Yuxin also comprehends the sword intent on the cliff, but with the Nine Tribulations Illusory Sword she unleashes, it is endless and extremely sharp, capable of penetrating everything.

All she needs is extreme speed and extreme sharpness, so what she has learned is not as profound as Ruthless.

Only Zi Yan turned around and left. Although she can also use a sword, she is not as proficient as Ruth and Yu Xin.

"Silly girl." Zhang Tian fondly rubbed Zi Yan's little head. With her Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's physique, even if she didn't learn swordsmanship, her combat power was extremely terrifying.

"I'm just disdainful of studying." Zi Yan snorted softly to hide her embarrassment that she couldn't understand.

"The epee has no edge, and its edge is free in the sword. It uses its strength to break through everything, and its blade shatters the sky. Under the epee, everything is destroyed!" Zhang Tian's sharp eyes looked at the sword mark, and he saw the sword mark instantly. The cultivation base and eyesight of the mere immortal kings are left behind, and they are not in the eyes.

His words were undoubtedly intended for ruthless people.

Hearing this, the ruthless man seemed to understand something, and the sword intent lingered all over his body, becoming even more terrifying, like a sharp sword, spanning between heaven and earth!

"What you said is nonsense. If you don't understand the sword, don't talk nonsense!" Someone heard this and tried it out curiously, and found that it was nonsense at all.

They don't understand heavy swords, so they don't have a lot of insights like the ruthless people.

"Those who cultivate swords have a clear mind. What do you think is a sword?" Zhang Tian said lightly.

In this world, some people actually say that he does not understand swords?

What a joke!

"The sharpness of the sword will cut everything!" The man stood up, and a sharp sword energy shot out of his eyes, "Although you are the Lord of the Holy Spirit City, but your vision is so short-sighted, it must be just the same!"

Before, the three sisters defeated countless strong men, which made the people of all forces lose face and hold a bad anger in their hearts. Now this sword cultivator heard what Zhang Tian said, and concluded that Zhang Tian did not understand swordsmanship and was talking nonsense.

Therefore, he walked out without hesitation and approached Zhang Tian.

"Different people understand different sword meanings. You have practiced for decades, and you don't even understand the most basic principles. You are really an idiot!" Zhang Tian said lightly, looking at the cliff, "You fragile sword, I'm afraid Even this cliff can't be cut off!"

"Joke, it's just a stone, I can smash it with a single strand of sword qi!" Jian Xiu was furious. Zhang Tian dared to say that his sword qi was fragile. This was simply a humiliation to him.

"If you can or not, you will know after a try." Zhang Tian smiled and said, "If you can leave the slightest sword mark on the cliff, I will give you the position of the Lord of the Holy Spirit City, if not, leave it to you. You can take your life, how about that?"

Zhang Tian, ​​with a city as a bet, concluded that Jian Xiu could not leave a sword mark!

"You...don't regret it!" Jianxiu gritted his teeth and said, he stretched out his hand and waved, and an extremely sharp long sword fell in his hand.

The long sword is pitch-black, swallowing a terrifying light of darkness, ready to devour everything.

I saw Jianxiu screaming in the sky, holding the sword of darkness in his hand, and slashing forward with all his strength, a dark light like a star shines, instantly annihilating the void, and stabbing out.


The sword qi fell on the flowing water, setting off a huge wave, and endless sword qi slashed out, trying to smash everything.

However, the flowing water is endless, and contains a terrifying ice will, as if to freeze all things, the sword qi beheaded, the ice will exploded, and the sword qi was frozen for life, unable to enter the slightest.

Not to mention breaking the flowing water and slashing on the cliff.


"how can that be!"

"The will of ice can freeze everything, even the sword energy can be frozen, and those who are not powerful can't break it!"

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and absolutely did not expect that this pinnacle God Emperor Sword Cultivator, with all his strength, could not leave any sword marks.

Jian Xiu's face was ashen, he roared angrily, and slashed out with his sword frantically, but he was still unable to break through the will of the ice.

Chapter 1036 Streaming Sword Intent, Smashing Everything

"Look at your dog's eyes, what is the real sword intent!" Zhang Tian said coldly. At this moment, he seemed to be a sharp sword, even his voice was extremely sharp and penetrated everything.

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed, and he looked towards the flowing water, and a sword light burst out from his pupils, instantly breaking through the void and beheading out, which contained a terrifying sharpness.


In the air, the sharp cold light flickered, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly, and it was only vaguely seen that it was a white streamer, like a real light, piercing everything.

Even the will of Frost was unable to resist the sharp aura of Liuguang, and was instantly broken open and submerged into the cliff.

Everyone looked up and saw that on the cliff wall, a crack so small that it was difficult to discern with the naked eye pierced the cliff wall, and a click sounded, and the cliff wall suddenly turned into powder and cracked directly.


Over the crowd, a thunderous uproar suddenly sounded. Countless people widened their eyes and looked at Zhang Tian. Unexpectedly, this humble and gentle Holy Spirit City Lord was so powerful.

Jian Xiu was at the pinnacle of the God Emperor realm, and he used all his strength to attack the cliff, and he couldn't even break the ice will. However, with just one look, Zhang Tian released a dazzling blow that instantly turned the cliff into powder.

How terrifying is this attack power!

"It's your turn!" Zhang Tian turned his head and looked at Jian Xiu calmly, "Apologize yourself!"

Apologize yourself!

Zhang Tian said, and he concluded the death of the peak god emperor!

How arrogant and domineering this is, as if he can dominate the life and death of the world with a single word!

"You... don't try to deceive people too much!" Jian Xiu's face flushed, his cultivation is strong, how could he be willing to die.

"I'll bully you, what can you do?" Zhang Tian said coldly.

Before, Jianxiu threatened that Zhang Tian did not understand the sword, so he would not talk nonsense, but now Zhang Tian told him with absolute strength, what is the real sword!

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