At this moment, in the distance, a terrifying aura came, and the pressure enveloped the world, making all the people of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty feel a chill.

"The Holy Ancestor Dynasty is the hegemon of the eastern part of the continent. This banquet invites me to watch the ceremony. Since it is the host, why is it so absurd? My people from Qianjimen have come here sincerely to congratulate the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Watching my Qianjimen disciple die in the city, it’s okay not to arrest the murderer, but even entertaining the murderer, you need to give me an explanation for this matter!”

In the distance, I saw a young man dressed in a luxurious robe stepping on the void, and his figure flashed over. He suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke coldly.

The person who came was the eldest disciple of Qianjimen's sect master, Qianzhong's senior brother, Qianjue.

According to rumors, he has already broken into the realm of the Great Emperor, and his strength is extremely terrifying, and he is the next Sect Master of Qianjimen.

Now that he came forward in person, even if Huang Qingtian was the son of the emperor, he had to be careful.

"Before the war, I made it clear that anyone who has grievances and grievances can compete on the battlefield. Naturally, the consequences will be at your own risk." Huang Qingtian said lightly, and he was bound to protect the three sisters, "Since the people of Qianjimen dare to enter. On the battlefield, you must have the consciousness of death, even if you die, you can't blame the other party."

"All the disciples of Qianjimen died on the battlefield. It's not because I didn't help, but because I couldn't help. If I did, wouldn't it mean that the words of my Holy Ancestor Dynasty didn't count. I also ask the Young Sect Master to forgive me. "Huang Qingtian is worthy of being a saint son, and his words are so impeccable that it is irrefutable.

But these words obviously could not quell Qian Jue's anger. What he wanted was not only Huang Qingtian's statement, but also the lives of these three demon girls.

"Why, do you want to die too?" Zi Yan asked coldly.

"Send to death? Hahaha..." Hearing this, Qian Jue laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest joke, "You ants, are you also worthy of my shot?"

He is the young master of the Thousand Machines Sect, with unparalleled talent and an ancient cultivation of the Great Emperor Realm. I am afraid that among the people present, no one is his opponent.

With only three women, what would they use to fight him?

"Do the people from Qianjimen only talk nonsense?" Yu Xin said indifferently, she got up and walked towards the ancient battlefield, "If you dare to make a move, you will be killed here today!"

At this moment, Yu Xin showed her sharp edge and was invincible.

Everyone's hearts moved slightly, and their faces changed slightly. Yuxin's strength is indeed strong, but the opening is to kill the emperor's powerhouse, which is too wild.

You know, this is the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse on the Bucks side.

"Since you insist on courting death, I will fulfill you with my own hands today!" A murderous intent flashed in Qian Jue's eyes, and he jumped to the ancient battlefield.

Just now, he sensed that the disciples of Qianjimen were killed, and he rushed over at full speed in order to avenge the disciples.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, how could he let the demon girl go to the ring looking for death without knowing her life or death.

"Is it the Great Emperor Realm? Well, let's show you today, the real Great Emperor powerhouse!" Yu Xin scolded, all her cultivation bases broke out, the breath of endless terror permeated the air, and the might of the Great Emperor enveloped the sky.

In an instant, a terrifying force suppressed it, and Diwei shook out, covering the void.

At this moment, Yuxin is like an empress descending to look at the world.


"She turned out to be the emperor!"

"No wonder she can easily kill the emperor in seconds, she is a strong emperor!"

Everyone was shocked, and looked at Yuxin in the sky with shocked eyes, and their eyes were full of awe. They absolutely did not expect that among the people of Holy Spirit City, there were people in the Great Emperor Realm.

No wonder they are fearless, the original strength is so terrifying.

Now it seems that it is still unknown who will kill the deer.

Chapter 1028 The three-legged golden crow, the fire burns the sky

Under the power of the Nine Tribulations Sword, the flaming palm continued to shatter, but the sword energy was also rapidly disappearing.

Yuxin raised her eyebrows, her figure turned into a lightning bolt, and disappeared in place. The next moment, she appeared in the sky above Qianjue.

This finger seemed to contain infinite power, and it fell with the power of heaven and earth, and a roar suddenly erupted in the void, shaking continuously.

It is the Heaven Sealing Forbidden Law. This finger is about to seal this piece of void, which is terrifying to the extreme.

"Princess of Holy Spirit City is so strong!"

"God, she still has the power to fight back!"

Everyone was extremely shocked. Under Qianjue's incomparably violent attack, Yu Xin not only managed to resolve it with ease, but also dared to take advantage of the situation to pursue and enter the battlefield herself.

"Go away!" Qian Jue looked crazy and roared. Above his golden armor, a brighter light lit up, and Qian Jue's whole body revealed a domineering aura.

His body grew madly in the air, reaching a height of ten feet, like a flame god, extremely majestic, bathed in a sea of ​​flames, and two flame pillars burst out from the huge flame eyes, bursting out towards the front.


As soon as Yu Xin pointed it out, the power of the flame pillar was instantly dissolved, and her power continued to move forward.

Her black hair danced wildly in the air, and the sea flames condensed and shrouded Yu Xin's delicate body. Her aura was still rising, as if she turned into a blue flame, burning everything.

"Dare to test the power of flame with me, you are courting death!" Qian Jue roared furiously. He clasped his hands together to form a big flame palm, and shot it forward with all his strength. A violent heat wave swept out, and endless pressure suppressed it.


A palm and a finger collided wildly in the air, the earth trembled, and a terrifying sound roared out.

Qian Jue groaned, only to feel that the green onion jade fingers in front of him contained endless power, and he broke his flaming palm directly and landed on the golden armor.

Even though the golden armor removed most of its power, the terrifying anti-shock force still shook him back again and again.

Looking at Yuxin, three thousand thunders erupted under her feet, instantly removing the shock force, and her figure burst out again.

"You can die!" Yu Xin's pretty face was covered in frost, and she spit out a word indifferently.

A terrifying force erupted in her body, and endless coercion shrouded her, instantly suppressing this void. At this moment, Yuxin, like a goddess, looks at the world and controls the life and death of the world!

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