However, nine robbery and one sword, condensing the power of supreme thunder, how terrifying, directly piercing the void, ignoring the distance of space, beheading down, it is bound to bury Li Jikong in this sword.

"Go away!" Ji Kong roared, looking crazy, the emperor's power in his body erupted with all his strength, and the infinite power poured into the mirror.

In an instant, two destructive attacks converged, each forming a chaotic storm, and at the same time, they rushed forward.

Two extremely sharp rays of light shone almost at the same time, and the Nine Tribulations Sword instantly pierced through the sky, leaving behind a long river of sword energy that was thousands of meters long.


The sound of the impact resounding through the sky exploded between the heaven and the earth, and countless sharp air currents rushed back towards the surrounding, instantly ripping apart the space, and a harsh tearing sound rang out, followed by an explosion. Destruction storm, sweeping the world.

The center of the battlefield has become a place of destruction, and terrifying power erupts, as if it can shatter everything.

"Kill!" Jikong's roar came. He spared no expense to kill with great means. The emperor's power in his body was consumed madly. s attack.

The air of destruction ripped apart his body frantically. In just a moment, Jikong was covered in blood, and blood was flying. The terrifying will of the sword pierced his body and cut off his bones. However, Jikong still did not dare to stop.

Because he understands that once he stops, it means death.

This battle must be fought to the death!


I just heard a clear voice, the sword energy pierced the sky, pierced the light of the mirror, descended, and landed on the mirror, a clearly visible crack broke open, and then penetrated the whole body of the mirror, and the dense cracks burst open. until all over the mirror.

This weapon of the Great Emperor, which had been cultivated by Jikong for countless years, was still unable to resist the attack of the Nine Tribulations Sword until it shattered.

"You can die!" Yu Xin's icy voice sounded like a judgment from the gods, concluding Jikong's miserable end.

"'s impossible!" Ji Kong roared, and the mirror instantly shattered and turned into nothingness.

However, his body, like fragile tofu, could not block the killing power of the Thunder Sword, and it was broken in an instant.

Thunder and lightning poured into his body, frantically ravaging his internal organs, destroying them until they were shattered.

Jikong looked at Yuxin with unwilling eyes. He was the dignified second door master of Qianjimen, a quasi-true fairyland powerhouse, who actually lost to Yuxin.

Even, killed!

This is impossible!

He is so unhappy!

However, the endless anger and hatred can only be dissipated with the wind. The lightning sword shattered his internal organs. This blow is enough to destroy him!

The ten thousand feet of thunder instantly penetrated Jikong's body and passed through his body. Jikong's dull eyes looked forward, blood spurting all over his body, and he was about to die.

In the distance, a tyrannical and extreme power surged forward, as if divine light enveloped Jikong, directly forcibly destroying the thunder power in his body, and suppressing Jikong's injuries, failing to make Jikong completely die.

Yu Xin's figure retreated, she condensed this devastating blow, the imperial power and spiritual energy in her body had already been consumed, and she was unable to resist this sudden power.

Chapter 1042 The giant sword and dragon emperor join forces to break the silver light spear

However, Yu Xin believes that even if Ji Kong is lucky enough to survive, his strength will be greatly reduced, because this blow has destroyed his internal organs, if not because he is a strong emperor, he would have died long ago.

The golden light shrouded in Jikong turned into a middle-aged face, glanced at Yuxin indifferently, and then directly wrapped Jikong's body and stabbed into the distance.

A cold voice came from a distance, "People from Holy Spirit City, the sect master will settle this account with you sooner or later! You will spend the next period of time in fear!"

"God blocks kill gods, Buddha blocks kill Buddhas, Xio pretends to be gods and ghosts, or else kill them all together!" Yu Xin said coldly.

The sharp eyes pierced straight into the distance. The person who shot this should be the legendary Sect Master of Qianjimen. The reality is unfathomable and powerful and despairing.

On the battlefield below, Ruthless and Zi Yan joined forces to fight dozens of god emperors. The battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot state, and the fighting is extremely fierce.

Both sides tried their best to use all their means, but they couldn't do anything about the other party, but after Zi Yan transformed into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, her strength was too terrifying, her moves were wide open, and there was a faint tendency to suppress her opponent.

Seeing this, Yu Xin exhaled a long sip of fragrance, gently brushed the crystal beads of sweat on her forehead, and moved towards the distance.

The battle just now consumed all her aura and imperial prestige. Now Yuxin is very weak, even an ordinary god emperor can threaten her, not to mention the dozens of terrifying god emperor powerhouses below.

"Eldest sister, their spear formation is too powerful, and it can be defended by onslaught. It is extremely unfavorable for us to continue like this. We must kill it!" Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor spit out a low voice.

She waved a sharp claws, pierced through the void, and stabbed out five cold light storms, tearing them apart on the spear, and a piercing sound of breaking through the sky erupted.

Several god emperors snorted, the power of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's claw is not only extremely sharp, tearing everything apart, but also amazing in strength.

"Okay, I'll charge with the giant sword, you take the opportunity to break the great formation!" The ruthless man will break it immediately, and the sword energy in his body will directly attack. .

Within Ruthless Man's body, strands of sword energy shot out and gathered in front of her, forming a giant sword several dozen feet long, straddling the sky and the earth, as if supporting the entire sky.

The vast world is full of endless sword energy, as if only this sword can open up the world and cut everything.

"The secret method of the Nine Refinements of the Divine Kingdom! Explosion!" The ruthless scolded, the power in the body roared, like a real sword, merged with the giant sword in front of him, and slashed down with the giant sword in both hands, killing the sky with monstrous power. out, shattering everything.


The void was shaken by this sword, trembling violently, the blade slashed down, setting off a terrifying storm, and the endless airflow surged towards both sides.

This sword contains endless power, as if gathering all the forces in the world to kill.

"Peerless Silver Spear!" The faces of the gods and emperors changed greatly. The pressure on them was too great, as if it was suppressed in their hearts, making it difficult for them to breathe.

The spears in the hands of all the people were brilliant, bursting with bright silver light, stabbing towards the sky, endless silver light enveloped the void, a silver-white spear with terrifying power was suspended in the air, and it fell towards the sky. The giant sword under it was violently stabbed out.


The piercing tearing sound rang out, smashing everything, piercing the void, and the space was full of cracks. Countless people were shocked by this sound wave and vomited blood, and their eardrums rose.

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