In fact, the lord of the demon who was seriously injured was unable to take action against Zi Yan.

"You can die!" Zi Yan scolded, and the monstrous flames spewed out. The extremely hot flames frantically burned the body of the Demon Lord, wrapping him in it, turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

The scorching high temperature instantly evaporated the blood of the Demon Lord, and even his bones were incinerated, and the screams resounded throughout the world, until his body was burned to ashes!

Seeing that the Demon Lord was killed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhang Tian hadn't been here, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

I am afraid that the entire Kunlun Ruins will be reduced to ruins and be completely destroyed by the Lord of Demons.

"Thank you, Master Zhang for saving your life." Empress Huanyin and several other strong men came together and said very gratefully.

Behind him, countless cultivators knelt down at the same time and shouted loudly, "Master Zhang is invincible in the world!"

Zhang Tian saved the people of Kunlun Ruins from the fire and water, and deserved such treatment.

"Get up." Zhang Tian glanced at everyone indifferently, his eyes were very majestic, and the aura of an emperor was full.

Over the years, he has been embraced by countless people and has long been commonplace.

Chapter 1003 Foreign people come and occupy the exit of the void

"Thank you, Master Zhang!" Everyone shouted, and then stood up from the ground, looking at Zhang Tian with awe-inspiring eyes.

And Empress Huanyin and several other strong men did not speak, waiting for Zhang Tian's orders.

They understand that now the entire Kunlun Ruins are in Zhang Tian's hands, and only by relying on Zhang Tian can they fight against the enemy and face the next revenge of Emperor Yi.

"The matter of the Kunlun Ruins is almost over. After I have dealt with the matters of the Kunlun Ruins, the future Kunlun Ruins will still be handed over to you." Zhang Tian said lightly.

He does not have much nostalgia for the monstrous power of Kunlun Ruins.

"Master Zhang, if the god of calamity returns after you leave, or if Emperor Yi takes the opportunity to attack Shengyuan Continent, we will not be able to resist at all. By then, the entire Shengyuan Continent will be devastated." Emperor Zihua Lei sighed.

Before he knew it, even a arrogant and arrogant strong man like him had a faint intention of clinging to Zhang Tian and seeking refuge.

"My three daughters need to grow up, and it is impossible to stay in Shengyuan Continent all the time. This is very restrictive for them. What's more, with the Three Gods Religion, Emperor Yi would not dare to attack rashly." Zhang Tian smiled and said.

From the beginning to the end, he did not take Emperor Yi in his eyes, as long as the old man dared to come and die, he would dare to kill him!

"Even so...but..." Emperor Zihua was hesitant to speak, not knowing how to speak.

The Three Gods are indeed in the Shengyuan Continent, and their strength is also very strong, but after all, they are only temporarily allied with Zhang Tian and attached to Zhang Tian.

If Zhang Tian leaves, then the alliance will naturally fall apart. At that time, no matter how tragic the situation they encounter, the Three Gods Religion will definitely not help.

At that time, what will they use to resist Yi Di's attack?

Zhang Tian is not afraid, it does not mean that they are not afraid either.

It has to be said that Emperor Zihua Lei, as a hegemon, really thinks more.

Seeing the embarrassed look of Emperor Zihua Lei, Empress Huanyin immediately understood, and bowed slightly, revealing a charming smile, so beautiful that it confuses all beings.

Even Emperor Zihua couldn't help but lose his mind for a while, only Zhang Tian still had a calm smile on his face, not intoxicated at all, just simply appreciating it.

"The Three Gods Religion is the most powerful force in Shengyuan Continent. After careful consideration, I also hope that Shengyuan Continent will recover to its peak strength as soon as possible. Therefore, I want to be attached to the Three Gods Religion, and respect Zhang Jiaozhu. The sect master can agree." Empress Huanyin said softly.

When she spoke, she took a step back faintly and lowered her head, only Zhang Tian obeyed.

Seeing this scene, countless people were slightly shocked and envious at the same time.

As a well-known beauty in Shengyuan Continent, Empress Huanyin is the goddess of countless people's dreams. I don't know how many people want to have a kiss with Fangze, but now she chooses to submit to Zhang Tian, ​​which is not enviable.

Seeing this, Emperor Zihua Lei Di and the others also reacted and took a step back, respecting Zhang Tian.

"Father, since they are so sincere, why don't they agree." Zi Yan whispered.

These days, they have been fighting side by side, but they feel that the Huan Yin Empress is good, and she is also very beautiful, and it is also suitable to bring tea and water to her father.

Yu Yuxin and Ruthless also felt good, with them, Shengtian Continent will be stronger.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, you should follow the Three Gods Religion in the future. In addition, you should start immediately and move your respective forces under the Three Gods Religion to facilitate jurisdiction." Zhang Tian nodded and agreed, resolutely prevailing. He also gave the order directly.

"Yes, I respectfully follow the orders of Master Zhang!" Empress Huanyin and others responded at the same time.

In the distance, several people from the sect of the forces fell to their knees one after another, seeing their new master, Zhang Tian!

Even the rest of the loose cultivators and Xiaomen Xiaojiao were convinced, and they all knelt down to worship.

"Congratulations to Master Zhang!" Suddenly, the shouts shook the sky.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Land of Sealed Demons and see." Zhang Tian smiled and said, getting up and heading towards the previous void exit.

"Father, where are we going?" Yu Xin was puzzled.

"At the beginning, the demon was sealed in the Void Land. After thousands of years, not only did he not die, but he became stronger and stronger. It means that there must be some magical things in the Void Land." Zhang Tian definitely said.

With his intelligence, he naturally understood the reason.

Void land is not suitable for survival, but demons can survive for thousands of years. If there is no treasure, he will never believe it.

Just as everyone was about to leave, in the distance, a few tyrannical breaths came from the sky, piercing the space.

They flashed like shooting stars, shining brightly.

"what is that?"

"These people are actually the powerhouses of the Immortal God Sovereign Realm!"

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