Seeing this, the man's face changed greatly, and at the same time he concentrated his strength, trying to resist Zi Yan's charge.

Pengquan fell, as if the sky and the earth were coming, suppressing it, directly defeating the defense of the people in Kongming City, and a punch fell on him.

This punch, like a blow from Kunpeng, fell down with endless power, and the void shook, as if it could not bear it, and was almost shattered by a punch.

The harsh sound of breaking the air came, and countless air currents surged towards the surrounding, and the terrifying force suppressed it, and any life seemed so small and vulnerable.

Chapter 1046 The power is infinite, one force can break all methods

"Death!" Zi Yan scolded, and shot with all her strength, instantly smashing his arms, Peng Quan slammed down, and the endless force vibrated in his body, shattering his internal organs.


A bloody arrow spewed out of the mouth of Kongmingcheng, and the figure flew out backwards, his eyes widened, until he died, he did not know how he died.


Below, the people of the other three major cities were shocked when they saw this scene. How could this girl be so powerful?

Only in the direction of Holy Spirit City, I was not too surprised. Ruthless seemed to have expected this scene. Zi Yan's power was unstoppable.

In the direction of Kongming City, many people looked at this scene with ashen faces. Their strongmen in Kongming City wanted to directly use powerful means to sweep the people of Holy Spirit City, but they were instantly killed by Zi Yan.

How can this not make them angry, their first god emperor powerhouse was killed directly.

In the main city competition, everyone needs to go all out in order to win. In this kind of war, casualties are inevitable, so there are no regulations in the battle, and others cannot be killed.

As long as you don't rely on external objects to win, all means are fine.

The faces of the people in Longwencheng changed slightly. Seeing that the people in Kongming City were defeated, he did not hesitate to shoot directly, and the people from Haipocheng followed and rushed towards Zi Yan. Those who use the strongest means to kill Zi Yan standing between heaven and earth from two directions respectively.

The petite body at this moment is particularly dazzling. Who would have thought that this seemingly small loli would have such terrifying strength.

He stretched out his hand towards the void and grasped it, a dragon-shaped spear appeared in his hand, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded in the sky, and the people of the dragon-marked city stabbed and stabbed forward with the spear in their hands. Then appeared.

The terrifying dragon power shook out, the angry dragon roared, and stabbed with the spear.

Seeing this scene, Zi Yan's face was a little weird, to deal with her with the power of the dragon?

She simply does not put her in the eyes of the Dragon God Emperor. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor is the king of dragons. Any dragon must submit to her feet and bow his head as a minister!

Zi Yan snorted coldly and stepped out. The breath of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor broke out and shrouded towards the void. In an instant, only a louder dragon roar sounded, and the terrifying sound waves roared towards the surroundings.

hold head high--

The sound wave turned into a terrifying force, killing people invisibly, and directly oscillating on the dragon-shaped phantom. The dragon-shaped phantom trembled wildly, and it was directly destroyed.

The blood surged in the body of the people of Dragon Mark City. This sound attack was too violent, not only shattering his phantom, but even his attack was much weaker. With a roar, the long spear turned into a cold light, and he shot out with all his strength. .

"I can't help myself!" Zi Yan said indifferently and stepped towards the void. The next moment, her figure descended in front of the people in Longwen City. , so that it cannot advance an inch.


"how can that be!"

"What kind of monster is she, how can she be so powerful!"

Below, countless people shook their heads. The dragon-marked spear in Dragon Mark City was extremely sharp and could penetrate everything. However, at this moment, it was blocked by a little girl with her fingers. What a shock.

"You..." The face of the Dragon Mark City powerhouse changed greatly, and he was shocked. At this moment, his body was still showing the action of stabbing forward. He found that no matter how hard he tried, the long spear could not move forward at all.

What kind of power is needed to do this.

"I can't stand a single blow, but I dare to speak madly and sweep my Holy Spirit City!" Zi Yan said disdainfully, her fingers exerted a little force, only to hear a click. .

At the same time, Zi Yan shot out with one palm. It was a Taiyin Kun palm, and the power of endless extreme yin smashed out, directly shattering the defense of the people in Dragon Mark City, and a palm fell on him.


A palm fell, and I don't know how many ribs were smashed. Blood spurted from his mouth, and his body flew out like a cannonball. If it wasn't for Zi Yan to keep his hand, he would already be a corpse at this moment.

In the air, the people of Haipocheng were trembling and fearful in their hearts. Seeing that the people of Longwen City were defeated, his attack stopped in the air and did not dare to shoot.

"Go away!" Zi Yan spit out a word indifferently.

The little girl at this moment is like the queen who rules the world and dominates the life and death of the common people. No one dares to underestimate her!

"Kill!" The person from Hai Pocheng roared, he couldn't admit defeat, only by going all out can he have a chance!

"A cowardly person is not worthy of being my enemy!" Zi Yan spit out a voice.Longwei erupted and turned into a terrifying real force to suppress the people of Haipocheng, and swept them out directly.

In this battle, Zi Yan told everyone with absolute strength that the Holy Spirit City is powerful!

Countless eyes gathered on Zi Yan, and she was shocked. She was too powerful, her strength was unparalleled, and she had almost no flaws.

How can such a terrifying person be defeated?

"The winner can continue to stay on the battlefield, right?" Zi Yan looked at the people in Dragon Mark City.

Hearing this, many people's faces changed slightly. Is this little girl trying to sweep the powerhouses?

However, with the strength she has now erupted, it is indeed possible.

"Yes." The people of Dragon Mark City did not deny it.

"In that case, let's take action." Zi Yan said indifferently, her figure stood between the heavens and the earth, her black hair was dancing, and she wanted to challenge the crowd with her own strength!

Chapter 1047 The halberd is invincible, sweeping everything

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