Just as the three sisters were about to leave, in the distance, countless terrifying auras came straight towards them, and there were enemies in all directions.

Among them, there are countless powerhouses in the Divine Emperor Realm, and such a terrifying formation made countless slaves below tremble with fear.

"Damn it, the God-Emperor Legion guarding the Holy Spirit City is here!"

"The Emperor's Legion is invincible, and the three goddesses are in trouble now."

"Run, no grass grows wherever the God-Emperor Legion passes!"

Many people's faces changed greatly, and they fled in a hurry, not wanting to be affected by the fish pond, leaving only the three sisters still here.

"Since they don't die, let's fight to the end, let these people understand that our three sisters are not easy to bully!" The ruthless man's face was cold, and the eternal sword in his hand instantly shot out, directly killing one of them.

The two women, Zi Yan and Yu Xin, stepped forward one after another, without the slightest fear, they conquered the Holy Spirit Continent and started from this moment.

"Those who dare to kill my Holy Spirit City, don't even try to escape. Today, you all have to die here!" In the distance, an incomparably majestic voice sounded, domineering.

The battle of the Holy Spirit City is about to start!

The Legion of the God Emperor, wearing armor and holding a dark spear, slaughtered the three sisters in a mighty manner. The momentum reached its peak, like a torrent of steel coming, crushing everything.

Chapter 1017 The city lord killer is as fragile as an ant!

The City Lord's Mansion, a high-rise building overlooking the entire Holy Spirit City.

Here, there is a man in a black robe with an extremely powerful breath, his sharp eyes piercing the battlefield in the distance, with a little bit of ruthlessness in his eyes, "Dare to come to my Holy Spirit City and do whatever you want, today I want you to die without a place to be buried. !"

He is the city lord of the Holy Spirit City. He has the strength of the quasi-emperor realm and is extremely powerful, giving orders to the entire Holy Spirit City.

I don't know if it was because he was so focused on the battlefield that a figure in a white robe descended in front of him, but he couldn't find it.

"You said, who do you want to die without a burial place?" The white-robed youth asked with a smile. His voice was as calm as water, but it clearly reached the city lord's ears.

As soon as these words came out, the face of the city lord changed greatly, and he reacted instantly. His sharp eyes pierced directly at Zhang Tian, ​​and his heart was shocked. When did this young man in white robe come here.

With his quasi-emperor realm strength, he didn't even find it.

Who is this man!

At the moment the city lord reacted, in the dark space next to him, several icy killing intents filled the air, and I saw a few killers who were shrouded in black clothes and walked out with fierce killing intent.

They all held daggers and pointed at Zhang Tian, ​​and they were shocked at the same time. With their vigilance, they didn't even notice Zhang Tian's arrival.

Is this man so good at hiding?

"Who are you?" The city lord asked with a gloomy face, a terrifying power permeated out of his body, and it was possible to shoot directly at any time.

Zhang Tian smiled indifferently, stretched out his hand and waved, the dragon chair next to the city lord flew towards him and landed under Zhang Tian, ​​who sat high on the dragon chair with a big golden sword.

There is a great crown in the world, to look at the momentum of the world, and not to put the city lord in his eyes.

"Who is this emperor, you don't deserve to know! This emperor advises you not to act rashly, or you will be at your own risk!" Zhang Tian smiled and said, not caring at all.

His calm eyes looked into the distance, where, where, the three daughters had already fought with the God Emperor Legion, seven in and seven out, killing countless powerful God Emperors.

The purpose of his coming here is to let the city lord not act rashly and join the battlefield.

"Presumptuous! In the Holy Spirit City, no one has dared to be so arrogant in front of the city lord, even if you have a strong cultivation base, you can't do it!" The city lord snorted coldly. Just feel so ashamed.

Hearing this, several killers who were hiding in the darkness also understood. They stepped forward at the same time, and their killing intent was overwhelming. If they dared to cause trouble in the Holy Spirit City, there was only one way to die.

"Kill!" Several killers shouted at the same time, their figures flashed and turned into dark phantoms to kill Zhang Tian, ​​the daggers in their hands flickered with cold light, and stabbed towards the front.

"Beyond your own power!" Zhang Tian glanced at everyone indifferently, then raised his head and pointed to the void.


A terrifying airflow burst out, directly ignoring the spatial distance, and instantly fell in front of everyone.

In an instant, they only felt a terrifying force coming, which was extremely depressed, making it difficult for them to even breathe.

This blow is the Exterminating Immortal Finger!


The white airflow pierced through the void, instantly piercing the bodies of several killers, their bodies stagnated in the air, their faces were stunned, and they seemed to be able to see the blood holes in their bodies.

bang bang bang-

Several explosions sounded at the same time, and the killer's body exploded instantly, turning into blood mist and dissipating in the heaven and earth.

"I said, don't do it, is it not good to watch the show calmly?" Zhang Tian smiled lightly, as if he was nothing, and looked at the shocking battle in the distance with a smile on his face!

"You..." The city lord's face changed greatly, and he was a little scared. His personal killers had the strength of the Immortal King, but in the hands of the white-robed man, they were vulnerable.

Even the city owner of the quasi-emperor realm felt a little pressure.

He took a deep breath, "Even if you are strong, how dare you run rampant in front of this city lord, there is only one way to die!"

He is a strong quasi-emperor, and anyone who dares to disobey his will will have to die!

With a wave of the city lord's sleeve robe, his body flew into the sky, and a violent breath oscillated out, covering the entire city lord's mansion. Terrifying power gathered in his palm, the city lord slapped his palm forward with all his strength, only to hear a bang, the air There are terrifying big palm prints killing them.

The anger of the quasi-emperor realm powerhouse is terrifying, and the entire city lord's mansion will be reduced to ruins, even if he has no intention of targeting the city lord's mansion, but the earth below can't bear the pressure at all, and is directly shaken into powder.

"Really?" Zhang Tian asked softly, his calm eyes swept towards the city lord, and suddenly two rays of light burst out.

With a bang, the big palm print turned into nothingness.

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