Others, how to contend, even the powerful existence of the God Emperor Legion, dare not attack rashly, for fear of dying in the hands of the three sisters.

Chapter 1019 The god emperor is out, and he is just as vulnerable!

In the void in the distance, countless broken limbs could be seen, and the entire Holy Spirit City was red with blood. Everyone was trembling and dared not go forward.

"I am afraid that only the strong immortal king can compete with it!"

"They are too strong, we are not opponents at all!"

"Perhaps, we can defeat him only by performing the combined attack of the god emperor."

However, the God-Emperor's combined attack technique they created has very large side effects. It will exhaust everyone's strength and make their bodies extremely weak. If the three sisters are not killed by then, let alone fighting, even the slaves below. , can easily kill them.

Now the situation of the city lord's mansion is still unknown, and the situation has fallen into a disadvantage. However, the city lord has not appeared for a long time. What is going on?

Everyone is puzzled, but more is still fear.

"The city lord's mansion has been hit hard, and the city lord is afraid that he has already been killed. We must kill them with all our strength and go to support the city lord!" said a rather dignified and powerful man in the God Emperor's army.

"Since that's the case, you wait with me to form a formation of the God Emperor, and kill them here!" The voice of the powerful God Emperor fell, using his body as the formation, condensing the supreme power, and everyone moved towards the distance. Gathering the power together, a terrifying storm raged in the great formation, extremely terrifying.

At this moment, a flat voice sounded, it was not loud, but it seemed to have some kind of magic power, and it clearly entered everyone's ears, "Your city lord is dead, don't make unnecessary struggles. "

As soon as these words came out, countless people looked into the distance, where, there was a figure in a white robe with peerless elegance and splendor, walking in the void.

His movements are extremely slow, but the speed is not slow at all, and in just an instant, he came to the front of everyone.

The complexion of the God Emperor Legion changed greatly, this is definitely a superpower!

They couldn't even defeat the three sisters, and now there is an inexplicable powerhouse, how can they fight?

"Father!" the ruthless man shouted.

"Father, did you just clean up the city lord?" Zi Yan asked curiously, Zhang Tian was not here just now, but there was a huge earthquake in the direction of the city lord's mansion, which was most likely caused by Zhang Tian.

"Since my father is here, then everything is settled." Yu Xin said firmly, she had a blind trust in Zhang Tian's strength, as if no one could stop Zhang Tian's pace in this world.

"Three daughters, leave everything to me. Since this is the first massacre in the Holy Spirit City, how can it be without me." Zhang Tian smiled and said, "I just killed an old man, and now I will come back to see this. God-Emperor's great formation, let's see how powerful it is."

"What did you say?"

"Lord City Lord, died in battle?"

The faces of the powerful god emperors changed greatly, they were as pale as paper, and even the city lord of the quasi-emperor realm was dead. How could they fight?

"He's not dead, how can I take over the Holy Spirit City?" Zhang Tiandan said with a smile, looking calm, as if everything was reasonable.

"Dare to kill the city lord, I want you to die without a place to be buried!" The strong man of the god emperor roared, his whole body glowing brightly, bursting with dazzling rays of light, and the light of endless darkness shone out and swept the world.

He wants to condense the power of the entire Divine Emperor Legion, burst out the strongest blow, and forge the situation!

"Struggle to the death!" Zhang Tian glanced at the crowd lightly, his white robes rattled in the air, his reckless eyes swept across the crowd, making people feel as if they were falling into an ice cave, their whole body was icy and trembling uncontrollably.

Many people are terrified. What kind of power does it take to be so terrifying?

In the great formation of the God Emperor, endless power roared wildly, forming a dark furious dragon, sweeping in, and the violent power raged in the air, suppressing everything.

Even people watching from a distance can feel this terrifying power, and they are shocked, not to mention Zhang Tian, ​​who is in the center of the battlefield, what kind of pressure will he face?

However, Zhang Tian still carried his hands on his back, as if he had not been suppressed in any way at all, letting the people of the God-Emperor Legion gather their strength, as if he had never heard of it.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, how confident it is to be able to do this.

At this moment, the angry dragon roared, and the terrifying power oscillated out, about to overwhelm the entire sky, the huge angry dragon danced in the air, bursting with unparalleled power, terrifying to the extreme.

A smile appeared on Zhang Tian's face, he slowly took a step forward, and with a bang, the void suddenly burst.

The endless imperial prestige permeated out, shrouded the heads of everyone, and suppressed it, making the furious dragons calm a bit, as if they did not dare to attack. As for the Legion of the God Emperor and others, it was like being struck by lightning, and their mouths were stuffy. With a snort, there was faint blood spilling out.

"This...how can it be so powerful..."

The people of the God Emperor's Legion, before the words fell, Zhang Tian took another step, the void exploded here, and the endless emperor was suppressed at the same time, as if the world was forcibly smashed, the mountains and rivers turned into powder, the earth collapsed, and the entire Holy Spirit The city fell into ruin.

The endless coercion caused the angry dragon to burst inch by inch, and the entire God-Emperor Army was self-destructed.

"Do you still want to be presumptuous?" Zhang Tian's voice sounded like the sound of the avenue, resounding in the air.

Chapter 1020 The Holy Spirit City changed hands, and the ancestor dynasty appeared!

When everyone heard this, they couldn't bear the pressure anymore, as if they couldn't control their bodies at all, they bent their legs and knelt down directly towards the empty space.


A god emperor knelt down, like a fuse, causing a chain reaction. Countless god emperors knelt one after another. They couldn't compete. It was just a moment.

"This... is too scary."

"How can this man in white robe be so powerful!"

"God, as powerful as the Emperor's Legion, it is not his opponent!"

Below, countless onlookers were shocked, and their exclamations continued to sound.

"If I knew this earlier, why would it be better to just kneel down and avoid the pain of flesh and blood." Zhang Tian's indifferent voice sounded, and he didn't even bother to look at the god emperors.

In his eyes, these ants are not worthy of his shot at all, and turned to look at the three daughters with a smile on their faces, "You will be the daughters of the city lord in the future, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Tian asked jokingly with a smile, he killed the city lord of the Holy Spirit City, and naturally took over the city lord's position.

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