The voice fell, only to hear an explosion from the cliff, and the icy sword energy that had been killed before, turned back in an instant, and stabbed towards Jian Xiu.

Jian Xiu reacted instantly, looking crazy, holding the sword of darkness in his hand and holding it high, trying to compete with it.

However, before Jian Xiu could slash the sword, the streamer instantly pierced through his body, and blood spurted out.

The sword of darkness in the sky turned into two halves, split by the streamer from the middle, and flew into the distance. As for Jianxiu's body, it exploded directly and turned into blood mist.

Seeing this, everyone turned pale with fright, and they stepped back again and again. The people of Holy Spirit City were really a group of murderous gods.

In the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, three people died in a row, all of them were beheaded by the people of Holy Spirit City, how could everyone not be afraid.

Zhang Tian also ignored the crowd. He came to Ruthless, sat quietly, and personally protected the law for Ruthless. As for Yuxin and Zi Yan, they practiced separately.

Time flies, time flies.

Just one month has passed, and the ruthless man woke up from his practice, his breath became more terrifying, and the sword intent lingering in his body became thicker, as if it contained infinite power.

However, on this day, there was news that Huang Qingtian wanted to break through the ancient emperor!

All of a sudden, countless people woke up from their practice, picked a high place, and prepared to watch the Great Emperor break through from a distance!

In the ancestral dynasty, there were also countless strong men who came out to protect the emperor.

"The ancient emperor breaks through, the lucky star shines brightly, and the endless spiritual energy of the emperor will break out. At that time, you will use the most powerful means to absorb the spiritual energy of the emperor, which will be of great help to your cultivation." Zhang Tian smiled.

This is the reason why he brought his three daughters here to watch the ceremony.

When the ancient emperor breaks through, there will be aura of the ancient emperor hanging down from the sky. Huang Qingtian can't absorb all of it. The remaining aura is extremely precious and anyone can absorb it.

This is also the reason why countless people came to watch the ceremony. How much Diwei aura can be obtained depends on their respective means.

At this moment, in the sky, a round of fierce sun rose slowly, containing the terrifying fire of the sun, illuminating the world, and a terrifying aura erupted from the fierce sun and charged towards the sky.

Everyone looked carefully and found that in the blazing sun, there was the figure of Huang Qingtian.

"The Holy Son has begun to attack the ancient emperor realm, hurry up, prepare to absorb the spiritual energy!"

For a time, countless people were waiting in a serious line, and some even started a peerless formation, trying to forcibly seize the spiritual energy.

"By my order, open the chaos, the great emperor of ancient times, come!" Huang Qingtian's incomparably majestic voice resounded in the nine heavens and ten places. At this moment, he was like the emperor coming in person, and the mighty emperor swept over, incarnating the real emperor!

Above the sky, the rays of light are shining, thousands of golden lights are shining down, radiating the world, and there is a terrifying sun's fire, which is extremely hot and wants to melt everything.

The terrifying Sun God Fire descended, as if the entire sky had collapsed, with an aura of destruction, terrifying to the extreme.

In this divine fire, there is the real aura of the great emperor. Huang Qingtian needs to accept the punishment of the god of fire and temper the unparalleled power of the emperor before he can break through the emperor.

And everyone can absorb the remaining Diwei.

"Jiuyang is in the air!" A voice came out of Huang Qingtian's mouth.

In an instant, nine fiery fireballs were suspended behind him. Since the extremely hot high temperature, it was like nine suns suspended in the air, bursting out with an extremely violent aura.

Huang Qingtian jumped, carrying the power of Jiuyang Divine Fire, and blasted out directly towards Divine Punishment in front of him, and the incomparably hot breath came, burning through the void!

Chapter 1037 Five emperors and five fists, breaking through the ancient emperor

Huang Qingtian punched out, the fist swept across like a meteor, and rolled towards the divine fire, and the incomparably violent power erupted, instantly annihilating the divine fire in front of him.

The mighty imperial prestige poured into his body, Huang Qingtian's aura suddenly increased sharply, and every move contained a terrifying imperial prestige that could shatter everything.

However, the divine fire seemed to be endless, endless and endless, and the endless divine fire swarmed from the sky, and Huang Qingtian was bound to be buried in it.

I want to burn it with the most terrifying sun fire!

The divine fire that descends from the sky is far more powerful than the divine fire of the sun, and the two cannot be compared at all.

The people below have no time to manage Huang Qingtian's life and death. They also blasted out with great means to absorb the remaining power left by Huang Qingtian. Even so, the emperor's power contained in it is still very terrifying.

Even a ruthless person, at this moment, is frantically blasting out the hands of the Great Desolate Prisoner, suppressing the Diwei aura, and then absorbing it.

Whether it was in the sky or the ground, amazing battles broke out. There was only a figure in white between the heavens and the earth, standing on the spot, quietly watching everyone take action.

Zhang Tian shook his head, this kind of weak emperor's power was useless to him. In his eyes, the immortal emperor was nothing but a child. This kind of emperor's power was weak and pitiful.

High in the sky, the divine fire continued to flow, madly crushing Huang Qingtian, who was in the sky below. The endless flames enveloped him in it. Even the nine suns seemed extremely slim at this moment.

As if vulnerable, at any time may be swallowed by divine fire.

"Open!" Huang Qingtian roared, the blood in his body surged wildly, and his body continued to grow bigger, like a giant, standing between the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying power slammed out, Huang Qingtian held a big hand, and a big flame palm appeared in the air, instantly slaughtering countless divine fires.

At this moment, Huang Qingtian, like a real emperor, used his own strength to fight against the heavens and the world. The incomparably hot sun god fire lingered around his body, containing a terrifying high temperature.

"This is Emperor Yu Zhentian Fist!"

Someone exclaimed, the reason why Huang Qingtian is invincible and invincible is because he has practiced the fist of the ancient five emperors and can destroy all existences.

Huang Qingtian is like a peerless emperor, he is domineering and invincible.


Ahead, a golden fist punched out of the sky, annihilating countless divine fires, and killing a bloody path.

This is the second punch of the Five Emperors' Fist, Emperor Tang Xuri's Boxing!

Gather the power of the heavens to destroy everything.

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