The city lord was terrified, such a terrifying look in his eyes made him feel like hell, trembling with fear, and he didn't even dare to look at Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian's palm was slowly raised, and an invisible force spread throughout the void, forming a huge palm. I saw Zhang Tian's palm fall, and the invisible big palm followed his movements and grabbed towards the city lord.

"Open!" The city lord roared, bursting out with all his strength, and frantically resisting, but he found that he couldn't compete at all, and couldn't stop the big palm print from falling.


The invisible big palm instantly defeated the defense of the city lord, pinching his body tightly, like pinching a fragile ant, as long as Zhang Tian had a thought, he would die.

"You... who are you?" the city lord shouted in horror, struggling frantically, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free, "I am the city lord of the Holy Spirit City, if you dare to kill me, the entire Guling Continent will not There is a place for you!"

Chapter 1018 The Emperor Buried in person, the city lord died!

"There is no place for me in the entire Guling Continent?"

When Zhang Tian heard this, he laughed and laughed wildly. The smile on his face became more and more intense, which made the city lord feel a little palpitated. He said lightly, "Accurately speaking, in the entire ancient spirit continent, no one dares to be with me. The emperor is the enemy, because there is only one end, and that is, death!"

"Impossible!" The city lord almost blurted out, looking crazy, "Even if you have an Immortal Emperor cultivation base, you must know that there is more than one Immortal Emperor in the Guling Continent. If you dare to openly challenge the rules of the Guling Continent, you will definitely be punished. The immortal emperors are besieging!"

"Since you don't give up, why don't this emperor tell you!" Zhang Tian glanced at the city lord indifferently, even if he stood opposite the entire ancient spirit continent, he was not afraid, "This emperor is the Emperor Buried!"

As soon as these words came out, the face of the city lord changed suddenly. He was pale and bloodless, and looked at Zhang Tian with a dull gaze. How could this man be the Emperor Buried!

"'s can't be the Emperor Burial!" The city lord roared frantically, like a lunatic.

Because he understood that the moment he heard the words Burial Emperor, he was actually a dead person.

The word Burial Emperor is a taboo legend in Guling Continent, and no one dares to discuss it, even in private.

Therefore, he understands that if this man dares to call himself the Heaven Burying Emperor, and has such terrifying strength, there must be no falsehood, and his fate is only a dead end!

It's just, why is the legendary Burial Emperor so powerful, why does it seem to be just a white-robed young man who does not show the slightest emperor's prestige.


Zhang Tian's big palm was slowly squeezed, and the city lord's bones were broken in an instant, making a piercing sound of bone cracking. call out.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Zhang Tian, ​​as if he had to remember this face.

He is the lord of the Holy Spirit City, with enormous power and power, and under his command, countless powerful people in the God-Emperor realm serve, even the true immortals can only become their killers.

He had a quasi-emperor realm cultivation base, and his strength was terrifying. He thought that the future was bright, but he did not expect to die in Holy Spirit City in the end, and he died so miserably.

All this is because of a man, the man named Burial Emperor.

The mayor found.This force is too powerful to be resisted at all. His body is like fragile tofu, constantly being crushed until it perishes.

"I...I'm not reconciled!" Blood spurted from the corner of the city lord's mouth, his eyes widened and he roared wildly.

With a wave of Zhang Tian's hand, he threw the city lord's body into the distance, and a shocking blow broke out.


The huge sound resounded through the sky, and countless people were shocked. They looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and saw where, the magnificent, atmospheric city lord's mansion collapsed as if it had been hit by something.

"what happened?"

"The City Lord's Mansion is where the City Lord lives, how could this be!"

"Yes, it must be the City Lord's Mansion that was attacked."

"Who are these people, do they really have the strength to defeat the Holy Spirit City?"

High in the sky, the battle between the three sisters and the God-Emperor Legion was still breaking out.

The fighting was extremely fierce, and the violent aftermath of the battle continued to burst out from the center of the battlefield.

The fire burned the sky, turned into endless fire lotuses, and set the whole sky on fire.

In the distance, the figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor was flying in the air, and the dragon claws like Taishan stabbed out violently, piercing the void, and under one claws, instantly killed countless powerful god emperors.

These people's bodies are like fragile tofu, vulnerable to a single blow and instantly killed.

The three sisters rushed forward in a triangle, and all the powerful god emperors who attacked were swept away by their attacks, until they died, and there was no room for life at all.

"Iron claws seduce the soul, impermanence kills!" In the air, there was a strong roar from the emperor of the gods.

His palms turned into sharp claws, flickering with a cold light, and he waved towards the front with all his strength. The sharp claws shot out dozens of cold rays in the air, and the phantom of endless sharp claws tore everything and stabbed towards the front.

The powerhouse of the God Sovereign jumped and turned into a black streamer. It seemed that only this claw was left in the sky and the earth, and it kept moving forward. When approaching the three sisters, it suddenly turned into three phantoms of sharp claws. , fell suddenly.

Such terrifying attacks frightened the people on the side, and hurriedly backed away, daring not to stay in the center of the battlefield.

"Broken!" The ruthless man took a step forward, Feixian Jue erupted, his power suddenly increased sharply, and the eternal sword in his hand stabbed violently, and a dazzling sword light shone up and stabbed in front of him.

The white sword light slashed down, tearing the void in an instant, and slashed forward abruptly.

chi chi...

In just an instant, the sharp claws and the sword light collided violently in the air, and a terrible sound broke out.

The terrifying sword qi directly stabbed out from the sharp claws, splitting it in two, and its power was unabated, penetrating the heavens and the earth, killing all existence.


Only to hear a gushing out of blood, swaying into the sky, the emperor of the gods fell, shocking countless people.

This person was a powerful jailer, and he was still not a ruthless opponent. He was directly killed by a sword.

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