"Human monk, Xio's mouth is mad!" Above the void, the Lord of Demons spit out a cold voice, "Today, I will personally bury you here, you can't survive, you can't die!"

"A bunch of rubbish, don't roll over and die!" Zhang Tian was like a rainbow, extremely domineering, and he didn't take the Demon Lord in his eyes at all.

"Human child, I want you to die without a place to be buried!" The Demon Lord roared, his eyes were blood red, and his pupils were full of cold killing intent.

The voice fell, and a dark light erupted from the Lord of the Demons, covering all the demons, and a powerful suction came from the scales, which seemed to be devouring the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

And under this ray of light, countless demons kept shrinking, moving towards the demon lord, and then they were all swallowed up by scales, but the aura of the demon lord became stronger and stronger, approaching the Immortal King.

And this trend has not stopped, its breath is still rising, as if endless.

At this moment, the Demon Lord is like a rainbow, like a peerless demon, terrifying to the extreme.

Some human cultivators even had to resist with all their strength to be able to withstand the pressure unintentionally emanated by the Lord of Demons.

What a terrifying power this is, I am afraid that with one blow, the earth can be shattered.

"How is this going?"

"Its breath is too strong, I can't resist it."

"Are these monsters merging?" Empress Huanyin was slightly startled, and some rumors suddenly sounded.

It is said that the demon clan is born with something unique and has abilities that are different from other groups.

Could it be that the innate ability of these monsters is fusion?

"No, they are not fused." Zhang Tian looked sharply at the Demon Lord, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. With his eyesight, he could see through it at a glance.

"This is the power of devouring!" Zhang Tian said in a deep voice, the power of devouring is an extremely rare innate power, and it is extremely powerful, much more powerful than fusion.

It's just that once the power of swallowing is used, it will completely swallow the opponent and turn it into a part of itself, so that its own strength can break through in an instant.

Just like the human monks devoured by the void worm before, even if they only swallowed a small number of human monks, their strength will also skyrocket.

Now with the power of devouring that the Lord of Demons has erupted, and devoured so many demons, how amazing this power will be.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a group of monsters, let me meet them!" Zi Yan chuckled and was eager to try.

"Be careful, the master of demons who has devoured countless demons' power must be powerful and must not be underestimated!" Zhang Tian reminded.

Naturally, he didn't put this monster in his eyes and could easily crush it, but it didn't mean that the three daughters were also not afraid.

Kunpeng's moves exploded to the extreme, incomparably terrifying power condensed in his palms, Sun Peng Fist and Taiyin Peng Palm broke out together, killing towards the front.

She exerted all her strength, terrifying power, and her long black hair kept dancing in the air. At this moment, Zi Yan's power reached its peak.

The Demon Lord opened a pair of big copper bell eyes, and a ray of light suddenly burst out from his eyes, his aura increased sharply, and his cultivation base faintly reached the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, which was extremely powerful.

"Condensation!" The Demon Lord spit out an indifferent voice. Above the three pairs of horns above his head, there was a terrifying light of darkness condensed into six extremely sharp spears.

It swallows a terrifying destructive power, which seems to be able to destroy everything in an instant, which is extremely terrifying.

I saw the Lord of Demons waving the palm of his hand, and the six spears burst out of the air in an instant, turning into black streamers, and the aura of destruction enveloped Zi Yan, and they came directly to beheaded.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, shot with all her strength, and killed the spear head-on. In front of her fist, a terrifying fist gathered and broke everything.

However, the spear was extremely sharp, and it kept breaking the fist wind and killing Zi Yan. However, the power of the spear was also weakened by Kunpeng's moves.

With a bang, the spear pierced through everything, killed Zi Yan, and landed on her delicate body.

Chapter 998 Zi Yan was injured, the three sisters joined hands

Zi Yan snorted coldly, shot with all her strength, and killed the spear head-on. In front of her fist, a terrifying fist gathered and broke everything.

However, the spear was extremely sharp, and it kept breaking the fist wind and killing Zi Yan. However, the power of the spear was also weakened by Kunpeng's moves.

With a bang, the spear pierced through everything, killed Zi Yan, and landed on her delicate body.

"Pfft..." Zi Yan groaned, blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

The body kept retreating, apparently seriously injured.

"Zi Yan!" Yu Xin exclaimed, worried.


"This monster is so powerful that even Zi Yan is not his opponent."

"I only hope that Emperor Zhang Xiandi can defeat him, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

The hearts of everyone were shocked. After the master of the demon absorbed the power of the demon, his strength was really terrifying.

The strength given to him by the power of devouring is too amazing.

Zhang Tian's expression flashed, and a soft aura roared out, covering Zi Yan's delicate body, holding Zi Yan in his arms, waving his robe, and instantly broke the spear and turned into nothingness.

Zhang Tian's face turned gloomy in an instant, his previous jokes and calmness had turned into killing thoughts at this moment, this monster dared to hurt his daughter, and he really wanted to die.

There was a soft energy in his hand, helping Zi Yan stabilize the injury.

Zi Yan bleeds from the corner of her mouth, knowing that she is not the opponent of the Demon Lord by herself.

"Zi Yan, don't you worry?" The ruthless man hurriedly came to Zi Yan, a worry flashed in his eyes, and his delicate and pretty face was full of frost.

The three of their sisters slaughtered demons crazily before and never suffered any harm, but now Zi Yan was injured by the master of demons.

This account cannot be calculated so easily.

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