"Three breaths have arrived, die!" Qing Xiao roared, violent power erupted, his black hair danced wildly, and a hurricane condensed in the air, his hands turned into palm knives, and he slashed towards the void.


The power of the wind gathered in the arm, and as the palm knife slashed out from the air, a sharp wind blade flew out of the air, and the strong wind ripped apart the earth and swept the deadly sand and stones.

The speed of the power of the wind was so fast that it fell in front of Yu Xin in just an instant, and the violent wind blade raged, trying to tear her to pieces.

Yu Xin also reacted at the first time, there was power surging above the delicate body, the figure moved towards the sky, directly avoiding the wind blade, and the speed was fast.Staggering.

"Where to escape!" Qing Xiao snorted coldly, the power in his palms gathered, he actually controlled the wind blade to turn back, and stabbed again, and the speed was even faster than before, splitting into three in the air, forming a triangle. The claws stabbed violently, shattering the void.

"Three thousand thunderbolts!" Yu Xin scolded, her figure turned into thunder light, flashed in the air, passed directly through the gap of the wind blade, and then slapped her palm behind her.

Suddenly, a fire lotus roared out, turning into a monstrous fire in the air, directly swallowing the wind blade, roaring towards the front, wanting to swallow everything and burn the sky.

Chapter 1024 The emperor, the emperor, and the son of the emperor appeared, Huang Qingtian

The endless fire lotus flew out towards the void in front of it, bursting continuously, burning the sky with fire, wrapping the entire battlefield in it, burning everything in an instant, even the earth was burning black.

Surrounded by the audience, their hearts were shocked, and they hurriedly retreated to the rear, while concentrating their strength to resist the aftermath of the flames.

Yu Xin's attack power is not only powerful, but also has a wide range of damage.

"Go away!" Qing Xiao was furious, bursting out with all his strength, and even more terrifying gusts of wind centered on his body, constantly gathering and tearing, forming a cyclone of wind, killing the monstrous fire in the sky above.

The hurricane spun wildly in the air, sweeping everything around it, tearing the ground in an instant, and swallowing it toward the flames.

The two extreme forces collided wildly in the air, and the flames suppressed and poured into the hurricane. They were strangled in an instant without a trace, and the flames disappeared as quickly as ice and snow melted.

However, the flames were endless, and the terrifying fiery aura burned the battlefield. I saw that in front of Yu Xin, a white dragon-headed flame condensed and formed.

Bone spirit corpse fire can incinerate everything.

"Go!" Yu Xin pointed out towards the void, the white fire dragon roared in the air, opened its bloody mouth, and instantly swallowed the fire lotus in front of her.

The already violent flame surging frantically, exploded directly, erupted with a rumbling sound, oscillated in the void, and the endless flame burst out, instantly annihilating everything around it.

The terrifying sound waves moved towards the surroundings, and a terrifying storm erupted. In the center of the battlefield, white flames devoured everything, terrifying to the extreme.

Everyone trembled uncontrollably, staring at the center of the battlefield with wide eyes, where, Qing Xiao roared wildly, constantly slashing out the wind blade, but was instantly swallowed by the flames.

He can't resist the erosion of the flame at all, and can only let the flame devour himself.

A flash of lightning flashed under Yuxin's feet, her body turned into lightning, pierced through the void, and stabbed forward violently. When she pointed out, the air instantly burst and fell on Qing Xiao.

"Pfft..." This finger seemed to pierce Qing Xiao's body, he instantly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out like a cannonball.

Then he was heavily pressed on the ground, and the blood stained the ground. He saw a terrifyingly large hole in his chest, and blood was constantly flowing out of it.

Between heaven and earth, the flame disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. The breeze blew, and Yuxin stood proudly in the center of the battlefield, invincible.

"The disciple of the Big Dipper Immortal King, it's nothing more than that!" Yu Xin said lightly, as if she had never put Qing Xiao in her eyes.

"Okay you demon girl, Hugh is mad!" In the Qianjimen, someone who was not very popular, roared loudly.

Qing Xiao took action for them, but was seriously injured by Yu Xin. How did they explain to the Big Dipper Immortal King?

You know, the Immortal King was angry, the blood stained the earth, and the bones were like mountains.

"It's fine if you're not good at studying. I didn't expect you to admit it without shame. If I were the Immortal King of the Big Dipper, I would have slapped you to death!" Zi Yan said fiercely.

These people are so hateful, they didn't say anything, these people insisted on provoking them.

It's really like the three sisters can't be bullied.

"Slave cities like Holy Spirit City are the place where demons, ghosts and monsters gather. It's normal for a demon girl like you to appear!" In the Qianjimen, a strong man said angrily, "Listen to my order and kill these three demon girls. Here, eliminate evil for the ancient spirit continent, and do justice for the sky!"

The voice fell, and in the Thousand Machines Gate, countless people burst into a terrifying aura. Their figures flashed and came towards the three sisters, with a faint tendency to surround the three sisters.

Seeing this, everyone withdrew from the battlefield and watched from a distance, so as not to harm the fish pond.

At this moment, a calm voice sounded, possessing supreme majesty, "Those who violated my Holy Spirit City, kill without mercy!"

The person who spoke was Zhang Tian. He stood above the nine heavens, looking at the world and looking around at the people below. The white robe danced with the wind, not anger and self-righteousness.

"Yes!" The three daughters responded at the same time, and the violent breath shook out.

Neither side seems to regard this place as the site of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and they just want to kill each other, and the war is about to break out.

Suddenly, there was a bright golden light shining in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a young man with a golden sun above his head. An incomparably majestic aura was blowing towards his face. He was shrouded in golden light, like a real child of the sun.

"The Holy Ancestor Dynasty, Holy Son, Emperor Qingtian!"

In the crowd, someone recognized someone and exclaimed.

Huang Qingtian is the eastern part of the Ancient Spirit Continent, a very prestigious child of the sky, whose talent is the best in the world, and is the holy son of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It's because the Holy Son's power broke through the ancient emperor realm!

"My Holy Ancestor is hospitable. I invite you to come to watch the ceremony this time. I also hope that you will give me a little face, so that I can abandon my previous suspicions and value peace." Huang Qingtian shouted loudly.

While speaking, he glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​a young man in white robe in the distance, intentionally or unintentionally. Although this young man seemed harmless to humans and animals, he did not reveal the slightest breath.

But when Zhang Tian spoke just now, just one word made him feel a little coercion. He naturally understood that this new Holy Spirit City Lord definitely possesses terrifying strength.

If he makes a move, the people of Qianjimen will surely die, and the blood of the ancestors will be stained with blood. This time he broke through the ancient emperor realm, it is a happy event, and he never wants to see such a situation, so he personally came out to persuade him.

Chapter 1025 The ancient battlefield emerges, the Holy Spirit City battles the Thousand Machine Gate

"Holy Son, it's not me who insisted on doing this. It's just that these three demon girls are too demons, and they seriously injured my Qianjimen disciple and Beidou Immortal King disciple. I can't let them go so easily!" willingly.

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