Qianjimen is the overlord of one side, and the Big Dipper Immortal King is not easy to mess with. Under such pressure, even the Holy Ancestor Dynasty has to think twice.

Furthermore, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty invited Bafang to come, not just to let all the forces come to watch the ceremony, but to gather the power of all the forces.

"What do you guys think?" Huang Qingtian's eyes looked down at the three sisters.

"Since Qianjimen will never die, then let them fulfill them!" said the ruthless man coldly.

The two sides have reached the point where water and fire are incompatible. As long as there is a chance, the three sisters don't mind killing them all.

"Okay, since everyone insists on doing this, come with me." Huang Qingtian said, and walked towards the distance, "In my ancestral dynasty, there is a battlefield that can withstand the battle of the true immortal level, if you have grievances , you can come forward to fight!"

When the voice fell, Huang Qingtian had the power of the sun in his hands, and he slapped it towards the vast crowd below, and the dazzling light of the sun radiated out over the endless area.

Just listening to the sound of rumbling, the ground below trembled wildly, an ancient battlefield slowly flew up, suspended above the sky, and a quaint atmosphere came over the surface, making people feel blood boiling.

The people below looked up at the ancient battlefield in the sky, and they were greatly shocked. It was indeed the dynasty of the ancestors.

Anyone who has grievances can step forward.

This is the ancient battlefield of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, giving people a heavy atmosphere, which can withstand the battle of the true immortals.

"Big sister and second sister, you are watching from below, I will personally go up and kill these sanctimonious guys!" Zi Yan said a little unhappy.

Just now, she had the intention of making a move.

"Okay, let's go." The ruthless man nodded slightly, and it was not bad to let Zi Yan experience it.

After all, Qianjimen came this time, but it was only in the realm of the emperor, and Zi Yan could still face it easily.

Zi Yan nodded slightly, her petite body stepped towards the void, flew into the sky, landed on the ancient battlefield, stared at the direction of Qianjimen with her beautiful eyes, "Come up!"

"Arrogant!" The people of Qianjimen were furious. These people from the Holy Spirit City were too arrogant and arrogant to let a little girl fight with them.

It is simply unreasonable to ignore them.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out and die soon!" Zi Yan snorted coldly.

In the direction of Qianjimen, someone stepped forward and killed him. How could Qianjimen be afraid of a little girl.

"You will be defeated by me in a while, but don't say that I bullied the small, you brought this on your own!"

Among the thousands of people in the Thousand Machines Gate, except for Qian Zhong, who was severely injured by the ruthless man, he was the strongest.

In order to ensure victory in this battle, he personally took action.

Leiyun stepped on the ground heavily, and the figure rushed forward like a ghost. At the same time, there was a constant creaking sound in his body, and it was moving like a machine.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and pointed at the void, and a black phantom flew out from his body, constantly changing in the air, and his body size was getting bigger and bigger, until it enveloped the entire void, reflecting a large dark shadow.

Everyone looked up and saw that on the ancient battlefield, there was a huge humanoid fighting machine. The whole body was made of black iron. It contained endless power and reflected bright rays of light in the sun.


The humanoid machine trampled heavily on the ancient battlefield, and a roar broke out, which made the entire ancient battlefield shake up. The power was terrifying and staggering.

Everyone was shocked, such a huge body, I am afraid that if I trample down, I can kill the emperor, this little girl is afraid that I can't resist.

"The size is amazing!" Zi Yan scolded, stepped on the ground, and her figure rose into the air, "Today, I will let you, a big man, know what is called real power!"

She has the bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and her strength is inexhaustible. Even if she does not manifest her body shape, her strength must not be underestimated.

"Kill!" Leiyun roared, controlling the humanoid machine to blast forward.

The humanoid machine clenched its fists tightly, and the power in its body violently rioted.

Its movements seem extremely mechanical and slow, but the speed is extremely fast. In just an instant, the incomparably huge fist is like a mountain of Tai, and it cannot be shaken.

Endless power oscillated out, dancing in the air, sweeping up a terrifying air current, this fist seemed to gather the general trend of the world, carrying the power of the void, and fell down.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the sky and the earth changed color, as if all life was extremely small and vulnerable under the power of this punch.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted above her petite body. Long Wei shook the sky, and the endless Long Wei suppressed it down. At this moment, Zi Yan seemed to be the Queen of Dragons, possessing endless power.

Chapter 1026 The death of the disciple of Qianjimen, the world is afraid

The celestial phenomena erupted, her body blood surged, her fists clenched towards the void, only to hear a sound of sonic boom, it seemed that this grip would crush the void.

The turbulent airflow around her gathered towards her body, condensing supreme power in the fist, and the heavy breath permeated out, suppressing everything.

"Sun Peng Fist!" Zi Yan scolded, and punched forward with all her strength.

The terrifying force oscillated out, as if Kunpeng could smash mountains and rivers with a single blow.


A blast resounding through the sky broke out on the ancient battlefield. In the center of the battlefield, a violent airflow rushed out, raging towards the surroundings, and a terrifying storm broke out.

The terrifying force shook the ancient battlefield, trembling violently, and it was about to blast through the earth.

Zi Yan's body shot out towards the front, constantly smashing the fists of the humanoid machine, and slaying forward with an indomitable momentum.

Countless broken things splashed around, Zi Yan's small fist broke everything, instantly smashed the fist of the humanoid machine into nothingness, and a punch fell heavily on the machine.

With a loud bang, the humanoid machine standing between the heavens and the earth seemed to tremble violently, and the body took on a bow shape.

Everyone looked up and saw that in front of Zi Yan's fist, a huge dent appeared, and the entire huge sternum black iron was deeply immersed in it, and the huge crack spread around with the fist, until it penetrated The entire humanoid machine.


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