have the upper hand. Until this time, they have not been injured, but they have consumed a lot of money.

Yuxin's blood nerves exploded directly, her strength increased greatly, her long hair danced wildly, like a peerless queen, and the snow-white bowls danced out continuously.

Every time he slaps his hands and kills, a demon will fall, especially the Nine Tribulations Sword, which is invincible. The sword light shines in the air, and the cold light shines in the sky, killing countless demons in an instant.

It makes many demons tremble with fear and dare not rely on the mountain.

Zi Yan is also a crazy burst of power, constantly slaughtering the lives of demons. She stepped on the Kunpeng sky, her graceful figure kept flashing in the air, and critted out crazily.

Controlling the Sun Peng Fist in one hand and the Tai Yin Peng Fist in the other, under the combination of the two moves, the strength is terrifying to the extreme, like the king of slaughter, slaughtering the world, these demons can't resist her blow at all.

Such a terrifying combat power terrified all the demons.

Chapter 997 The power of devouring, the immortal emperor and demon are born!

They were originally from the aggressive void exit, but they never expected that the first stop would be so difficult, and they were not the opponents of Zhang Tian and others at all.

I felt extremely regretful in my heart, thinking why I wanted to provoke these evil stars.

I thought that after coming out, I would be able to slaughter a lot and improve my strength, but it became the slaughtered party, and I saw countless demons continue to die in the hands of Zhang Tian and others.

Zhang Tian's situation became more and more terrifying, reaching its peak, and a terrifying gravity permeated from his body, shrouding the entire battlefield.

Zhang Tian's whole body is full of light, and the golden light is shining. At this moment, he is like a peerless emperor. He is invincible and serves the world.

The icy eyes swept across the battlefield, causing many demons to have lingering fears and dare not look at them.

Zhang Tian let out a muffled groan, the space suddenly burst, he took a step forward, gravity suppressed it, and the rumbling sound resounded through the sky.


Many demons were unable to resist this gravity, and instantly spewed a mouthful of blood from their mouths. They stepped back again and again. Only some powerful demons could resist.

"How can this guy be so powerful!" Many demons were pale and desperate, and they couldn't compete with Zhang Tian.


Zhang Tian trampled down again, stepping in the void, the space suddenly rioted, and the more terrifying gravity suppressed it. The demon who had been injured before was suddenly unable to resist, and his body fell towards the sky.

Zhang Tian kept stepping out, the rumbling sound resounded through the sky, and the extremely rhythmic roaring sound continued to sound, and many demons vomited blood, which was hard to resist.

Some demons even exploded directly, and blood spattered everywhere.

Many demons raised their heads and looked in a certain direction at the same time, where there was a huge demon standing between the heavens and the earth.

It was a monster with the body of a bull and a snake. The three pairs of bull horns on the top of its head were pierced like spears, flickering with astonishing cold light, and the muscles like hills were constantly bulging, full of explosive power.

Especially the diamond-shaped scales that reflect black light on the body are extremely deep, like armor, wrapping the demon's body in it.

His breath is also the most powerful, and his cultivation base is amazing.

"Lord, we are not their opponents at all. If this continues, there will be no armor that will be killed."

"Especially that human cultivator, the power is too amazing, even if it's just the aftermath, it's far from what I can afford."

"Lord, in order to rule the Kunlun Ruins, it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice."

For a time, many demons looked at their masters, and they were extremely angry in their hearts, and they would kill Zhang Tian and others at all costs.

"Why, where did the momentum of destroying Kunlun Ruins go before?" Zhang Tian sneered. When facing these demons, he had no emotion at all, "Don't fight in vain, just wait until you die!"

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