"Arrogant!" The young man said angrily in the direction of Kongmingcheng.

His eyes looked at the person beside him, "Kongchen, go kill her!"

Kongchen was the strongest among the ten god emperors in Kongming City, besides him.

Kong Chen didn't speak, jumped and descended directly onto the Void Arena, and the endless breath burst out, terrifying to the extreme.

In the other two directions, people from the two main cities came out one after another, and the breath was terrifying, much stronger than the people just now. Obviously, they all knew that Zi Yan was powerful, so they sent stronger people to fight.

In this battle, the three of them are very clear that their goal is only one, to defeat Zi Yan.

"Let's go together!" Zi Yan said disdainfully, and didn't take the three people in her eyes.

"Hugh's madness!" Kongchen roared, stepping on the void and rising into the air, behind him, the gossip diagram slowly emerged.

Tai Chi gives birth to two rituals, two rituals give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip!

The power corresponding to the gossip is the power of all things in the world, and the endless power is integrated into it.

"The water ridge freezes the soul!" Kong Chen snorted coldly, and pointed his palm forward, the gossip pattern was running wildly, gathering the power of heaven, earth and water, and condensing countless ice barbs in the air.

I saw Kongchen's finger fell, and the ice pierced through the air and rushed out, piercing the void, and shrouded Zi Yan, trying to drown her in it.

The powerhouses of Longwen City and Haipocheng also shot at this time, and the people from the three main cities killed Zi Yan at the same time in three directions.

"Broken!" Zi Yan scolded, the power in her body exploded wildly, and an extremely violent force oscillated out, sweeping the world.

The Qinglong war halberd appeared in her hand, Zi Yan's figure flashed, and rushed directly to the front, the Qinglong war halberd danced wildly in her hand, constantly assassinating.

In the sky, thousands of halberd light phantoms burst out, shrouding Zi Yan in front of him, forming a halberd light curtain, trying to pierce the void.

It is the cloak chaos magic halberd method!

The ice pierced and killed, continuously pierced into the light curtain, and was instantly smashed by the Qinglong halberd until it turned into nothingness. These icy barbs could not stop Zi Yan's offensive at all!

Breakthrough all methods!

"Long Qing Po Kong!" The strong man in Dragon Mark City roared, the dragon-marked spear in his hand shot towards the void Po Kong, without any fancy, it was such a simple stab, as if it turned into an angry dragon and smashed out, biting Go, terror to the extreme.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, and the azure dragon halberd in her hand also stabbed out violently, carrying the power of heaven and earth, as if gathering the power of the entire space in it, which could penetrate everything.


An extremely harsh sonorous sound came out, piercing the eardrums of everyone, and countless people raised their heads to cover their eardrums, their faces were pale, and their eyes were looking upwards.

I saw a halberd and a spear colliding wildly in the air. The Qinglong halberd contained endless power and fell on the dragon-patterned spear. The tip of the halberd broke everything, instantly smashed the dragon-patterned spear, and kept killing it forward.

The face of the dragon-marked city powerhouse changed drastically, and before I could mention it later, the Azure Dragon Halberd had already pierced, piercing his body instantly.

Zi Yan's arm moved slightly, and the Qinglong war halberd swept out, turning into a phantom of the Qinglong, and slammed into the dragon city powerhouse.


With just one blow, his body was blown away.

At the same time, the powerhouse of Haipocheng came, and a gold platinum appeared in his hand, smashing towards Zi Yan, and there were endless waves rolling in the gold and platinum. In an instant, the entire Void Arena seemed to have turned into a sea. In the world, the tide is rolling and roaring, surging towards Zi Yan.

"Cloak chaos magic halberd method!" Zi Yan scolded, the blue dragon halberd in her hand smashed forward, turned into a blue dragon, hovering between heaven and earth, roared, and the sound of dragon roar shattered the eardrum.

hold head high--

With an unstoppable momentum, Qinglong moved forward in an unstoppable manner, directly breaking the wave, and continued to kill.

The endless waves rolled and poured towards both sides, unable to stop the might of the Azure Dragon at all.

At this moment, an ice force came, and the wave was instantly frozen, turning into an iceberg of thousands of miles, and the defense was unparalleled, even the Qinglong war halberd was difficult to break.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, the power of the heaven and earth was blessed on the Qinglong war halberd, and the hole penetrated into the ice, only to hear a click, the ice shattered, dense cracks appeared, and violent power poured into it, Smash it to pieces.

Countless ice shards splashed out, and Zi Yan's figure kept moving forward, unstoppable.

"Huo Li Yaoyue!" Kongchen spit out a voice again, and the gossip diagram swirled, corresponding to the power of fire in the world, the monstrous flames burned, turned into countless fireballs, and went towards Zi Yan.

The figure of the strong man from Hai Pocheng came, his hands were printed on Jin Po, and two huge water columns that shot up into the sky surged out, turning into two sharp arrows, killing Zi Yan.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, took back the Qinglong halberd in her hand, and kept spinning in front of her. A violent hurricane raged wildly, turning into an airtight phantom of the halberd to resist the fireball attack.

The flames burned down, and the sky was full of fire, and they were all smashed into nothingness by the Qinglong war halberd. Zi Yan stepped forward, and a violent force condensed. Her figure shot out from it, pointing directly at the sea breaking city powerhouse!

"The tide is rolling!" The Haipocheng strong man roared.

Zi Yan didn't pay attention to it at all, the Qinglong war halberd turned into a real Qinglong phantom, and broke it in an instant, Zi Yan roared, and the Sun Peng punched out and landed on the gold and platinum.


The deafening explosion resounded through the sky, and Jin Bo couldn't withstand this force at all, and was directly smashed. Zi Yan's fist continued to kill forward.

A punch landed on the strong man in Haipocheng, his ribs were all broken, and he was swept out.

Chapter 1048 The Eight Trigrams Diagram, Controlling the Power of the Heavens

With a loud bang, the body of the strong man from Hai Pocheng fell towards the sky like a cannonball, smashing heavily on the Void arena, the bones of his whole body were broken, and blood was flowing.

Behind him, cracks appeared even in the Void Arena, spreading all around, enough to see how terrifying the blow was.

Just when everyone was shocked by Zi Yan's power, she was already killing Kong Chen again.

Don't even want to stay on the ring for anyone in Kongming City.

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