Zhang Tian's calm words were filled with absolute confidence.

"This..." Everyone was shocked, what kind of strength is needed to dare to say such domineering words.

Raising his hand to destroy the quasi-immortal emperor demon, in the entire Kunlun Ruins, except for Zhang Tian, ​​who would dare to say this!

This is not just absolute self-confidence, but an air that covers the mountains and rivers and dominates the world.

For a time, countless beautiful cultivators turned their eyes and looked at Zhang Tian with admiration. Such a strong and confident man was beyond their reach.

Even Empress Huanyin had ripples in her heart, her gaze towards Zhang Tian was slightly complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Even the Huan Yin Empress, who has always been eloquent, has no way not to be attracted by Zhang Tian.

"Big man, do you hear me? My father doesn't remember the villain's deeds, so I'll give you a chance to live!" Zi Yan raised her fist. After this period of adjustment, she has recovered a lot.

Hearing these words, the lord of demons only felt extremely shameful. He was the dignified lord of all demons, but one day he was so underestimated by others that he even sacrificed his life.

How can he bear the irritability of his personality.

Chapter 1002 Destroying the Immortal Finger, Destroying the Hexagonal Spear

"Human, although your strength is indeed strong, but you are so arrogant and arrogant, it is too much to ignore my demon lord, and you will pay for it!" The blood-red eyes of the demon lord swelled to the sky. anger.

In his rage, his strength increased a bit again.

"There's so much nonsense, don't hurry up and die!" Zhang Tian looked down at the Demon Lord, his eyes filled with disdain, "After killing you, this Emperor will travel the world with his three daughters, don't waste your time. ."

"Human cultivator, go to hell!" The Demon Lord roared angrily.

He jumped up, stepped on the void, and burst out with sonic booms. His body turned into a phantom and disappeared in the air.

One after another dark air currents came from all directions, converging in the horns above his head, and an extremely sharp breath appeared, which seemed to be able to shred everything.

"Six-horned magic spear!" The demon master shouted, and the six horns on top of his head fell off and floated in front of him, forming a pitch-black spear.

The endless dark airflow continued to sink into the spear, frantically swallowing the power of the heavens and the earth. The mountains and rivers at the foot of the Demon Lord seemed to be unable to withstand this power and kept crashing.

As for the sky, it has long since turned into a dark sky due to the appearance of the spear.

"Kill!" The Demon Lord roared angrily, and the scream of killing shook the sky.

Holding the hexagonal magic spear, his speed exploded to the extreme, and he stabbed forward with all his strength. The sharp point of the spear pierced through everything. The next moment, he came to Zhang Tian and stabbed out violently.

"It's too much!" Zhang Tian said lightly.

Even if the lord of the demons made a full effort and broke out a killer attack, he still didn't change his face.

Zhang Tian took a step forward, his aura suddenly increased, and the emperor was mighty, like an invincible emperor, with peerless elegance and incomparable majesty.

His gaze looked down and landed on the Demon Lord, his fingers pointed towards the void.

In an instant, a terrifying energy burst out, piercing the entire void, and this space almost disappeared under Zhang Tian's finger.

It's the extermination finger!


The spear collided fiercely with the energy, and a destructive battle broke out, the earth trembled, and the sky wailed.

I saw that the hexagonal magic spear, under the attack of the energy training, was like a fragile tofu, constantly collapsing, and then a finger fell on the body of the demon master.


A finger pierced through his body, blood suddenly spurted out, and there was a shocking blood hole on the body of the Demon Lord.

However, the light of destruction did not stop, and it continued to spread around, trying to completely smash the Demon Lord into ashes.

"Father, leave him alive and let me kill him myself!" Zi Yan suddenly shouted.

The lord of demons injured her, and the little girl was always a little unhappy.

Zhang Tian shook his head with a smile, raised his hand and waved, and the energy training disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared, leaving only the blood-stained Demon Lord.

If he hadn't withdrawn his hand, I'm afraid this finger would have directly burned the Demon Lord into nothingness.


The Demon Lord spurted out a mouthful of blood. He really felt death just now. If Zhang Tian hadn't stopped, he would have died at this moment.

Until now, the Demon Lord remembered that Zhang Tian claimed to be the Emperor before. Could it be that this man who looks extremely young and peerless is a powerhouse at the level of an Immortal Emperor?

This... how is this possible, how can he be so powerful at such a young age!

But the fact was in front of him, and he couldn't bear to believe it.

At this moment, the Demon Lord was extremely regretful, thinking about why he wanted to provoke this evil star, so that he might eventually die in Zhang Tian's hands.

"You, you... I really can't do anything about you girl." Zhang Tian fondly touched Zi Yan's little head, his eyes full of love.

"I knew my father was the best." Zi Yan said with a smile.

The ruthless man also shook his head helplessly. Her three younger sisters liked to play tricks the most, but with her father here, nothing would happen.

Zi Yan snorted twice and directly transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor. She stepped directly on the head of the Demon Lord and hummed, "Big man, you dare to shoot at me, now you know it's wrong?"

At this moment, the master of demons had already been frightened by Zhang Tian, ​​who dared to say nothing, nodded again and again, and was extremely fearful in his heart.

At this moment, he just wants to survive, and he doesn't dare to shoot against Zi Yan at all.

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