It's the blood nerve!

Yu Xin pushed the blood nerve to the extreme, and the steady stream of power came together. At this moment, she was terrified to the extreme.

Even the unintentional and appropriate coercion made countless god emperors tremble and want to suppress everything.

"It's not certain who will die!" Qian Jue roared, and slapped his big palm towards the chest armor, causing a deafening explosion.

The endless power gathered towards the three-legged golden crow in the armor, constantly inspiring the power of the three-legged golden crow. Behind him, a huge fire condensed into the sky, forming a big bird standing between the heavens and the earth.

The three-legged Golden Crow roared in the sky, turned into a flame god, bathed in flames, and the monstrous fire enveloped the sky, like a sea of ​​fire descending.

"Kill!" Qian Jue roared, bursting out with all his strength, and the endless flames slaughtered forward.

The three-legged Golden Crow roared wildly, carrying the power of endless flames, turning into flames and incinerating everything.

The monstrous fire came down, as if the fire was coming, and it was about to devour this space. Even if they were outside the battlefield, everyone could feel this terrifying power.

Their hearts were extremely shocked, Qian Jue burst out with a full blow, whether Yu Xin could resist.

Even Huang Qingtian couldn't help but lift his heart, staring at the battlefield.

"Red Lotus Karmic Fire!" Yu Xin scolded, crimson flames shrouded her body, and under the power of blood nerves, the already violent Red Lotus Karmic Fire became even more terrifying.

The burning void is twisted, unable to resist the scorching high temperature.

Yuxin stretched out the snow-white bowl and pointed towards the void in front of her. The endless flames condensed and formed, turning into a sword of red flame in the air.

"Kill!" The two of them shouted in unison, and the sound of killing was shocking!

"They are about to explode with a full blow!"

"Win or lose, is it finally going to be decided!"

"After all, who is the real flame master!"

The three-legged golden crow slaughtered and came, incinerated everything, and slashed down with a flaming sword, annihilating the void.


The explosion resounded through the sky, and in the center of the battlefield, two flames collided wildly, and a terrifying flame wave erupted in the air.

The fiery flames swept out with the sound waves, and devoured the surrounding space, turning the entire ancient battlefield into a world of flames, devouring all power.

The hearts of everyone trembled violently with the loud noise, and their eyes were fixed on the center of the battlefield. Where, they saw the golden and red flames collide wildly and devour each other. Incessantly, as if it were inexhaustible, the golden flames were all wrapped in it, and they went down with all their strength.

This terrifying power seems to be able to incinerate everything.

Chapter 1029 Thank you for your support

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Chapter 1030 The emperor was defeated and died on the ancient battlefield

Even the three-legged golden crow known as the fire of the sun is still not the opponent of the red lotus fire, only the end of being swallowed!

"No...impossible!" In the center of the battlefield, an extremely unwilling angry roar sounded from the endless flames.

"My Sun God Fire, how can I lose, absolutely impossible!" Qian Jue roared frantically, but still couldn't stop the Red Lotus Karmic Fire from being swallowed up.

"Death!" Yu Xin scolded, and along with her voice, the flames swallowed and exploded in the air.

The storm swept up, the flames broke through the sky, a breeze blew, and the battlefield returned to calm again.

Everyone looked at them and saw that the entire ancient battlefield had turned black and was almost burned by the terrifying flames. Yuxin stood above the battlefield, her black hair dancing wildly, her breath was turbulent, and her face was a little pale, but she still stood upright, Like an invincible queen.

The powerful emperor is so terrifying.

Yu Xin's indifferent gaze glanced down and stabbed Qian Jue in the sky, only to see that his whole body was charred black, even the golden armor became dull, dense cracks spread all over the body, as if it would be shattered with a light touch. .

"Pfft..." Qian Jue spurted a bloody arrow from his mouth, his blood-red eyes stared at Yu Xin, wanting to speak, but found that he couldn't speak.

His eyes were extremely unwilling, as if he wanted to grab something, but there was nothing he could do.


A blood arrow spewed out from his chest, and the blood stained his body red. The next moment, the red lotus karmic fire spewed out from his body, instantly evaporating the blood, and Qianjue's body exploded directly and turned into a blood mist!


Over the crowd, there was a sudden uproar that resounded through the sky. Countless people were horrified and shocked, staring at Yuxin on the ancient battlefield with wide eyes.

She actually killed Qian Jue!

You must know that Qian Jue is a powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm!

But it is still not Yuxin's opponent, and even was killed in the ancient battlefield!

"This..." Everyone was speechless, even the strong emperors were beheaded by Yu Xin, and the others, I am afraid they would be like ants in her eyes.

No wonder the three of them, sisters, were not afraid at all from the beginning to the end.

"Vulnerable!" Yu Xin looked cold and spit out a word, she turned around and went down.

"Second sister!"

"Second sister!"

Ruthless and Zi Yan's voices sounded at the same time, and the two stepped forward to meet Yu Xin. Even Yu Xin couldn't bear such a fierce battle.

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