The deafening bell rang, and the incomparably violent sound broke through the sky, and the rolling sound roared out. The entire ancient battlefield was shaken, and the people below seemed to be affected by the bell, and their faces turned pale.

The sound of the bell is endless, and the rolling sound waves swept out, covering the entire void, and there is nothing to hide. Even if it is as fast as the wind blade, it cannot escape the attack of the bell, and the wind blade is instantly wiped out. go.

"Damn, how could this be!" Feng Qi was shocked, Zhong Sheng was not only extremely powerful on the sofa, but also a ranged attack, the wind blade could not cause any harm to the ruthless person at all.

"Being my enemy, are you worthy?" The ruthless man asked arrogantly, his eyes full of disdain.

"You..." Feng Qi heard this, his face was blue with anger, and his eyes were blood red, staring at the ruthless man. He was a dignified and powerful man in the divine emperor realm, but he was underestimated by a woman, how could he not be angry.

"You're courting death!" Feng Qi roared, his arms danced wildly in front of him, and the endless gusts of hunting and hunting became extremely terrifying. The sharp hurricane seemed to tear everything apart, forming a terrifying killing formation around his body.

Taking Feng Qi's body as the center, the power of endless wind burst out, and I saw Feng Qi's figure stabbed towards the ruthless man, incarnating as the god of wind, controlling the endless wind, and killing it with all his strength.

"Seek your own way!" The ruthless man said indifferently.

She suddenly took a step forward, the strength in her body roared wildly, and the slender bowl was shot towards the golden bell without beginning.

Even though Feng Qi had maximized his speed, he was still disturbed by the golden light, so he didn't dare to open his eyes and could only shoot out by feeling.

"Zhen!" The ruthless man uttered a word coldly, and the bell of the beginningless changed wildly, forming an incomparably huge golden bell, wanting to suppress the nine heavens and ten places, gather endless power, and shroud the sky below!

Chapter 1032 The first person in the power of the emperor, still lost


The Beginning Bell descended, bombarded the ancient battlefield heavily, and enveloped the wind in it. Even if his speed was extremely fast, he could not avoid the shroud of the huge golden bell. Surges all around, setting off a terrifying storm, and the unparalleled force is suppressed towards the sky, instantly shaking the ancient battlefield out of the cracks.

Down in the sky, a figure suddenly flew out, blood spurting wildly in the mouth, the wind bleeds from the seven orifices, all the muscles and veins in the whole body were shaken, even the internal organs were forcibly displaced by the sound of the bell, and it only felt that even the body was about to be shaken. Broken in general.

His speed is indeed very fast, and his attack is extremely fierce, but his defense is very weak, even the power of the bell is enough to kill him.

Feng Qi's body fell heavily on the ancient battlefield, covered in blood, his breath was sluggish, and he was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"The powerhouse of the God Emperor Realm is as fast as a gust of wind, but it's nothing more than that!" The ruthless man spoke with disdain, his eyes full of contempt.

When everyone heard this, they were speechless for a long time, like a ruthless man with such a violent attack power, a powerhouse with astonishing power, with almost no flaws.

It's just that, among the many powerful god emperors present, who can defeat her!

"There is no shortage of god emperors, and they are invincible in the same realm!"

"Do all the people in Holy Spirit City exist like this monster?"

"She defeated Feng Qi so easily, her strength is simply terrifying!"

Many people know that they cannot be a ruthless opponent at all.

At this moment, a burly body walked out of the crowd, and the voice was low and heavy, giving people a great sense of pressure, "Invincible in the same realm? Unparalleled in strength? In front of my mad battle, who dares to say that the strength is unparalleled!"

The voice fell, and a figure was like Mount Tai, stepping towards the ancient battlefield. His power was extremely terrifying. When he stepped, even the earth trembled wildly.

Mad Zhan stomped heavily on the ground, and suddenly even the earth collapsed. His figure fell heavily on the ancient battlefield, and a thunderous explosion sounded, and the entire ancient battlefield shook violently!

"Furious battle, it is said that he is the first person in the power of God Emperor Realm!"

"In the same realm, no one can resist a punch from the mad battle!"

"I don't know if the mad war can resist this woman's attack!"

Everyone looked shocked, and they definitely didn't expect that Crazy War would also come to watch the ceremony and play in person.

"I came to watch the ceremony today, and I heard that they all said that you are unparalleled in strength and powerful, so I came here to ask you one or two!" Mad Zhan's voice was modest, but his tone was extremely arrogant, as if he didn't put anyone in his eyes.

From his point of view, the ruthless man's delicate body might not be able to resist the might of his punch!

"Let's go!" The ruthless man didn't say much nonsense, and went to war directly.


Mad Zhan shouted loudly, and took a step forward, a low sound suddenly erupted from the ground, and the boulder under his feet was directly shaken to powder by this force.

"Kill!" Crazy Zhan clenched his fists, and the incomparably violent power gathered in his fists. In an instant, his muscles swelled up, full of explosive power, and his fists like Taishan fell from the sky. , set off a violent airflow, with great visual impact!

Everyone was shocked. It was indeed a mad battle. This power is really terrifying, and the ruthless man is afraid that he can't even resist his punch!

The incomparably gigantic fist reflected a large shadow in the sky below, shrouding the ruthless man in it, suppressing it, and unavoidable.

"Bloodthirsty!" The ruthless scolded, black hair flying, and a terrifying aura erupted instantly. The endless power gathered in her body and oscillated out. Her eyes faintly turned blood red, full of madness.

The endless sword qi gathered in front of him, and the sword qi was condensed to form a huge instant eternal sword, suspended in the air, and the endless gravity suppressed it, trying to cut everything.

"Broken!" The ruthless man shouted, his hands raised towards the sky, and the eternal sword suddenly stabbed out towards the void, containing endless power, and headed towards the mad battle.


The harsh sound of the sword sounded, the giant sword and the fist collided violently in the air, and the endless sword energy shot out, tearing the void in an instant.

The two extreme forces collided wildly. Under the double fists of the mad battle, even the giant sword was hit by a devastating blow. Only a click was heard, and a crack burst out along with the sword tip, until it was all over the giant sword. The whole body is constantly being destroyed under the fist.

However, the power of the fist was also disappearing like crazy. Finally, the giant sword was completely shattered, and the endless anti-shock force came. It was about to tear the bodies of both of them apart. .

However, within the ruthless man, the bloodthirsty force roared wildly, directly swallowing this anti-shock force, leveraging the force, and shooting both palms towards the sky at the same time.

It is the hands of the Great Desolate Prisoner!


In the center of the battlefield, a deafening sound of collision broke out again, and the mad battle only felt that the giant palm in front contained endless power.If he wants to destroy everything, even he is almost unable to resist.

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