The voice fell, and in front of Kong Ri, the earth suddenly cracked, and there were roars, and a terrifying suction came, trying to pull the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor down from the sky, and among the cracks in the earth, there were countless The stone pillar soared into the sky and moved towards the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

hold head high--

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor roared, and the figure swooped down, turning into a purple streamer, and the sharp claws in front of him shot out at the same time, turning into several terrifying cold lights, penetrating everything.


The sharp claws landed on the stone pillar, breaking it in an instant, extremely sharp, these stone pillars rising into the sky could not stop her attack at all, turning into countless rubble, splashing around.

"Blue Dragon Star Catcher!" Above the dragon's claws, there is infinite power, like a big palm of heaven and earth, smashing down, shrouding everything in it, when the stone pillars are killed, they are directly turned into powder.

The Azure Dragon Star Picker, played by the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, was even more terrifying than before, as if it really had the power to smash the stars, it was simply unstoppable.

"Yin is the earth, punishment, the shield of the earth!" Kong Ri said indifferently, his palms slammed on the ground, Tai Chi swirled, and the power of the tyrant blasted out and fell on the ground.

Just listening to a click, the ground broke directly, and the power of the endless earth gathered together to form a [-]-meter earth shield, blocking everything, and at the same time, the Qinglong star picking hand also fell at this time!


A deafening roar came, shaking the eardrums, and the dragon claws fell, smashing on top of the earth shield, tearing the earth shield instantly, and cracks appeared and penetrated down, wanting to tear the whole earth shield to pieces.

However, the power of the earth condensed on the earth shield, constantly repairing the damage, and actually resisted the attack of the dragon claw, and endless gravel swirled in the air, heading towards the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, forming a huge cage. shrouded in it.

The figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor flickered, and the thousand-meter dragon tail swept out, smashing countless boulders, her figure danced wildly in the air, blasting out the Taoist Dragon Fist, and the coercion enveloped the world.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor blasted out thousands of fist shadows at the same time, swaying in all directions, only to see the fist shadows turned into angry dragons, attacking critically, shattering all attacks.

The shrouded boulder was directly shaken into powder without any suspense.

The figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor flickered, the sharp claws protruded toward the void, and a force gathered together to form a thousand-meter long halberd, which was impressively the Qinglong halberd.

With a halberd in hand, the world is in hand!

Chapter 1051 The death of the sky, the Holy Spirit City is angry

Kong Ri's complexion changed slightly, and he could feel the sharp aura in the Azure Dragon's Halberd, which seemed to be able to shatter everything. No wonder Kong Chen was defeated by Zi Yan. With such a powerful force, almost no one could resist.

However, he is the pinnacle god emperor, the person who controls the Tai Chi formation, and the yin and yang gossip fish.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor held the Azure Dragon Halberd in his hand, and a domineering aura burst out. She hung high in the sky and glanced at Kong Ri with icy eyes.

The arm condensed the supreme power and gathered on the Qinglong war halberd, and a terrifying dragon's might oscillated out and shrouded the surroundings.

"Broken!" Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor spit out an indifferent voice, his arm was hard, and he clenched the Qinglong war halberd and smashed it out, only to see the Qinglong war halberd in the air turned into a green dragon phantom, stabbed towards the bottom, and penetrated the void. .

This blow will shatter everything!

"Yin is the earth, punish the power of the vast sea!" Kong Ri's eyes flashed, and he felt the enormous pressure from above. He almost did not hesitate and jumped to the front of the Tai Chi formation.

Reach out towards the void, control the power of yang with one hand, and control the power of yin with the other.

"Kill!" Kong Ri roared, the power of Yin protruded toward the void, turned into a large black palm print, and stabbed the Azure Dragon Halberd towards the sky.

The two destructive forces collided wildly in the air, forming a terrifying storm, rising into the sky, and the endless destructive aura swept towards the surroundings, shattering everything, and covering one side of the world.

I saw that in the center of the destruction, a purple light flickered, and the next moment, the Azure Dragon Halberd smashed out of it, smashing the big palm print and turning it into an afterimage.

The deafening sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and the power of endless repression and the power of the heavens smashed down. This scene was terrifying to the extreme.

The eyes around the sky can't stop beating for a while, is the power of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor so terrifying?

"Yin and Yang converge, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!" Kong Ri looked crazy and roared, he stepped on the ground, jumped up, and suddenly sounded a sonic boom.

The infinite power of yin and yang shrouded him, forming a black and white barrier. He held the endless power and shot forward.

In an instant, the earth cracked and the void shook, and terrifying divine power came from it, madly pressing towards the sky, trying to shatter the sky.

The phantom of the blue dragon disappeared in a flash, and it stabbed violently. Kong Ri roared, his hands turned into fists, and he punched directly towards the sky above.


High in the sky, a deafening roar came, two extreme forces collided wildly in the air, and terrifying sound waves swept out all around, shaking in the void.

The two extreme forces collided wildly, trying to sink the earth, smash everything, and burst into a terrifying storm that destroyed the world.

Kong Ri looked crazy, his face flushed, and he used all his strength to resist the might of the Azure Dragon Halberd, which was terrifying.

However, at this moment, the figure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor descended, overlooking the sky like a mighty Dragon Emperor, and said indifferently, "Are you worthy!"

Kong Ri's expression changed greatly, and she raised her head with difficulty. What did she mean by this?

The voice fell, and the big palm print of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor smashed out, and it was placed on top of the Azure Dragon Halberd. The already sharp Azure Dragon Halberd stabbed and stabbed forward again, instantly breaking through the power of Yin and Yang of the sky, and facing the sky. Stab ahead.

"No..." Kong Ri screamed, like a lunatic.

The Qinglong halberd fell instantly, broke through his defense, stabbed into his body violently, blood spilled across the world, leaving a shocking bloodstain.

"Pfft..." Kong Zhou spit out a mouthful of blood, his breath was sluggish, his whole body seemed to be out of strength, and he stood on the void ring with difficulty.


Below, a deafening uproar broke out over the crowd, and countless people stared at the center of the battlefield with wide-eyed eyes.

Empty day, actually lost...

And the defeat was so tragic that he was almost killed by the Azure Dragon Halberd.

If it was before, it would never have been possible for anyone to believe that the people of the Holy Spirit City would be so powerful, but today, the people of the Holy Spirit City have defeated the crowd with their own power.

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