The claws on the top of the head danced wildly, and a violent tornado surrounded the ancient bell, protecting it in it.


The explosion resounded through the sky above the shock and the void. The eardrums of the people below the shock were painful, and their blood was rolling. They looked up and saw the huge dragon claws wrapped the entire ancient bell in it, and endless power surged out. Crazy collision.

Even the ancient bell, which is said to be unparalleled in defense, has slight cracks on the surface. As for the jailers inside the ancient bell, they all vomit blood, and the blood in the body is surging.

"Turtles, if you continue like this, you will be crushed into meat sauce by me." Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's low voice sounded, looking down at the jailer and others below.

"My dignified and sharp-clawed jailer was actually suppressed by a vicious animal today!" The jailer was extremely aggrieved, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, "You all follow me and kill him, shame on you!"

When the voice fell, the jailers directly unlocked the defense of the ancient bell, and their figures flickered and spread in all directions.

"Kill!" The jailer roared, waving his claws to kill forward.

"Looking for death!" Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor took a step forward, and the terrifying power shook down, and even the void was shaken.

Everyone only felt that the endless force was suppressing them, which made their movements slow down a lot.

In an instant, several iron-locked claws shot out, dancing wildly in the air, turning into a straight sharp arrow and smashing out, like a dark poisonous snake every day, slashing forward with its teeth and claws.

The figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor flashed, and the violent power gathered, and the Taiyin Kun Palm came down, printing an incomparably huge palm print in the air, breaking everything.


The palm print came down, instantly shattering the claws, and it was completely unstoppable. It continued to kill downwards, crushing the jailer into meat sauce with one palm.

When the other people saw this, they were extremely frightened and wanted to escape.

However, with a wave of the Great Void Ancient Dragon Emperor's palm, like the palm of the Tathagata, it enveloped everyone in it, and with a little force, directly crushed them to death.

"Ah..." One after another screams sounded, and the piercing sound of bone cracks resounded through the sky, making countless people horrified.

One strike breaks the claws, and one palm destroys the emperor!

Such terrifying strength shocked the hearts of countless people.

On weekdays, they seem to be a high-ranking jailer, but it is not the power of a single blow from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, like a vulnerable ant, crushed by others.

Chapter 1016 The jailer is dead, and the army of the emperor is here!

On the other side of the battlefield, at this moment, the ruthless man collided with the jailer's head crazily, and with the help of Yu Xin, the jailer's head was always at a disadvantage and was severely suppressed by the two women. There were many wounds on his body, and blood was flowing.

As for the realm of blood, they couldn't get close to the two women at all. The ruthless man broke them directly with sword energy, while Yu Xin used bone fire to incinerate them.

"Come on, you are not our opponent!" said the ruthless man coldly.

Before, the jailer's head was extremely arrogant, and the three sisters were captured without a hand, but now the ruthless man returned it to the jailer's head, which was a real slap in the face.

"You..." The jailer was angry in his heart, but he also knew that he was not the opponent of the two women, and on the battlefield of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, the Sharp Claw jailer was also crushed.

"If you want me to be captured, it's impossible!" The jailer roared, condensing endless power, and a scarlet light flickered in his palms. Behind him, a blood pool appeared, and he was continuously inputting power. The physical injury gradually recovered.

"Big sister, be careful!" Yu Xin reminded, holding the Nine Tribulations Sword and dashing forward.

The bone spirit corpse fire burned wildly in the void, and the scorching high temperature raised the temperature around it by a few points.

Under this high temperature, even the blood pool was affected, as if it was about to evaporate.

"The Great Desolate Prisoner of Heaven!" The ruthless man shouted and slapped the front with all his strength.

Endless power gathered in it, and rolled towards the head of the jailer in the sky, trying to obliterate him.

"Death!" The jailer's head also roared wildly, erupting with a terrifying power of blood, turning into a sea of ​​blood, and countless blood beads in the air connected together, shrouding Ruthless and Yuxin.

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood shrunk crazily, and endless blood eroded, trying to obliterate the two women.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge blood bead in the air. The dense dark power surged in it. It was extremely terrifying. It was like a world of blood. Make a pool of blood.

"The sea of ​​blood is poisonous, and the breath of fresh blood can kill people invisibly!" Someone exclaimed and quickly retreated.

High in the sky, I saw the sea of ​​blood vibrating wildly. It seemed like a great war broke out. Countless cold lights instantly pierced the sea of ​​blood, and the figure of the phantom sword broke out of the air.

At the same time, there was a terrifying white flame burning where the hole was broken.

At the same time, a huge palm print came down, broke directly from the sea of ​​​​blood, pressed down toward the bottom, and blasted a big palm print on the ground.

The sword qi was crazily raging, and the entire sea of ​​blood was broken open in an instant. The figures of Ruthless and Yuxin appeared in the eyes of everyone, with peerless elegance, like a queen.

The power of the sea of ​​blood could not cause any damage to them.

As for the jailer's head, he merged himself into the sea of ​​blood, and was beheaded by the two women together with the sea of ​​blood, "Don't think that if you kill me, you can be unscrupulous in the Holy Spirit City, such a violent battle has already been discovered by the city lord, and you will surely die. !"

"Sooner or later, I will be buried with me, and I will even die even worse, hahaha..." The miserable voice of the jailer's head sounded, roaring like a ghost.

"Indeed, the battle just now was so violent, we must have been discovered, let's go!" The ruthless brows were slightly wrinkled. They had just arrived, and they still didn't understand the strength of the people of Holy Spirit City.

Even the head of a jailer is so difficult to deal with, let alone the city lord who has not come forward, his strength will be even more terrifying.

"Big sister is right, let's withdraw first." Yu Xin also agreed, with a smile on her delicate face, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Even if he was deep in the enemy's line, his face remained unchanged.

"Hmph, as long as these guys dare to come, let them know the power of Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!" Zi Yan looked like a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, and looked like she was going to fight for three hundred rounds.

"Let's go." The ruthless man smiled.

They didn't care about what Zhang Tian was doing now, because they knew that Zhang Tian was so powerful that it was impossible for anything to happen.

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