As long as there is an opportunity to kill, Zi Yan will not let it go at all, and will directly obliterate it.

Kong Chen felt this icy killing intent, his heart moved slightly, and the killing intent was overwhelming, like an icy sharp sword falling on his neck, Kong Chen saw Zi Yan surrounded by terrifying fighting intent, he suddenly had an illusion, no matter what. Wherever he escapes, he will be killed by Zi Yan.

"Gossip Huantian, supreme power in the palm of your hand!" Kong Chen roared wildly, in order to suppress the fear in his heart, behind him, the gossip pattern was running wildly, corresponding to the power of heaven and earth.

"Qiangan, Butterfly Dance!" Kongchen roared, and the spiritual energy in his body surged wildly, gathering in the gossip pattern. In an instant, the endless gold power between heaven and earth gathered in the sky and condensed in front of Kongchen.

The golden light in the sky is prosperous, and if you look closely, it is actually countless butterflies. The wings contain the ultimate sharp power, and the whole body is golden, as if it is made of light.

"Kill!" Kong Chen pointed at the front, and the endless power suddenly surged out. Countless butterflies turned into sharp swords and stabbed out towards Zi Yan.


In the air, the golden butterfly vibrated its wings and set off a violent hurricane that swept across the world. A terrifyingly sharp breath flowed out, cutting the space open.

This scene is simply terrifying to the extreme.

It seems that anything has to be cut by a butterfly blade!

"Qinglong picks the stars!" Zi Yan scolded, her hands turned into claws, like dragon claws, dancing wildly in the air, endless claws phantoms smashed out, piercing everything.

Thousands of phantoms condensed in the air, forming an incomparably huge azure dragon claws, smashing down from the sky, with the potential to hold the sun, moon and stars, and want to take everything in the palm of your hand.

The golden light butterfly came, and the dragon claws came down, directly smashing it into nothingness, Zi Yan's momentum was not reduced, and she continued to step out. Every step of her contained endless power. Road roaring sound.

"My God, what a powerful force this is!"

Below, everyone was shocked. When the three major cities joined forces to deal with Zi Yan, Zi Yan was still struggling. Now only Kong Chen is left to fight against Zi Yan. He can't stop Zi Yan's pace at all. All his attacks In front of Zi Yan, like a fragile tissue paper, it shatters with a single blow!

"Consolidate the power of the heavens, gather the supreme gossip array, kill!" Kong Chen looked crazy and roared.

He naturally understands that ordinary means cannot be Zi Yan's opponent at all. Only by resorting to the trump card can he have a chance to fight to the death, otherwise he will lose without a doubt.

Behind Kongchen, the Eight Diagrams Array was madly spinning in the air, falling on top of his head, constantly changing. The Eight Diagrams Diagram corresponds to the power of the eight directions, shrouded in the surroundings, forming a great formation that kills the world, terrifying to the extreme.

Kongchen's figure flashed, and he came with the gossip pattern. He condensed the power of the world and controlled one side of the world to suppress Zi Yan. Under this power, anything will be forcibly suppressed until Turn into blood!

"Do you really think that you can defeat me like this?" Zi Yan's pretty face was covered in frost, and she said coldly.

When everyone in the sky heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

She, what do you mean by this!

However, before everyone could guess, I saw that Zi Yan was suddenly enveloped by an infinite force, and in an instant, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered towards her crazily.

At this moment, Zi Yan seems to be in control of the world, extremely dazzling, her palm is clenched towards the void, condensed into a fist, as if she is holding the power of the entire space in her hand.

The other hand formed a big palm and shot it slowly towards the front. The terrifying big palm prints gathered in the air, forming a supreme divine palm, killing it.

Zi Yan jumped up, like a figure of Kunpeng, the speed was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly in the air, and she could only see it vaguely. kill away.

It is the Sun Peng Fist, the Tai Yin Kun Palm, and the Kun Peng walks in the sky!


A shocking sound resounding through the sky came out, and one punch and one palm fell on the gossip diagram, and a terrifying storm broke out, sweeping through the nine days, and the endless destructive power surged towards the sky, covering everything in it. , smoothly crushed into ashes.

The center of the battlefield has turned into a world of destruction, extremely terrifying, and everyone's hearts shook violently with the loud noise.

Kongchen looked crazy, his palms were printed on the gossip pattern, and the infinite power in his body was shot out to resist Zi Yan's attack.

However, Zi Yan's power is so violent that it can't be stopped at all. I just heard a crisp click sound, the fist wind broke everything, forcibly entered the gossip array, broke it open, and the cracks were all over the gossip array, and then Smashed by a bang.

"Pfft..." Kong Chen angrily spurted out a bloody arrow, and this blow directly shattered his bones and internal organs, as if it was destroying the dead, without the slightest suspense.

Chapter 1049 Kunpeng III, sweep everything

Behind Kong Chen, a stream of air burst out, and Zi Yan punched, as if blasting through his body.

Kongchen's body flew out and flew straight in the direction of Kongming City, shocking countless people, staring at Zi Yan with wide eyes.

Another powerful God Sovereign was defeated in her hands. From her appearance to the present, she has defeated six powerful God Sovereigns in a row.

Zi Yan's strength is astounding.

"She, actually defeated Kong Chen!"

"God, what move did she use in the end? It was so fast that I couldn't see her movements clearly."

"I don't know, I only understand that her last blow was too terrifying, almost unbeatable."

All of a sudden, countless exclamations sounded, and they were all shocked by Zi Yan's strength.

Who would have thought that there would be such a powerful character in the Holy Spirit City, and they would defeat the six powerful god emperors.

With such a terrifying enchanting strength, I am afraid that those top forces will also want to win over Zi Yan.

As for the faces of the people in Kongming City, they have completely darkened. In two consecutive battles, two consecutive god emperors died. Even if they were powerful in Kongming City, they could not bear such consumption.

It is not easy to cultivate a strong God Sovereign, let alone a Peak God Sovereign.

They were so angry in their hearts that they wanted to kill Zi Yan, but they understood that this was on the Void Arena, and everyone had to abide by the rules.

As for the people in Longwencheng and Haipocheng, they are relatively better. After all, Zi Yan didn't kill their people, but they were only seriously injured.

The youth of Kongmingcheng's face was ashen, and he definitely did not expect that Zi Yan would be so powerful that even Kongchen was defeated in her hands.

Zi Yan closed her fists, her breath was restrained, and she madly absorbed the power of heaven and earth to restore herself. In this battle, she defeated the three powerful god emperors, and the consumption was huge.

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