In just an instant, a straight crack appeared above the big palm print, which was instantly penetrated by the sword energy, the giant sword kept slashing, piercing the void, the big palm print was full of cracks, and then turned into countless energy bursts.

At the same time, the giant sword was also exhausted, breaking and destroying continuously from the tip of the sword, but the sword qi still did not stop, and continued to kill.


The sword qi passed over the head of the person in an instant. His eyes were dull, his eyes were blank, if he looked carefully, he would find that from the top of his head, there was a blood line that continued down to the heels.

Fresh blood continued to overflow from the blood line, and with a bang, the head of the person's body could no longer withstand the destruction of the sword energy, and it exploded directly.

Countless broken limbs flew out, shocking.


"How can she be so powerful!"

"With just one sword, the indestructible body of King Kong will be cut open!"

Qianjimen and the others were shocked, their eyes fixed on the ruthless man, who was definitely a terrifying powerhouse.

They were a little fortunate at this time. Fortunately, they brought many people with them when they came, otherwise they would not know how they died.

However, what they didn't know was that Zhang Tian had long been concerned about their own life, and this end would be even more tragic.

These people are not angry because of the death of the leader and others, but rather gloat at the misfortune. Without competitors, they can better seize treasures.

"Let's go." Zhang Tian said with a smile, not paying attention to the corpse on the ground at all.

Ruthless and the others nodded, and followed Zhang Tian into the exit of the void, Zi Yan asked curiously, "Father, what do you think is interesting in it?"

"You'll know if you go in and take a look." Zhang Tian rubbed Zi Yan's little head, "For a while, you can protect yourselves with aura, so as not to be affected by the dark power of the void."

"Okay." Yu Xin nodded slightly, and a cluster of flames rose from her palm.

Ruthless people also use sword energy to protect themselves, while Zi Yan is more violent, directly contending against the physique of Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Empress Huanyin was just about to follow up when she heard Zhang Tian's voice, "You guys are waiting outside."

Hearing this, Empress Huanyin and the others had to stop.

It wasn't that Zhang Tian didn't want them in, but the scene that followed was too bloody.

"Let's go!" Qianjimen and others said, and they followed.

For a time, dozens of people from the forces flew towards the void at the same time. These forces brought a lot of people this time, in order to seize the protection. If you look closely, there are thousands of people.

In the Void Land, there is darkness, the land is barren, and every now and then there is a cold wind of sorrow and sympathy, showing a dead silence.

Only a blood moon hanging in the sky, reflecting the blood moonlight, shrouded the entire void.

Zhang Tian looked around and saw many white bones and some huge monster corpses.

It is unimaginable that the demon clan would survive here for thousands of years.

"Look, what is that!" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked carefully and saw a blood-red sapling on the blood moon high in the sky.

There are countless rhizomes on the sapling, rooted on the blood moon, like a blood vessel, with red juice flowing in it, slowly sinking into the blood moon.

And the most shocking thing is that this sapling has only three leaves, red, white and blue. It is this seemingly bland leaf, but it contains heart-pounding power.

It is this tree that supports the entire void.

The eyes of countless people looking at the saplings are full of greed. If the saplings are captured, they can obtain the power of the entire void, and even the power of the void.

So tempting, no one wants to give up.

"Only saplings can heal the wounds in Zi Yan's body." Zhang Tian looked at the people around him lightly, "However, the saplings haven't grown up yet, and the blood of cultivators can catalyze them."

His meaning is very clear, to pay homage with the blood of everyone, to gain the power of saplings, and to restore the wounds in Zi Yan's body.

Zhang Tian's words, without any concealment, clearly fell into everyone's ears.

In an instant, countless eyes stared at Zhang Tian at the same time.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

The people from Suzakumen walked out without hesitation and looked at Zhang Tian and others indifferently, "The people of Kunlun Ruins have always been the weakest, so you are not qualified to obtain saplings, for the sake of taking us to the Void Land. Come on, I can make your death a little easier in a while!"

The voice fell, and dozens of strong men from Suzakumen stepped out, vaguely forming the meaning of encirclement, surrounding Zhang Tian and others in the middle.

Behind them, a huge Suzaku totem flew up, suspended in the air, and shrouded the battlefield.

call out--

The crisp sound of birdsong sounded, and above the totem, a vermilion bird bathed in flames, gathered by the divine fire, suddenly flew out, and the huge body covered the sky and descended.

A person from Suzakumen, who is good at the power of fire.

Chapter 1007 Thank you for your support

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Chapter 1008 All forces join forces to kill the three sisters


Above the Qinglong war halberd, a terrifying force of repression erupted, condensing the endless sharp breath and killing the sky, just like a divine weapon slashing down, instantly tearing the void, thousands of rays of light erupted brightly, trying to pierce the divine bird Suzaku. .

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