If it weren't for her injuries, it would be impossible to use all the means to defeat the people of Vermillion Bird Sect.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the person from Qianjimen, and he naturally knew that if he wanted to rob the Blood Moon sapling, he had to defeat these women.

However, the strength of Ruthless Man and others is very powerful, and it is not something that any of them can compete with. The only way is to join forces.

"Everyone, these natives of Shengyuan Continent are a bit tenacious. After I join forces to kill them, I will compete for the world's saplings. What do you think?" Someone said in Qianjimen.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the void suddenly became a little subtle, and they couldn't think of other means to target the three sisters for the time being, which was a good and good way.

"These indigenous people are too arrogant and unscrupulous, and they don't take me seriously at all. I think it is feasible." The people of Void Castle also agreed.

For a time, several forces joined forces at the same time, and the rest expressed their willingness to join forces when they saw the general trend.

Countless fierce eyes were fixed on the three sisters, wanting to join forces to kill them.

In the sky, dozens of forces and thousands of powerhouses surrounded the three of them, and all of them burst out with terrifying aura, pointing directly at the three sisters.

If ordinary people were under this kind of pressure, their legs would have become weak with fright, but the three sisters had never seen any earth-shattering scenes. When facing the crowd, they naturally showed no signs of fear.

On the other side, Zhang Tian, ​​dancing in white robe, carrying his hands on his back, still had a faint smile on his face, watching this scene calmly.

"It's just a group of people who want to die. Together, let's kill them!" The ruthless scolded, and the Eternal Sword was suspended in the air in an instant, bursting with astonishing murderous aura, the golden bell in his hand descended from the sky, and the golden light hung down. , protect the three sisters in it.

"Today our three sisters will let them understand what it means to be invincible in the world!" Yu Xin snorted coldly, and the endless flames turned into fire dragons around her body, roaring wildly.

Looking closely, the colors of these flames are all different, but the blazing high temperature emanating is extremely terrifying, and it will kill you if you touch it.

"People from Guling Continent, roll over and die!" Zi Yan shouted, directly transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and slaughtered towards everyone.

The Baizhang dragon tail covers the sky and the sun, like a sharp sword slashing down from the sky, setting off two violent airflows, which contain endless power and can smash everything.

Seeing this, everyone did not dare to underestimate them, and they retreated to both sides. I saw that among the people of Qianjimen, some people used great means, bursting out two dark chains in their hands, and the demonic energy roared and turned into a terrifying thousand in the air. Machine Viper.

The sound of clattering was incessant, the chained vipers roared up to the sky, and endless dark demonic energy spewed out of their bodies, shrouding the surroundings, forming a corrosive poisonous miasma.

The poisonous snake danced wildly in the air, and the monstrous demonic energy continued to roll, forming two poisonous clouds in the air. The poisonous snake's body stretched and turned into a straight sharp arrow to kill and cut out, trying to pierce the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Chapter 1010 The sword breaks the sky and smashes the world of kendo!

At this moment, in the void, a giant sword of dozens of meters fell from the sky, dividing the dim sky into two, directly cutting off the battlefield of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

The eyes of the people of the Giant Sword Sect flickered, and when they looked up, they saw that the Ruthless Man was holding the Moment Eternal Sword, and his body shot out terrifying sword energy, blocking it in front of everyone.

"Although your sword qi is extremely sharp and your power is unparalleled, it would be a fool's dream to use this to compete with our Giant Sword Sect!" said a young man in white in front of the Giant Sword Sect.

It's not that he is exaggerating, but because Jujianzong is famous for its heavy sword, and its strength is not weaker than Ruth, what does she use to compete with Jujianzong and others?

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life!" The ruthless man's eyes were full of killing intent, and he didn't talk nonsense with Ju Jianzong and the others.

The people of the Giant Sword Sect burst into a ray of light, looking at the battlefield of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor. At this time, Qianjimen was killed and fled everywhere, blood flowing into rivers.

And the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor didn't keep his hands at all, and threw these people into the blood moon. In an instant, a strange red light flashed on the blood moon, which seemed to be devouring the blood of the monks.

It can be clearly seen that the Blood Moon sapling is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the trunk is growing wildly, but there are still only three leaves hanging on it, swaying slightly, and it seems that it may be blown away by the wind at any time.

"It can't be delayed any longer!" The people of the Giant Sword Sect understood that these three sisters were very powerful. If they were constantly defeated and killed one by one, the people of the Ancient Spirit Continent would be completely passive.

Even, all were killed!

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!" The leader of the Giant Sword Sect snorted coldly, "Knot, the ancient giant sword formation!"

The voice fell, and everyone took a step forward at the same time. Their movements were the same, without the slightest deviation, their arms waved, and the heavy sword behind them rose into the sky and swirled in the air.

Seventy-two giant swords circled in the air, forming a large formation, from which endless sword energy poured out and gathered in the center of the formation, forming a giant sword that stood between heaven and earth.

This giant sword seems simple and unpretentious, and it does not show the slightest sharpness, but it gives people a feeling of being extremely heavy and capable of severing everything.

"Cut!" The people of the Giant Sword Sect shouted at the same time, and in an instant, strands of sharp sword energy permeated from the giant sword, turning into a small face in the air, surrounding the giant sword.

At the same time, the gravity above the giant sword was even more terrifying. It fell directly from the high school. The terrifying force broke the void, and the endless sword qi fell down, instantly severing the mountain peaks. Above the earth, There is a kilometer crack, and it does not break open.

Before the giant sword arrived, the sword energy fell first, cutting off everything in front of him.

The ruthless man's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to be careless. The Eternal Sword in his hand also flew out. She directly broke out the Feixian Jue and the Secret Technique of the Nine Refinements of the Divine Kingdom.

The ruthless man's long black hair kept dancing in the air, and with a loud shout, the terrifying sword energy erupted from her body, forming a phantom of an extremely sharp giant sword.

With the body of the ruthless man as the center, the giant sword swayed upwards, and the terrifying sword energy raged across the world and shot out. She held the Moment Eternal Sword in both hands and slashed forward with all her strength.

High in the sky, the two giant swords collided wildly in the air, and the sword energy was crazily raging.

Everyone's heart was beating wildly, their eyes widened, and they were staring at this great battle.

The people of the Giant Sword Sect pointed both hands towards the sky at the same time, with endless power blessing on the giant sword, trying to smash the ruthless person, but they found that the sword energy of the instant eternal sword is too terrible, it can break everything.

Even the gravity field of the epee is the same.

They only felt that the sword energy was coming, and they tore the sword array apart. As long as the terrifying sword energy went down a little, it would instantly obliterate them.

"Death!" The ruthless man roared and cut off the Instant Eternal Sword with all his strength.


The sword energy instantly broke the giant sword ancient formation of the Giant Sword Sect, slashed down from the middle, and divided the entire formation in two.

"Pfft..." The people of the Giant Sword Sect vomited blood, their bodies flew out, the great formation was broken, and they were also traumatized to varying degrees.

However, just when they wanted to resist with all their might, a lot of fire lotuses flashed through the air, instantly breaking open their bodies, evaporating their blood, and then bursting.

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