Especially when she used Taiyang Pengquan, Taiyin Kunzhang, and Kunpeng Skystep in a row at the end, even if she was the physique of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, she was a little weak at the moment.

However, Zi Yan did not end. She turned her eyes to the people in Kongmingcheng, "Who else do you want to die?"

Hearing this, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Does she still want to continue the challenge?

This is too crazy. Under this high level of battle, Zi Yan did not choose to rest, but continued to fight.

Under the turns of the three major cities, is she not afraid of being unable to hold on and dying on the battlefield?

It's not that Zi Yan is unwilling to rest, but because she understands that the strength of the other three major cities is much stronger than that of the Holy Spirit City. She can only win the first place if she keeps fighting and winning.

After all, in the ten battles, only Zi Yan and Ruthen are stronger in the Holy Spirit City, and the other eight god emperors are difficult to defeat their opponents, especially when they are still being targeted.

The more wins, the greater the chance of being first.

This time Zhang Tian asked their three sisters to lead the team. Zi Yan didn't want to disappoint her father, especially under the provocation of Kong Mingcheng, she would never allow failure, and she could not fail.

It's not just Zi Yan who thinks so, Ruthless and Yuxin also think so.

The young man in Kongmingcheng had a livid face and gloomy eyes. He said indifferently, "You are really courting death. After two consecutive battles, you still dare to challenge, you don't know whether to live or die!"

"It's not certain who will kill the deer. If you shot at the beginning, you are already a dead person at this moment!" Zi Yan said coldly.

"If that's the case, then I will personally fulfill you and give you death!" A murderous intent flashed in the young man's eyes, his figure flashed, and he went straight to the Void Arena.

He is the most powerful person among the ten god emperors in Kongming City. His strength is monstrous. He was originally the finale of Kongming City. However, because he can't stand Zi Yan's provocation, he personally stepped out of the challenge and advanced his battle.

"Kongri, make a quick decision, and kill her!" A powerful person said in the direction of Kongmingcheng, without concealing the killing intent in his heart.

Kongming City and Holy Spirit City have long been mortal enemies.

"Third sister, kill him first!" Yu Xin also said.

The sharp eyes pierce the people in Kongming City, and they are also worthy of killing the third sister?Overcome!

"Okay!" Zi Yan replied.

In Longwen City and Haipo City, two god emperors walked out. Their breath was not as strong as the previous ones. Obviously, the two major cities also understood that this battle belonged to Zi Yan and Kongzhi. There is absolutely no need for them to participate.

Just wait for the two to eliminate one of them, and they will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Long Wencheng was the leader of the four major cities in the previous session, and Haipocheng was also the top three. Today, they all chose to forbearance at the same time, and gave the battlefield to Kongming City and Holy Spirit City, allowing these two The big capital cities are fighting each other.

As soon as they came on stage, the people from Longwencheng and Haipocheng consciously walked towards the edge of the Void arena. They restrained their breath and watched Zi Yan and Kongri quietly. They had no plans to fight at all, as if they were spectators. .

"Today, I will kill you personally, and I will not be merciful. It's just a pity for such a beautiful face. It would be nice to be my concubine." A sharp light flashed in Kong Zhou's eyes, and he sneered.

I have to say that although Zi Yan looks like a loli, her development is uneven, her face is alluring, her talent is outstanding, and her strength is powerful. No one is not moved by such a woman.

"You deserve it too?" Zi Yan said indifferently, without the slightest emotion, "You are not worthy to carry my shoes for me!"

"You..." Kong Tianqi's face flushed, and a violent aura oscillated out of his body, wreaking havoc in the space, "I will make you pay the real price!"

Chapter 1050 Dragon Sovereign Holds Halberd, Broken Tai Chi


Kong Ri took a step forward, and a violent aura raged out, sweeping the world, and in an instant, a terrifying hurricane blew out of the surrounding void, whistling out.

Terrible power enveloped the sky around the sky, forming a field of spiritual energy, tearing everything apart.

Kong Ri is one of the dignified Kong Ming City city lords, one person is more than ten thousand people, and he is in charge of the life and death of countless people. However, today, he has been ridiculed by the people of Holy Spirit City many times. How can he not be angry.

Since he was a child, he was a stubborn poop. When did he accept such humiliation, he would personally make Zi Yan pay the price in blood.

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth, Tai Chi is here!" Kong Ri snorted coldly, his hands protruding toward the void above his head at the same time, spinning crazily in the air, endless forces gathered crazily, forming a huge array.

Looking closely, it is a Tai Chi array!

The yin and yang fish are hovering in the Tai Chi array, controlling one side of the world and controlling the power of yin and yang!

"The sun is the sky, the criminal law, the thunder of the sky!" Kong Ri took a step forward, and his palm moved towards the void, as if he was holding the power of the sky in his hand. to kill.To split this land.

The endless thunder light came, and the electric light flickered all over the void, turning the whole world into a world of thunder, which was extremely terrifying. This blow could kill any god emperor.

The light of endless thunder shrouded the void, and at the same time, it was slaughtered, and there was no way to avoid it!

Zi Yan snorted coldly, and the terrifying power gathered, she jumped, her figure flashed in the air, and a loud dragon roar sounded in her mouth, shaking between heaven and earth.

I saw a phantom suddenly flashed in the void, and looked carefully.It was actually a Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor with a body that was over a hundred zhang long and contained infinite power!

"Immortal Ancient Dragon Emperor! Oh my God, she turned out to be Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!"

"No wonder her strength is so powerful, so her bloodline is so noble!"

"I really didn't expect that I was fortunate enough to see the legendary Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor today!"

Below, countless people were shocked, staring at the giant dragon in the sky with wide eyes. The physical body alone gave people a great deterrent effect.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor roared in the sky, his body was full of purple light, and the endless power oscillated out. She directly killed the thunder in the air, waving out the terrifying claws, tearing the space and smashing everything.

In the sky, the light of thunder came down and fell on the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, as if he had gone through the criminal law of thunder and shot out a path of lightning and flint, but he was unable to break through his physical defense.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor looked at the world with icy eyes and glanced at the sky, and a domineering spirit came from the world, just like the real Dragon Emperor, invincible.

I saw the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's sharp claws grabbed towards the void, and the endless power shrouded out, actually crushing the void, and the harsh sound of breaking the air came out. The light immediately disappeared.

Kong Ri's face was cold, and on his hands, he gathered strength again, and uttered a cold voice, "Yin is the ground, punishment, the prison of the earth!"

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