The terrifying attack madly rushed into Kuang Zhan's body, shaking his body, only to hear a click, and the ruthless man slapped Kuang Zhan's arms directly.

"Pfft..." Kuangzhan spat out a mouthful of blood, his body retreated again and again, his eyes stared at the ruthless man in astonishment, his heart trembled violently.

He is known as the most powerful person in the God Emperor Realm, and his power is extremely terrifying. However, today, under the power confrontation, he actually suffered a loss!

"What! The mad battle is actually invincible!"

Chapter 1033 Crazy Thunder, Bloody God of War

The hearts of everyone are extremely shocked, as powerful as a mad battle, is it still not a ruthless opponent?

In the mad battle, he was known as the most powerful person in the Divine Emperor Realm. He was famous for his strength. However, he was repelled by a woman, and even his arms were interrupted, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

His eyes were blood red, his eyes were full of endless fighting intent, his expression was crazy, and he wanted to tear everything to pieces.

He is the most powerful person in the Divine Emperor Realm, and no one will be allowed to defeat him with strength.

"Crazy Thunder!" The mad battle roared, and in his body, a terrifying blood energy rose to the sky, forming a huge blood-colored god of war behind him, standing on the ground, full of explosive power.

It looks like an enlarged version of the mad war, the blood-colored God of War stared downward with his blood-red pupils, and I saw the mad war taking a step forward, and the blood-colored God of War actually moved forward with his movements. Kill out.

The incomparably huge body was trampled upon, and the turbulent ancient battlefield thumped, like a god descended to the earth, possessing unmatched power, and under the blood-colored god of war, anyone seemed extremely insignificant.

"Crazy Thunder! The blood-colored phantom body condensed with the blood energy of the whole body can stimulate all the power!"

"The already violent madness, who can resist it now!"

"The power of the bloody God of War's kick, I'm afraid it can directly crush a god emperor!"

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and they absolutely did not expect that the mad war would directly use the mad thunder to force the mad war to such a level that even if the ruthless man was defeated, no one would dare to despise him.

"How can you stop me?" The voice of the mad battle was like thunder, and it roared. He summoned the blood-colored God of War. Even if his arms were broken, he could still fight!

"Why should I block you?" The ruthless man looked cold, and the green onion jade pointed forward, and the eternal sword appeared in his hand in an instant, "This sword is enough to kill you!"


The two words echoed in the eardrums of everyone, and they only felt extremely harsh. Before, Qianjue died tragically in the hands of Yu Xin, and now the mad war will follow in the footsteps of Qianjue, is it dead?

Everyone knows that this kind of great battle, both sides go all out, it is impossible to stop.

"Kill!" Mad Zhan roared, he didn't respond to Ruthless's words, it was useless to say more, only with the most direct strength can he prove himself!

The blood-colored God of War burst out with a terrifying aura, and his body gathered endless blood energy, like a majestic giant, giving people a very visual impact!

As the body of the mad battle danced, the blood-colored God of War also rushed forward with him. The blood-colored God of War clenched his fists tightly, and the endless blood energy condensed, compressed wildly in the fist, and then threw a punch directly forward.


In an instant, the void exploded, and a punch containing endless power smashed out of the sky, carrying the power of the heavens and the world, and wanted to smash the entire void. The power of this punch was terrifying to the extreme.

It was like a meteor slammed down with a punch, and there was no way to avoid it. Everyone's eyes widened, and he could feel the coercion. Facing this punch, what kind of impact would the ruthless man face!

"Instant Eternal Sword!" The ruthless man shouted loudly, the long sword was suspended in the air, and a terrifying sword energy erupted, constantly shrouding the surroundings, and the sharp sword's edge shot out, converging into a single handle that stood between the sky and the earth. 's great sword.

The whole body of the giant sword is full of endless power, and the sharpness is hidden in the body of the sword.

The giant sword cut through the space, as if it came from the void, dividing the world into two, pointing directly at the sky!


The violent roar suddenly sounded, and a terrible shock broke out in the center of the battlefield. The storm swept out with the sound of the collision, covering the entire battlefield, and it was about to smash everything.

Countless airflows smashed out of the air, cutting cracks in the ground, and the entire ancient battlefield trembled violently because of this shocking blow!

The expressions of everyone changed greatly, and they used powerful means to defend against this storm. They looked up and saw that the giant sword broke everything, broke the blood, and smashed into the blood of the god of war.

The heavy sword has no edge, not to say that the giant sword is not sharp, but to kill with gravity, it can cut everything, even the blood-colored god of war, still can't resist!

"Drink!" The mad battle shouted, looking crazy, endless blood gushing out, trying to resist the giant sword that was beheaded.

Everyone's hearts were lifted with this battle, and they looked at the battlefield extremely nervously. This battle was too thrilling.

"Broken!" The ruthless scolded, and the gravity fell down, breaking the blood-colored War God's defense, and instantly severing his arms, and his power continued to kill like a broken bamboo.

A cold light flashed, and the extremely sharp epee broke out of the air, all of which happened between the electric light and flint.

The storm was also calmed down by this sword. The ruthless man was holding the Moment Eternal Sword, his breath was weak, and he stood in the void, exuding an extremely sharp breath.

Below, Kuangzhan stood on the ancient battlefield, his eyes were wide open, staring at the front without moving, a blood line suddenly spewed out from the top of his head, running through the entire body.


Fresh blood spurted out like a column, and a sharp sword qi broke through Kuangzhan's body, instantly severing his body and turning it into a blood mist that filled the sky and the earth.

Crazy battle, fall!


"The mad war was defeated!"

"Even the power of the mad battle can't defeat her!"

Countless people widened their eyes and looked at the woman who had been fooled in the ancient battlefield in shock. It was like a mountain pressing on everyone's heart, unable to cross.

Chapter 1034 Dominate the battlefield of ancient times, thousands of people are timid

The strength of the Holy Spirit City group is really too strong, it is too strong, even if they are such as Qianjue, Crazy Battle and other people with outstanding strength, they are still not their opponents.

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