They looked up and looked towards the sky above, and saw the giant sword descending, the tip of the sword and the tip of the spear collided wildly in the air, and a sound of destruction erupted, surging towards the surroundings.

The two extremely sharp auras collided wildly, like a spark hitting the earth, constantly annihilating each other in the air, the giant sword shattered, cracks all over the body, and the silver spear was broken inch by inch.

Both sides suffered a terrifying shock, and the ruthless man's mouth was bleeding. She used her physical defense to forcibly resist the destructive shock. However, the gods and emperors of Qianjimen countered the shock with a large array, and she was not injured.

At this moment, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and the figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor danced wildly in the air.

A terrifying force blasted out, trying to crush everything.


The incomparably gigantic fists descended like Mount Tai, dashed out with an unstoppable momentum, and swayed above the great formation. The great formation was instantly filled with cracks, and was directly broken open by the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's punch.

The fist wind continued to slash out like a broken bamboo, shaking on everyone, like being struck by lightning, they all vomited blood, and their bodies flew out.

The gods and emperors only felt that their internal organs were burned. The power of this punch seemed to smash their internal organs to pieces, and there was no time to condense a large formation. Their bodies were stained with blood, and their ribs were all broken.

Before they could stabilize their figures, a monstrous palm print descended, and it was the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Hand that directly killed them in it.

Not only that, the figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor shuttled in the air like a stream of light. Wherever he went, all the god emperors died and slaughtered the god emperors like grass.

In her hands, no one was spared.

Chapter 1043 Destroy the God Emperor with one punch and one palm

The power of one punch and one palm can be said to have exploded to the limit, and it slammed into the flesh of the god emperors. Ruthless and Yuxin have always respected strength, and ordinary god emperors can't resist even one of them, let alone one. It was the two who shot at the same time.

Today's battle situation has shown a one-sided situation. The gods and emperors fled wildly in the air, and it is not easy to resist. As for the silver spear formation, it has already collapsed.

When the people below saw this scene, their hearts trembled fiercely. They were as powerful as the Legion of God Emperor. Under the joint efforts of Ruthless and Zi Yan, they could only flee in embarrassment.

In the air, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's body vibrated and swayed upward, like a dragon god emperor, slaughtering out, turning his hands into sharp claws, stabbing forward violently, tearing up the void in front of him in an instant.

There were two God Sovereigns in front of them when they saw this scene, their hearts throbbed violently, their faces were pale, and the silver spears in their hands shot straight out of the air, but the hurried attacks were simply fragile.


The sharp claws stabbed across, instantly splitting the silver spear in two, and then directly pierced the body of the emperor, blood spilled into the sky and the earth, killing him with one blow.

The ruthless man held the heavy sword, and his speed was extremely fast. He saw the endless sword intent in the air, and the cold light cut through the space, and cut out the cracks of the sharp sword, which directly penetrated the void and descended in front of everyone.


The sword energy swept across, instantly slashing their bodies into blood mist. Under the power of the heavy sword, it was impossible for these people to resist, only to be slaughtered.

I don't know how long this unilateral tragic massacre lasted. Everyone just felt a little numb in their hearts, and then it stopped. The sky seemed to be dyed red with blood, the ground was bloody, and the bones were like mountains.

Just seeing this tragic and terrifying scene made many people feel a little fear in their hearts.

Zi Yan changed back to Lolita again, and along with the ruthless man, came to the side of Yuxin below.

"Second sister." Zi Yan shouted softly, "Are you all right?"

Just now, Yuxin and Jikong were fighting. Although both of them knew that Yuxin had won, they would never be unscathed.

After all, Jikong is also a strong emperor. As the master of the second gate of Qianjimen, Jikong is definitely extremely powerful.

"It's okay, I'm almost done." Yu Xin shook her head, her pale pretty face had recovered a touch of blood.

"That's good, let's go back and take care of it." The ruthless man smiled and said, smiling all over the country and then laughing at the city.

Everyone looked at the three sisters with strange expressions, wondering if this was the same killing god just now, and now they have become so gentle, as if they have changed.

But even so, no one dared to provoke them.

This is the villain who dared to kill people in the dynasty of the ancestors, and who dares to provoke them now, I am afraid it is not because the life is too long.

"Hey, my three daughters, you guys forgot about me." Zhang Tian sighed, it was really not a good girl to stay. He thought that after the battle was over, the three daughters recalled themselves, but what they didn't expect was , they were actually thinking of returning to the Holy Spirit City.

The Holy Spirit City is clearly the country that he brought down with one hand.

Zi Yan blinked her eyes and looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and said with a smile, "How could we forget our father."

"Then I've been by your side for a long time, and you didn't realize what happened to me?" Zhang Tian glared at the girl.

"Father's cultivation base is too high, isn't it normal that we didn't find out." Zi Yan was a little aggrieved, how could she blame her.

"Okay, let's go." Zhang Tian smiled indifferently, how could he really be serious with his daughter.

Ruthless and Yuxin were also a little helpless, this little girl was spoiled by Zhang Tian.

The bodies of several people turned into streamers, heading straight for the Holy Spirit City.

In the distance, a ruthless voice came, "Holy Son, thank you this time!"

What she said was naturally that Huang Qingtian had just come forward to put pressure on Qianjimen and was determined to protect them.

Behind, countless people saw this scene, and the boulder in their hearts finally fell, and they couldn't help but find that cold sweat was already covering their foreheads.

There are also many people who choose to release the news. In the eastern part of Guling Continent, another powerful force is rising. Although there are not many people in the Holy Spirit City, they are all the top emperors, and their strength is astounding.

Especially the Holy Spirit City Lord, although he only shot once, but who dares to say that his strength is not strong?

The existence that can make the emperor and the strong follow, the Holy Spirit City Lord, how powerful will it be.

No wonder Huang Qingtian personally invited the three sisters to go with them, and even did not hesitate to protect the three sisters with the emperor's dynasty.

Huang Qingtian didn't know why, but he felt a little melancholy in his heart, "The viewing ceremony has ended, everyone has come from a long way, if you want to stay in my ancestral dynasty for a long time, my ancestral dynasty will definitely entertain you, if you don't want to, don't force it. "

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