In the vast ancient city of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, there were huge crowds of people, but at the moment it was silent. Everyone held their breath and stared at the direction of the people in the Holy Spirit City.

Where, there is a real peerless evildoer.

"Who else dares to come forward and fight!" The ruthless voice sounded in the heavens and the earth, shaking in the hearts of everyone.

As the eyes of the world swept across the crowd, countless people were ashamed and ashamed of themselves, and they could only look up to these arrogant women.

The wind was blowing, and no one dared to step forward to fight.

Seeing this, Huang Qingtian walked out, "Since no one dares to fight now, let's end this debate, what do you think?"

This time, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty invited guests from all over the world, in order for Huang Qingtian to break through the realm of ancient emperors, let everyone come to watch the ceremony, and attract truly powerful people for his own use.

This debate has raised everyone's emotions, and no one dared to fight. Huang Qingtian naturally couldn't let the matter go on like this, and naturally wanted to give the forces a step down.

"Since the Holy Son has said this, I will listen to the Holy Son." Someone said.

They wouldn't make fun of themselves to challenge the people of the Holy Spirit City. The challenge is just a small episode. The most important thing is to watch the ceremony.

"I hope that some people will keep their mouths clean in the future, otherwise it will be more than just a challenge!" The ruthless snorted and flew down the ancient battlefield to Yuxin's side.

Huang Qingtian took advantage of the situation to take back the ancient battlefield and said loudly, "Everyone, please!"

As the character of the Son of God, Huang Qingtian easily took the past events in one stroke, showing the Son's magnanimity.

Although the people didn't say anything, they faintly felt that this matter would not pass so easily. As powerful as Qianjimen, people with such powerful forces as the Big Dipper Immortal King would never swallow this bad breath.

"How are you?" The ruthless man looked at Yuxin and asked worriedly.

The previous battle between Yuxin and Qianjue was very expensive.

"It's almost recovered, let's enter the dynasty to see." Yu Xin smiled and said.

"Okay!" The ruthless man nodded slightly, and before the three sisters got up, a light laughter came, "The three princesses of the Holy Spirit City are really powerful, although I am a holy son, but in terms of talent, I think I am inferior to the three princesses. I don't know if I can go with you, so please ask me for one or two."

The three sisters looked back and saw that Huang Qingtian's breath was restrained and he stepped forward.

He also meant to win over the three sisters.

"Since the Holy Son is invited, let's go together." From a distance, a hearty voice came, and Zhang Tian was smiling, carrying his hands on his back, with a calm look, looking very gentle.

Since someone leads the way, why not do it?

"As we all know, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty is one of the top forces in the eastern part of the Ancient Spirit Continent, but it has not interfered with anything in the east." Huang Qingtian led the way and said lightly, "But this does not mean that my Holy Ancestor Dynasty has declined. , On the contrary, the strength is extremely powerful, and several talents are so outstanding, how can they succumb to such a small place as the Holy Spirit City, why not come to my ancestral dynasty to show their majesty?"

"If you are willing to come, my Holy Ancestor Dynasty will help you cultivate with the best resources, and give you the same rights as the Holy Son!" Huang Qingtian has said this very clearly, he wants to recruit the three sisters .

Even using the authority of the saint and the countless treasures of heaven and earth to win over, it shows his firm heart.

"The Holy Spirit City is located in the middle of the east, and the terrain is still very good. If the Holy Son wants to come to my Holy Spirit City, it is fine." Zhang Tian smiled and said, what he meant by this was to recruit Huang Qingtian.

This Huang Qingtian drew his people in front of him. Although he knew that his three daughters would not agree, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Huang Qingtian glanced at Zhang Tian strangely, seeing that the three sisters were indifferent to their own conditions, and they knew that it was impossible to win over them.

"Well, since everyone has made up their minds, I won't force it." Huang Qingtian said with a smile, and when the words fell, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Father, what's the purpose of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty inviting us to come this time?" The ruthless man asked in confusion.

Obviously, she won't believe it, it's just as simple as watching the ceremony.

"There are too many factors, and I don't know." Zhang Tian shook his head. Although he knows astronomy and geography, he is omnipotent, but this does not mean that he can read minds. "Wait quietly, there will be results."

In the city of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, there is a prosperous scene, there are all kinds of strange mountains, there is the will of the avenue, and there are divine birds with terrifying breath, hovering above the sky.

Many people are shocked. It is indeed the emperor's dynasty. Only the real hegemon-level forces can make such a big deal.

In the distance, there were exclamations of exclamations, and many people turned their heads to see where there was a cliff that was as high as [-] meters.

"Look, there are words on the cliff!"

Everyone heard the words, looked up, and saw that under the running water, a few sword marks were faintly visible, which contained the will of the Dao, even if they were only from a distance, they could feel the sharp sword intent in it, like a sharp sword stabbing in their eyes. , unable to look directly for too long.

"This sword energy is terrible! If you guessed correctly, it should be the will of the sword left by the Immortal King!"

For a time, countless people walked towards the cliff, and some people were looking for other relics.

Chapter 1035 The sword left by the fairy king cannot be shaken

"The three of you are all learning swordsmanship, so it doesn't hurt to go and have a look." Zhang Tian smiled lightly.

He brought the three sisters here to improve the strength of the three daughters and let the three sisters be proficient in the strengths of hundreds of families.

"Father, the will of this sword is not as strong as yours, so it doesn't make sense to read it." Zi Yan asked curiously.

"That's not necessarily the case. Everyone's sword intent is different, and the power they contain is also different. Maybe it will give you other inspirations." Zhang Tian said, and walked towards the cliff.

The three sisters nodded, seeming to understand what Zhang Tian said.

They all looked up at the cliff, and they realized that there were several sword marks on the cliff, which seemed to be cut out at will, but it contained a very terrifying will of the sword.

Many people sat cross-legged, recalling in their minds the scene when the Immortal King slashed the sword, the kind of anger that was so powerful that he wanted to bury everything in the sword qi.

The flowing water that flew straight down, at this moment, was like a long river of sword energy, slashing down from the sky, cutting off all the mountains, sinking the earth, and shattering everything.

In Ruthless Man's mind, a figure in white walked with a heavy sword in hand, and the giant sword in his hand stabbed out violently, piercing through everything, and obliterating everything in front of him into the giant sword.

Such a terrifying giant sword not only contains the power of the epee, but also has the speed of the phantom sword. It is fast to the extreme, and the power explodes to the limit. As long as the epee is cut out, it will smash everything and make the enemy unavoidable.

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