
The golden bell slashed down and slammed into the claws of the leader, and the terrifying power instantly broke through thousands of phantoms, exposing the claws themselves.

Under the power of Admiralty, all the phantoms disappear like ice and snow, and they are simply vulnerable.

The terrifying sharp claws kept tearing the golden bell, and it actually tore a crack in the golden bell, which was shocking, and even the onlookers could feel the sharpness.

However, although the tearing power of the claws is powerful, the defense of the golden bell is also extremely powerful, and the claws cannot penetrate at all.

The leader groaned, apparently unable to resist Admiralty's anti-shock force, the shocking blood surged in his body, and his face flushed.

His figure suddenly retreated to the rear, hoping to bypass Jin Zhong and kill the ruthless man.

Seeing this, several other people rushed to kill from a distance, wanting to help the leader to solve the ruthless person as soon as possible, and all of these people burst into a terrifying aura.

At this moment, Yu Xin also came to the battlefield, her beautiful body descended from the sky, like a mighty nine-day goddess, her pretty face was covered with frost.

A fiery red flame spread out with Yu Xin's body, shrouded in the sky and the earth.

It is Red Lotus Karmic Fire!

"If you want to pass, you must defeat me first!" Yu Xin said.

There were blossoming fire lotuses beating on her fingertips, and when she flicked her fingers, the flames burst out, spinning wildly in the air, exuding a terrifying high temperature.

The fire lotus cut through the void, leaving behind a white smoke that seemed to incinerate the void.

"Kill!" Several people shouted at the same time, using big means to kill.

Some of them control the power of ice and want to compete with the red lotus karmic fire, but the ice has not yet touched the fire lotus, and it is directly incinerated.

" is it possible!" He is an immortal god emperor, and he is not Yu Xin's opponent.


The fire lotus descended on the heads of everyone, suddenly burst open, and countless flames spewed out, roaring like an angry dragon, and the monstrous flames seemed to fall from the sky.

The fiery sea of ​​fire instantly drowned everyone in it, burning their bodies continuously.

"Ah..." In the sea of ​​​​fire, screams sounded one after another, extremely miserable.

Everyone's eyes jumped, and the center of the battlefield was already swallowed up by flames, turning into a flame space, and they couldn't even see the situation inside.

"Nine Tribulations Sword!" An astonishing cold light flashed in Yu Xin's hand.

The Nine Tribulations Sword flew out of the sky, and the extremely sharp tip of the sword stabbed into the sea of ​​​​fire.

The harsh sound of broken bones continued to sound, and the bodies of these people were so fragile that they were pierced by the Nine Tribulations Sword in an instant, and even the bones were directly cut off.

The dark red blood spurted out, and was instantly evaporated by the flames.

Under the control of Yuxin, the red lotus karmic fire shrouded in the middle, like a big mouth of flame, swallowing everyone in it, and incinerating it instantly.

Countless people watched this scene in horror. The girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals had such a terrifying method.

Just one battle made them understand that this was definitely a terrifying existence, and these people were killed by flames before they even burst into full strength.

Especially the flame, as if it can incinerate everything, and seeing Yuxin win so easily, it seems that she didn't do her best to shoot.

Zi Yan kept clapping and applauding from the side, her injury has not yet healed, if she shoots, it will definitely make the injury more serious.

On the other hand, the battle of Ruthless and the one headed by them was extremely fierce. Both of them used all their means. The sound of the golden bell oscillated continuously and resounded through the sky.

The leader looked crazy, he was suppressed by the golden bell without beginning, and he couldn't break the defense of the bell without beginning.

"Do you only know how to defend? You have the ability to fight me hand-to-hand!"

"Melee? You will only die worse!" The ruthless snorted coldly. Since he is so confident, he will trample his last bit of confidence under his feet.

"Take it!" With a wave of the Ruthless Man's arm, the Beginningless Bell immediately shrank and flew back. At the same time, the Eternal Sword burst into an astonishing cold light, and the terrifying sword energy continued to flow over the Ruthless Man's body.

At this moment, the ruthless man seemed to be transformed into a sword, and the sword energy spread across the world, and the extremely sharp breath filled the air, tearing the air apart.

"What a terrible sword energy!" Someone exclaimed.

The headed man's eyes flashed, he stepped on the void, and dazzling golden light erupted from his body, turning into an indestructible golden body.

"I have practiced the vajra body, which is indestructible and invincible. The mere sword qi cannot break my defenses at all!" The leader is extremely confident and can defeat the ruthless.

The terrifying power gathered on his palms, he stepped forward and shot out, and then a palm shot towards the front.

With a bang, a large golden palm print suddenly appeared in the air, covering the sky and the sun, as if the hand of the Buddha was suppressing it from above.

The sword energy in Ruthless Man also exploded to the extreme, turning into a sword, and the eternal sword in his hand pointed straight ahead, and a sword energy shot out from the tip of the sword, forming a giant sword that stood between the heavens and the earth.

The gust of wind whizzed past, and was instantly torn apart by the sword qi. The ruthless man slashed the falling sword in front of him with all his strength. I want to cut off the earth.

The giant sword fell, pierced through the mountain in an instant, and was directly cut in half, extremely terrifying.

Chapter 1006 Void Land, Blood Moon Sapling!

Everyone's hearts trembled uncontrollably, their eyes jumped, whether such a terrifying blow could split the golden palm into two.

Their hearts were extremely shocked, and their eyes were still staring at the center of the battlefield. Where, the giant sword fell down, extremely domineering, breaking everything.


The piercing sound of tearing sounded, and I saw the giant sword slashed down on the big golden palm print, and a terrifying battle storm broke out, sweeping out, and razing the surrounding area to the ground.

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