
The divine bird Suzaku was bathed in endless flames, and the monstrous flames poured out, madly hitting the Azure Dragon Halberd, trying to forcibly incinerate it.

However, a dazzling light erupted from the Azure Dragon's halberd, and the energy of endless destruction continued to spew out, tearing open a hole in the sea of ​​​​fire, and then slashing down, it was absolutely irresistible.

"Hold me up!" The people of Vermillion Bird Sect roared furiously, but found that all their resistance was just a futile struggle. They couldn't resist the power of the halberd at all, and could only let it tear the flames apart.

High in the sky, I saw the Qinglong war halberd slashing down, carrying the momentum of thunder, splitting the monstrous flames that were suppressing the sky, splitting it into two, and two seas of fire suddenly formed in the sky, which were extremely hot.

In just an instant, the Azure Dragon Halberd descended on the head of the divine bird Suzaku, and the extremely sharp breath continued to penetrate into Suzaku's head, extinguishing the flames and breaking it apart.

With a loud bang, the Qinglong war halberd fell, and Sheng Sheng Ding smashed into the head of the divine bird Suzaku, and the terrifying force suppressed it, directly killing Suzaku on the ground.

"Pfft..." Blood spurted from the mouth of Suzakumen, and the anti-shock force directly injured them seriously, even their bones were destroyed, and their breath was sluggish.

The previous arrogance no longer exists, like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

At this moment, the Suzaku Sect lost all face, they only felt extremely shameful, so many people were not the opponents of a little girl, if this matter was exposed, their Suzaku Sect would have no face to stand in the ancient spirit continent.

Countless people stared at the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor high in the sky, and their hearts were shocked. This ancient dragon with a length of [-] zhang was too terrifying to fight.

He even used his own strength to tear apart the sacred bird Suzaku of the people of the Suzaku Gate, and seriously injured the people of the Suzaku Gate.

You must know that with the cooperation of these people, the divine bird Suzaku has the strength of a quasi-emperor, but in the hands of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, it is still vulnerable.

"If you only have this strength, hurry up and get out of the void." Zi Yan returned to her Lolita appearance and snorted softly.

If it weren't for her injuries, it would be impossible to use all the means to defeat the people of Vermillion Bird Sect.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the person from Qianjimen, and he naturally knew that if he wanted to rob the Blood Moon sapling, he had to defeat these women.

However, the strength of Ruthless Man and others is very powerful, and it is not something that any of them can compete with. The only way is to join forces.

"Everyone, these natives of Shengyuan Continent are a bit tenacious. After I join forces to kill them, I will compete for the world's saplings. What do you think?" Someone said in Qianjimen.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the void suddenly became a little subtle, and they couldn't think of other means to target the three sisters for the time being, which was a good and good way.

"These indigenous people are too arrogant and unscrupulous, and they don't take me seriously at all. I think it is feasible." The people of Void Castle also agreed.

For a time, several forces joined forces at the same time, and the rest expressed their willingness to join forces when they saw the general trend.

Countless fierce eyes were fixed on the three sisters, wanting to join forces to kill them.

In the sky, dozens of forces and thousands of powerhouses surrounded the three of them, and all of them burst out with terrifying aura, pointing directly at the three sisters.

If ordinary people were under this kind of pressure, their legs would have become weak with fright, but the three sisters had never seen any earth-shattering scenes. When facing the crowd, they naturally showed no signs of fear.

On the other side, Zhang Tian, ​​dancing in white robe, carrying his hands on his back, still had a faint smile on his face, watching this scene calmly.

"It's just a group of people who want to die. Together, let's kill them!" The ruthless scolded, and the Eternal Sword was suspended in the air in an instant, bursting with astonishing murderous aura, the golden bell in his hand descended from the sky, and the golden light hung down. , protect the three sisters in it.

"Today our three sisters will let them understand what it means to be invincible in the world!" Yu Xin snorted coldly, and the endless flames turned into fire dragons around her body, roaring wildly.

Looking closely, the colors of these flames are all different, but the blazing high temperature emanating is extremely terrifying, and it will kill you if you touch it.

"People from Guling Continent, roll over and die!" Zi Yan shouted, directly transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and slaughtered towards everyone.

The Baizhang dragon tail covers the sky and the sun, like a sharp sword slashing down from the sky, setting off two violent airflows, which contain endless power and can smash everything.

Seeing this, everyone did not dare to underestimate them, and they retreated to both sides. I saw that among the people of Qianjimen, some people used great means, bursting out two dark chains in their hands, and the demonic energy roared and turned into a terrifying thousand in the air. Machine Viper.

The sound of clattering was incessant, the chained vipers roared up to the sky, and endless dark demonic energy spewed out of their bodies, shrouding the surroundings, forming a corrosive poisonous miasma.

The poisonous snake danced wildly in the air, and the monstrous demonic energy continued to roll, forming two poisonous clouds in the air. The poisonous snake's body stretched and turned into a straight sharp arrow to kill and cut out, trying to pierce the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Chapter 1009 When the Dragon Emperor comes to the world, ten thousand demons crawl!


Above the Qinglong war halberd, a terrifying force of repression erupted, condensing the endless sharp breath and killing the sky, just like a divine weapon slashing down, instantly tearing the void, thousands of rays of light erupted brightly, trying to pierce the divine bird Suzaku. .


The divine bird Suzaku was bathed in endless flames, and the monstrous flames poured out, madly hitting the Azure Dragon Halberd, trying to forcibly incinerate it.

However, a dazzling light erupted from the Azure Dragon's halberd, and the energy of endless destruction continued to spew out, tearing open a hole in the sea of ​​​​fire, and then slashing down, it was absolutely irresistible.

"Hold me up!" The people of Vermillion Bird Sect roared furiously, but found that all their resistance was just a futile struggle. They couldn't resist the power of the halberd at all, and could only let it tear the flames apart.

High in the sky, I saw the Qinglong war halberd slashing down, carrying the momentum of thunder, splitting the monstrous flames that were suppressing the sky, splitting it into two, and two seas of fire suddenly formed in the sky, which were extremely hot.

In just an instant, the Azure Dragon Halberd descended on the head of the divine bird Suzaku, and the extremely sharp breath continued to penetrate into Suzaku's head, extinguishing the flames and breaking it apart.

With a loud bang, the Qinglong war halberd fell, and Sheng Sheng Ding smashed into the head of the divine bird Suzaku, and the terrifying force suppressed it, directly killing Suzaku on the ground.

"Pfft..." Blood spurted from the mouth of Suzakumen, and the anti-shock force directly injured them seriously, even their bones were destroyed, and their breath was sluggish.

The previous arrogance no longer exists, like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

At this moment, the Suzaku Sect lost all face, they only felt extremely shameful, so many people were not the opponents of a little girl, if this matter was exposed, their Suzaku Sect would have no face to stand in the ancient spirit continent.

Countless people stared at the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor high in the sky, and their hearts were shocked. This ancient dragon with a length of [-] zhang was too terrifying to fight.

He even used his own strength to tear apart the sacred bird Suzaku of the people of the Suzaku Gate, and seriously injured the people of the Suzaku Gate.

You must know that with the cooperation of these people, the divine bird Suzaku has the strength of a quasi-emperor, but in the hands of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, it is still vulnerable.

"If you only have this strength, hurry up and get out of the void." Zi Yan returned to her Lolita appearance and snorted softly.

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